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In this picture is my son age 23 . He’s serving in Warwick...

The Librarian

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In this picture is my son age 23 . He’s serving in Warwick . This has a special meaning to me that Jehovah have the opportunity to be his mom. I am not bragging I feel honored I left the truth 26 years ago. All I ever wanted to be was a mother so I prayed if if Jehovah would just let me have one child I would teach him everything about Jehovah God. After two more children and 8 years of marriage to a non believer we divorced. I kept my promise at age three he said momma I’m gonna be a Bethelite and do and go where Jehovah wants me . The scripture you reap what you sow also has positiveness to it . I know have four baptized children and married to s wonderful servant of Jehovah for 15 years. No did he have it easy but he would say momma remember Jehovah knows best patience and reliance. I thank you Jehovah God for seeing good in his heart and my other three children that I am privileged to be their mother . #bestlifeever @i_love_my_kids_forever

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