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Australian spotted jellyfish or White spotted jellyfish live in...

The Librarian

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Australian spotted jellyfish or White spotted jellyfish live in oceans and coastal waters. You can find them throughout Australia. The species is also found in the waters of the Hawaiian Islands since at least 1945, but have not experienced the same type of massive population explosion in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. The ecological impact of species in these waters has not been determined. It was spotted off the southern California coast, but not confirmed. It grows to the size of about 45-50 inches in diameter, and is now known to grow to a length of just over 60 inches in size. They look very nice with the design of the white spots on their body and their translucent gelatinous frilly oral arms add charm to a different aspect of their appearance. Moreover, they are fairly harmless and their sting only contains mild poison that does not cause any serious effects or reactions in humans. The application of vinegar can cure the little burning sensation that can be caused by the bite. In most cases, just washing the site of the sting with salt water is enough action to free themselves from the effects of low white spotted jellyfish stabbing. Although they look very graceful and harmless, the White spotted jellyfish is another kind of threat to marine ecosystems. White spotted jellyfish are like sponges in that they filter sea water in one day in search of food and nutrition. They feed mainly on microscopic plankton in large quantities in sea water. However, the problem with the fact that they are as much as 13,200 liters sea water filter every day. Additionally, White spotted jellyfish often found in large flocks, and the intake of planktons by a swarm of White spotted jellyfish can be very high. This means that their consumption of plankton is extremely high.

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