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A Tree “the Foliage of Which Does Not Wither” – ?????

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A Tree “the Foliage of Which Does Not Wither”


Don't you just love beautiful trees? They are so majestic and luxuriant! How can we be like a tree? Why is it important in times of storms or in our life? We need to find success and success is written in God's Word the Bible. You will only succeed if you walk in the correct path. You will find true happiness! A Tree “the Foliage of Which Does Not Wither”


HAVE you ever seen a countryside covered with luxuriant green trees? You will likely agree that it is a most pleasing sight. If you see many large, leafy trees, would you imagine that there is a drought in the area? On the contrary, you would know that there must be an abundance of water that keeps the trees alive and healthy.


Appropriately, the Bible compares those who are spiritually healthy to large, luxuriant trees.


“Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and in the way of sinners has not stood, and in the seat of ridiculers has not sat. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. And he will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season and the foliage of which does not wither, and everything he does will succeed.” (Ps.1:3)


Today people try to find success in many ways. They immerse themselves in pursuits that could bring them fame and fortune, which all too often prove to be illusive and disappointing. What, though, can bring true satisfaction and lasting happiness in life? Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount provide the answer. He said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.” (Matthew 5:3) Indeed, true happiness comes, not from possessing many material things, but from recognizing and satisfying our spiritual need so that we are spiritually healthy, like luxuriant trees that give their fruit in due season. How can we flourish spiritually?


According to the psalmist, first there are some things we must shun. He mentioned “the counsel of the wicked ones,” “the way of sinners,” and “the seat of ridiculers.” To be happy, we need to turn away from those who ridicule or even ignore God’s laws.


Then we should delight in the law of Jehovah. When we delight in something or some activity, we look for every opportunity to engage in it, do we not? So to delight in God’s law means having a deep appreciation for God’s Word, a desire to learn more about it and to understand it better.


Finally, we need to read it “in an undertone day and night.” That means reading the Bible on a regular basis and meditating on what we read. We should feel about God’s Word the same way as did the psalmist who sang: “How I do love your law! All day long it is my concern.”—(Psalm 119:97)


Yes, when we acquire accurate knowledge and understanding of Jehovah God and develop full confidence in him and his promises, we will surely be spiritually healthy. In that case, we will be like the happy man described by the psalmist—“everything he does will succeed.”




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