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Hello....  I  had  by  my  start  some  problems  too  ;o)   I  asked  for  some  things,  but  then  i  tried  alone  this  and  that...  and  WOW,  suddenly  step  by  step  all  was  working !  hah

Thanks again. I will try it. I think I will have trouble with the picture part, but I will not give up trying, lol. This reminds me, when I first joined there were lots of questions about copyrights,

@Jerry A Miller A small quote from the article with a link below is nice. It informs us. I think what people really like to hear is how YOU feel about a news item and it's source.    I'm not sure

 Thank you for sharing the link 

 To share the information from an article just highlight that information and paste it into the same white area 

If you would like to add a photo download the photo and then you'll have to click to choose file and select that photo to upload to a particular post. 

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Thanks again. I will try it. I think I will have trouble with the picture part, but I will not give up trying, lol. This reminds me, when I first joined there were lots of questions about copyrights, and I learned from this site that just to LINK to an article is okay, not breaking any laws. For my fear factor, please tell me, if I copy the article  and/or picture would that be the same situation as previously discussed on this site? I was not 100 percent sure I understood the dilemma being discussed,

One more question, please.when I am posting in the reply area as I am doing now and I need to hover around one of the symbols to make a correction or edit, as this one is, sometimes they are not in English, therefore if I do not know the meaning of the symbol, well, I still do not know. lol What to do? Thanks for your time.

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