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A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Hyphenated On-Screen Lyrics

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A Place That Will Bring You Praise—Chorus ?????

  1. 1. Jehovah, the Maker of heaven,
    By heaven you can’t be contained,
    Even less an earthly dwelling place.
    But your spirit can here remain.
    Adorning this center of worship
    Are people who walk in your light.
    We rejoice to serve in unity;
    Our devotion is your delight.
    There is nothing we have
    That you haven’t provided.
    From your own hand, we’ve given
    All that we offer you.

    For all you have done, we are grateful;
    Our voices in song we now raise.
    For you’ve made our hope reality
    With this place that will bring you praise.

  2. 2. Jehovah, you knew that we wanted
    A place that will bring to you praise
    And will serve the needs of worshippers,
    Helping others to walk your ways.
    And now may this place serve your purpose.
    There’s work needing yet to be done,
    To pick up the pace and carry on
    In the work given by your Son.
    So we offer the best
    Of our time and possessions.
    You alone are deserving —⁠
    Giver of all good things.

    For all you have done, we are grateful;
    Our voices in song we now raise.
    For you’ve made our hope reality
    With this place that will bring you praise.
  3. Tap on Video Link mp4_____Enjoy! 


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I know that a few of us have probably "snuck" a listen or two to the televangelists and radio preachers who so often ask (beg) for money. This doesn't bother me as much as those who try to ask for money in more subtle ways like the way they comment on a scripture and repeatedly throw in a phrase like "showing our appreciation for Him by giving to Him in every way possible."

Even more irritating are prayers that are supposed to be to God, but really just continue to preach and obliquely request money through similar ruses: "Oh God, I just know that everyone who can hear this prayer today through this broadcast is ready and willing to show their appreciation for you by giving, in every way possible."

So I kind of cringe when I hear a song (or prayer) to Jehovah that gives the impression that we are bragging to Jehovah about how much money and time we are giving to the building of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. 

  • "Jehovah . . . from your own hand, we've given all that we offer you . . . . we are grateful . . . you knew what we wanted . . . . So we offer the best of our time and possessions."

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these words. I'm as happy as anyone to give to the ministry in every way possible. It's just that I'm sensitive to the way that others might take some of our songs and see a kind of solicitation in them, in the same way that I have seen it in televangelists. The very song makes me start wondering if we are trying to emphasize "Temple" giving rather than "people" giving.

I start thinking of what it means that we walk by faith not by sight, when I hear a song that says: "For you’ve made our hope reality With this place." And when it says: ". . . But your spirit can here remain. Adorning this center of worship are people who walk in your light." it also reminds me of:

  • (John 4:21-24) . . . the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. . . . 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth.

Of course, this doesn't mean that any of the words are wrong. We can worship in spirit and truth inside a physical place just as we can worship in spirit and truth when we are at home or at work or on vacation. Having a physical place is wonderful, but emphasis on one as "making our hope reality" or "what we wanted" can reach a point where we begin walking by sight, not by faith.

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@JW Insider

Everything we have is Jehovah's and our lives are devoted to Him! Mere money ? to me has little value other than rent food ?. I say what I live whole souled I live for Jehovah, if I die, I die for Jehovah. His blessings are poured out to those who People he has drawn to Him! One day soon money ? will be worthless. 

For if we live, we live to Jehovah,*+ and if we die, we die to Jehovah.* So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah.*

(Romans 14:8)

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Of course, this doesn't mean that any of the words are wrong. We can worship in spirit and truth inside a physical place just as we can worship in spirit and truth when we are at home or at work or on vacation. Having a physical place is wonderful, but emphasis on one as "making our hope reality" or "what we wanted" can reach a point where we begin walking by sight, not by faith.

True, and we may also subconsciously perhaps view it as some kind of central temple, like the one the Israelites had in Jerusalem, and we may even stretch it further by reasoning that Jehovah’s spirit resides there more than it resides in any other building we use for worship.  Brings to mind the verse in Acts 17:24, where Paul is addressing the people of Athens, with the many temples dedicated to various Gods.  So I am hoping that the spirit behind those words will be understood to be more of it being  a small taste of what paradise will be like as regards living together and the  cooperation etc. and that everything done there "is for Jehovah” “ ...."and  because what we do (at Bethel) helps people draw close to Jehovah” as was brought out in last week’s WT study.

P.S. Notice the brother in the front row, (second one of the brothers from the right) is Nicolas King, the guy who sings Jazz professionally.

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