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We Are Free, No Longer in Darkness! - Remain Free!

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We Are Free, No Longer in Darkness! - Remain Free! ? ? ?

(John 8:32)
"YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.”
The Truth That Sets Us Free’
The light of Scriptural truth is wonderful because the Bible answers important questions that have perplexed mankind for millenniums. 

Among such questions are these: Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why does evil exist? Is there life after death? 

Jehovah has enlightened us with wonderful doctrinal truths. Should we not be grateful at heart? May we never take for granted what we have learned!

Jesus’ ransom sacrifice has made possible freedom from sin and death. But these precious truths have also set us free from the ignorance and uncertainties of a world enveloped in darkness. Appreciatively meditating on what we have learned will help us to fortify our love for Jehovah and for his Word.

Just as a caterpillar looks in total darkness, not knowing anything about the light. We when becoming full grown ready to receive the light of God's Word, emerge into the light with beautiful love and want for Jehovah and the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, we grow out and blossom! We are anxious to learn the love if the Truth and share with others. 

When we leave a dark area if the cocoon and enter the light it may take a while before our eyes and body adjust.

Similarly, it takes time to study God’s Word and to see the light of the truth. It takes time to meditate on what we learn and to reflect on how precious the truth is. The cost, though, is not too great. Why? Because the light is wonderful!

We are FREE! Thank to Jehovah and His Precious Ransom of His Son! Come April 11, 2017 after sundown to a Kingdom Hall near you. jw.org



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We Are Free, No Longer in Darkness! - Remain Free! ? ? ? (John 8:32) "YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.” The Truth That Sets Us Free’ The light of Scriptural truth i

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