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Showing video in Swahili, at the public witnessing in Ancona,...

The Librarian

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Showing video in Swahili, at the public witnessing in Ancona, Italy, with a lady from Burundi who was very happy knowing that our literature is free. She said that it was difficult to believe that people do this for free. She was amazed. She took Bible teach book in France and said that next week she will go to the Kingdom Hall. How many people have to come to know Jehovah and his organisation yet! Jehovah really loves all kind of people, it is proved by his organisation. Photo shared by @adrianamd71

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Showing video in Swahili, at the public witnessing in Ancona, Italy, with a lady from Burundi who was very happy knowing that our literature is free. She said that it was difficult to believe that peo

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