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Shared by @randall_and_laurita Laura and I are moving soon to a...

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Shared by @randall_and_laurita
Laura and I are moving soon to a group that is working to become a congregation, hopefully in the near future. The friends in our congregation were kind enough to have a going-away party, and in the photo a group of children from the congregation are singing Kingdom song #111, “He Will Call” to us with much enthusiasm. Needless to say, tears flowed freely. Of course, it helps to know we enjoy an eternal hope, and eternal friendships. -Guanajuato, Mexico ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Comparte @randall_and_laurita
Laurita y yo vamos a cambiar pronto a un grupo, y todos esperan que pronto será una congregación. Los hermanos en la congregación amorosamente nos despidieron con una fiesta. En la foto, algunos niños de la congregación están cantando con mucho entusiasmo el cántico #111 del cancionero. Claro, había mucha lagrimas, pero nos ayuda mucho la esperanza eterna, y la seguridad de amistades eternas. -Guanajuato, Mexico

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