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On 10/3/2016 at 10:59 AM, JW Insider said:

 The God's Kingdom Rules book gives us another glimpse into the reason, and it's very consistent with the reason that invariably follows the context of prior claims just like it. It's so that we have more trust in the men who "discerned" these things in advance. If we can be impressed that a "true prediction" as important as this one could have been predicted so many years in advance, then we will be more apt to believe that the persons behind that prediction were "spirit-directed." We will be more apt to believe that the entire "spirit-directed" organization that these men represented must have been blessed with powers of discernment that carries over into all other teachings. In other words, our belief that they were able to make this prediction can lull us into a false sense of security. It may have the effect of motivating us to defend a false teaching because we feel it must be "spirit-directed.


This is just my opinion, trying to be logical about it: Anyone with the right qualifications (long years of faithful service, spirituality,  being of the anointed, and rubbing shoulders with the right people) can become a member of the GB. Besides that, there really is nothing "special" about any members of the GB. I believe any JW who knows their Bible can come to the same conclusions as the GB, and I am sure there are hundreds of brothers and sisters who have already, before it ever becomes an "official" teaching, come to the "right" conclusion about a specific subject themselves. I don't want to brag, but it has happened to me several times. (And I can't even say my Bible knowledge is THAT good). So does that mean I was spirit directed? Of course not. No more than the members of the GB are. But somebody on earth has to take the lead of course. It would also be good however if the "leaders" were able to humbly accept mistakes and not feel the need to have to "appear infallible" because everybody knows they are not anyway.  I am aware that they are concerned with "the sheep in their care not losing their confidence in them". Because I guess if that happened everything would come crumbling down? I don't really think so. You mentioned the "overlapping Generation Theory" that was so "masterfully" explained by Br. Splane. The truth is that IF 587 was the TRUE date of Jerusalem's desolation, that would buy us 20 more years, and if we assumed a generation to be 100 years it might make the  "overlapping" unnecessary. We have "dug" ourselves in so deep with 1914 (now with the Kingdom book) would going back on that date cause the "sheep to lose confidence in the slave"? I don't know how others feel, but I don't think so. After all, is being in the Truth about dates, or is it about our relationship with Jehovah, and our trust in Him? I wonder if the insistence on 1914 is merely to "save face" or is it because the slave REALLY believes 607 is the correct date? On the other hand, no one can deny that 1914 really was a pivotal date in world history. This cannot be said so much about 1934 except that Hitler appointed himself Fuhrer in October of that year.....How about Hitler becoming Fuhrer in 1934 being the direct opposite of Christ who would have been made King in 1934, and Satan who was hurled out of heaven exerting his influence on him (Hitler) to start WW2? Doesn't sound any more unbelievable to me than an overlapping generation :D....

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

Yes, the statement is false if you want to get technical.  But nobody will really pay much attention to it because it's not false in a sense where it would have a negative impact or become a stumbling block to anyone I'm sure.  I am trying to look at it from Jehovah's point of view (from what we know from the scriptures about his views). Would Jehovah find that statement offensive? Perhaps somebody should call Bethel and point the discrepancy out, or ask why it was stated this way. It would be interesting to learn the answer.....

Bethel already knows it's false, you posted the proof of it from the same book, and from what JW Insider has posted it can be seen why they would state it the way they did---they want their followers to have faith in them even when they're wrong.  Just as you've surmised, JWs aren't going to care much that it's a false statement, even if they ever even realize it's false.  Most will accept it as being true. Others may write it off as just a human error.  Still others may decide Jehovah had a good reason to let them make a statement they know is false.

Will it cast doubt on whether Jehovah and Jesus were guiding them?  I'm sure JWs who do recognize it as being false will give the same answer the governing body gave on page 50: "Not at all!"

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7 hours ago, Anna said:

I believe any JW who knows their Bible can come to the same conclusions as the GB,

Well, the GB says that can't happen without them and their publications.  They actually say that if a JW were to rely on just the Bible alone, they would believe in the Trinity, hell-fire, the immortality of the soul, and start celebrating Christmas.  Sounds crazy, doesn't it, so let me give you the quote from them and see what you think:


[w81 8/15 p.28-29] From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah’s people those who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude. They do not want to serve “shoulder to shoulder” with the worldwide brotherhood. (Compare Ephesians 2:19-22.) Rather, they present a “stubborn shoulder” to Jehovah’s words. (Zech. 7:11, 12) Reviling the pattern of the “pure language” that Jehovah has so graciously taught his people over the past century, these haughty ones try to draw the “sheep” away from the one international “flock” that Jesus has gathered in the earth. (John 10:7-10, 16) They try to sow doubts and to separate unsuspecting ones from the bounteous “table” of spiritual food spread at the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where truly there is ‘nothing lacking.’ (Ps. 23:1-6) They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago, and some have even returned to celebrating Christendom’s festivals again, such as the Roman Saturnalia of December 25!


JW Insider can probably give you the history about the JWs who were being targeted in this WT.

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2 hours ago, HollyW said:

Well, the GB says that can't happen without them and their publications.

This is what you understood from the highlighted text?

The paragraph clearly speaks about some who although claiming that were studying the Bible they beleived things that the Bible condemns. Not what you are stating.

What am I to beleive here HollyW? You fell victim of a logical fallacy or is your statement intentional just to slander the JWs?

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11 hours ago, HollyW said:

Well, the GB says that can't happen without them and their publications.  They actually say that if a JW were to rely on just the Bible alone, they would believe in the Trinity, hell-fire, the immortality of the soul, and start celebrating Christmas.  Sounds crazy, doesn't it, so let me give you the quote from them and see what you think:


[w81 8/15 p.28-29] From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah’s people those who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude. They do not want to serve “shoulder to shoulder” with the worldwide brotherhood. (Compare Ephesians 2:19-22.) Rather, they present a “stubborn shoulder” to Jehovah’s words. (Zech. 7:11, 12) Reviling the pattern of the “pure language” that Jehovah has so graciously taught his people over the past century, these haughty ones try to draw the “sheep” away from the one international “flock” that Jesus has gathered in the earth. (John 10:7-10, 16) They try to sow doubts and to separate unsuspecting ones from the bounteous “table” of spiritual food spread at the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where truly there is ‘nothing lacking.’ (Ps. 23:1-6) They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago, and some have even returned to celebrating Christendom’s festivals again, such as the Roman Saturnalia of December 25!


JW Insider can probably give you the history about the JWs who were being targeted in this WT.

There is a big difference between arriving at the same conclusions and having a fault finding attitude. I think you misunderstood me. All I was saying was that the Slave are just like us, with the same brain. However someone has to be in "charge", and dispense the spiritual food, despite the fact that others may be just as good at coming to logical conclusions, and maybe even sooner than the Slave.

I have read that highlighted quote a few times before. Wasn't it mentioned on one of the broadcasts a few months ago....I might be wrong. In any case, the point of it was not that they were reading the Bible, after all we are always being encouraged to have a Bible reading schedule of at least a chapter or few a day. But they were using "such" "Bible Reading" (note quotation marks) as an excuse to do what they really longed for, i.e. celebrating Christmas, Birthdays and  whatever else they found more appealing than what the Bible really teaches. Christendom has been doing a good job of that for centuries already, tickling peoples ears with falsehood disguised as Bible truth.

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On 10/5/2016 at 2:26 AM, Anna said:

This is just my opinion, trying to be logical about it: Anyone with the right qualifications (long years of faithful service, spirituality,  being of the anointed, and rubbing shoulders with the right people) can become a member of the GB. Besides that, there really is nothing "special" about any members of the GB. I believe any JW who knows their Bible can come to the same conclusions as the GB, and I am sure there are hundreds of brothers and sisters who have already, before it ever becomes an "official" teaching, come to the "right" conclusion about a specific subject themselves. I don't want to brag, but it has happened to me several times. (And I can't even say my Bible knowledge is THAT good). So does that mean I was spirit directed? Of course not. No more than the members of the GB are. But somebody on earth has to take the lead of course. It would also be good however if the "leaders" were able to humbly accept mistakes and not feel the need to have to "appear infallible" because everybody knows they are not anyway.  I am aware that they are concerned with "the sheep in their care not losing their confidence in them".

Just another opinion, but I would be careful not to imply that this is the complete picture. Yes, they want the "flock" to have confidence in them, and some have shown themselves to be haughty. But the majority have been very humble, peaceful brothers who have widely varying levels of scriptural knowledge. The key reason they are chosen is for their long record of loyalty to the organization. You would not be chosen if you are full of new ideas to discuss, because that in itself is considered a sign of disloyalty. (That is not meant in a derogatory way, it was just something that was obviously true, especially of the expansion of the Governing Body in 1974 and 1977.)  Naturally, they all truly believe in all the core doctrines, and because they know the Watchtower publications as well as the Bible, they also "generally" believe that the chronology doctrines must be a part of that core set of doctrines. After all, even though the dates themselves have changed, these chronology doctrines have been a key part of the Watchtower tradition since the very first Watch Tower publications.

Therefore it is not merely a matter of protecting the "flock" from losing their confidence in them. They are trying to share their own confidence, and are looking for the most convincing ways to do it.

But they are also very aware that the phrases they still use in the God's Kingdom Rules! book are "stretching" the truth. As was already pointed out they have chosen the phrasing very carefully, which shows they have understood the limitations of what they should claim. I'm sure they are very well aware of the many arguments against the chronology traditions, but until there is a better way to explain them, they are in the same situation that the rest of us are in. They might question some meanings of certain words and ideas around the edges, but they can never question the doctrine "at its core."

I really doubt that any of them are very happy with the "overlapping generation" explanation, but I guess they must already realize that the best solution that comes next would be the solution that Brother Daniel Sydlik (GB) came up with: "just scrap the whole chronology thing, and start over from scratch." That must be the scariest idea ever because it truly would result in a large fall-out! I don't think it's their own reputations they care about here, but the fear of change, and the level of loss.

So, the current GB, just like the rest of us, are all inheritors of a tradition that must be accepted for as long as it has not yet turned into a major stumbling block.  


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On 10/5/2016 at 2:26 AM, Anna said:

You mentioned the "overlapping Generation Theory" that was so "masterfully" explained by Br. Splane. The truth is that IF 587 was the TRUE date of Jerusalem's desolation, that would buy us 20 more years, and if we assumed a generation to be 100 years it might make the  "overlapping" unnecessary. We have "dug" ourselves in so deep with 1914 (now with the Kingdom book) would going back on that date cause the "sheep to lose confidence in the slave"? I don't know how others feel, but I don't think so. After all, is being in the Truth about dates, or is it about our relationship with Jehovah, and our trust in Him? I wonder if the insistence on 1914 is merely to "save face" or is it because the slave REALLY believes 607 is the correct date? On the other hand, no one can deny that 1914 really was a pivotal date in world history. This cannot be said so much about 1934 except that Hitler appointed himself Fuhrer in October of that year.....How about Hitler becoming Fuhrer in 1934 being the direct opposite of Christ who would have been made King in 1934, and Satan who was hurled out of heaven exerting his influence on him (Hitler) to start WW2? Doesn't sound any more unbelievable to me than an overlapping generation :D....

I think that if 587 were ever accepted we would not use it to end 2,520 years in 1934 so that we could reach 2034. If the WTS had wanted to reach 2034 it was still possible by pointing to the fact that there is always the possibility of 120-year-olds still alive in 2034. And of course, 120 could be argued to have a similar meaning in Noah's generation.

(Genesis 6:3) . . . Accordingly, his days will amount to 120 years.”

Because of the thousands of references to 1914 in the history of the Watchtower magazine (over 4,000 of them just since 1950), it's hard to see why 1914 would be tossed out just on account of a potential for a 20 year adjustment. Even if we accepted 587, we could still use 607 as the beginning of the time when Jehovah replaced the Assyrian empire with his "servant" the Babylonian empire in order to punish the nations around them (including the desolation on Judea and Jerusalem). It would not be any different from what has already been said about Babylon:

*** ip-1 chap. 19 p. 253 par. 21 Jehovah Profanes the Pride of Tyre ***
He says: “These nations will have to serve the king of Babylon seventy years.” (Jeremiah 25:8-17, 22, 27) True, the island-city of Tyre is not subject to Babylon for a full 70 years, since the Babylonian Empire falls in 539 B.C.E. Evidently, the 70 years represents the period of Babylonia’s greatest domination—when the Babylonian royal dynasty boasts of having lifted its throne even above “the stars of God.” (Isaiah 14:13) Different nations come under that domination at different times. But at the end of 70 years, that domination will crumble.

*** it-2 p. 1136 Tyre ***
Since the nations mentioned in the prophecy of Jeremiah were to “serve the king of Babylon seventy years” (Jer 25:8-11), this suggests that both the prophecy of Isaiah and that of Jeremiah related to Nebuchadnezzar’s campaign against Tyre.

In other words, the Watch Tower writers are already very aware that the "70 years" need not run from the destruction of Jerusalem, but can (and should) run from the beginning of Babylon's hegemony. The original tradition that Barbour utilized to reach 1914 came from chronology by Christopher Bowen, and likely included Even-Tide by John A Brown, but another book that Barbour claims to have studied (Horae Apocalypticae) mentioned 1914 directly by adding 2,520 years to the beginning of the Babylonian conquest -- the 70 years. A Bible Student site shows this at http://www.heraldmag.org/olb/contents/history/05 Horae Third Edition Chronology.htm

Of course if calculated from Nebuchadnezzar's own accession and invasion of Judah, B.C. 606, the end is much later, being A.D. 1914; just one half century, or jubilean period, from our probable date of the opening of the Millennium.

This could also have started at the time of Nebuchadnezzar's time as an army general, or when his father first started their campaigns after the fall of Assyria in 609 BCE. The chronology appear to match within one to two years, depending on how soon after Assyria fell that Babylon would have begun their campaign for empire.

What would be ideal for the GB is to find a good reason to keep 1914 or at least 1919 without any need for chronology to reach the date. I'm sure they are already aware that the Bible only ties a time period of 1,260 days to the Gentile Times, not 2,520 -- so any major change to the chronology would have to address that problem, too. It might seem weak as a stand-alone doctrine, but the WTS has always seen a lot of significance in the reaction of a council of churches to the League of Nations in 1918 and 1919, during the same time period when the WTS underwent persecution nearly to the point of destroying the WTS. This is seen as prophetically significant even though there is no independent Bible chronology that points to 1919. Yet, there are several publications that mention 1919 more than 1914:

  • In Isaiah's Prophecy I, the score is 27 to 10 (1919 mentioned 27 times, and 1914 only 10 times)
  • In Isaiah's Prophecy II, the score is 67 to 20
  • In Know Jehovah, the score is 82 to 31
  • In Paradise Restored, the score is 105 to 67

And several other books are nearly tied or both dates are mentioned dozens of times. In God's Kingdom Rules book the score is 34 to 65. The Revelation Climax book scores 102 to 77, Worldwide Security scores 32 to 31.

1919 is critical because it is the means by which the GB gains authority. A "foundation" document or "foundation" event has always been necessary to the authority of any particular religion, and it is extremely difficult to have such a date (or document) appear in the recent past; too many people remember the chaos of disbelief and doubt. It is always more credible at a distance.

(Matthew 13:57) . . . A prophet is not without honor except in his home territory. . .


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20 hours ago, Anna said:

There is a big difference between arriving at the same conclusions and having a fault finding attitude. I think you misunderstood me. All I was saying was that the Slave are just like us, with the same brain. However someone has to be in "charge", and dispense the spiritual food, despite the fact that others may be just as good at coming to logical conclusions, and maybe even sooner than the Slave.

I have read that highlighted quote a few times before. Wasn't it mentioned on one of the broadcasts a few months ago....I might be wrong. In any case, the point of it was not that they were reading the Bible, after all we are always being encouraged to have a Bible reading schedule of at least a chapter or few a day. But they were using "such" "Bible Reading" (note quotation marks) as an excuse to do what they really longed for, i.e. celebrating Christmas, Birthdays and  whatever else they found more appealing than what the Bible really teaches. Christendom has been doing a good job of that for centuries already, tickling peoples ears with falsehood disguised as Bible truth.

Anna, the spiritual food has already been dispensed---it's in the Bible.  There's nothing to add or take away from what has already been dispensed as food in due season.  The WTS has become an entity almost with a life of its own and with a will to survive, and it is dependent on its Word being taken as the Word of God (that's why it can say to listen to what it says as though you are listening to the voice of God).  JW Insider has posted an important point about the WTS claim to having heavenly authority from Jehovah and Jesus bestowed on it in 1919.  The extent to which JWs adhere to this concept is evident in the governing body being able to change what they had been teaching for decades about 1919 and still have JWs follow them.  

For decades they had presumed an appointment that they now admit was not given to them (over all the Master's belongings), they changed the identity of who the faithful slave is, they have changed their teaching about the generation a number of times, and what I posted about them being critical of JWs who want to study the Bible exclusively and not rely on WTS publications is not a new idea.  Russell said the same thing about his Millennial Dawn series (Studies in the Scriptures).  He even went so far as to say that reading them exclusively was all that was needed and those who put them aside to read just the Bible soon went into what he called "darkness."


[ZWT 9/15/1910 p.298-299]   Furthermore, not only do we find that people cannot see the divine plan in studying the Bible by itself, but we see, also, that if anyone lays the SCRIPTURE STUDIES aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years--if he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has understood his Bible for ten years, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the SCRIPTURE STUDIES with their references, and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he would be in the light at the end of the two years, because he would have the light of the Scriptures.


So instead of needing the Bible and the Holy Spirit, JWs need the WTS and its publications, which assures the WTS of its own importance and existence.

Look again at what the 1981 WT says:

They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago, and some have even returned to celebrating Christendom’s festivals again, such as the Roman Saturnalia of December 25!

As you mentioned, the point was not that they were reading the Bible, the point was that they were reading the Bible exclusively, apart from the WTS publications.

I don't know what you think the quote marks mean nor where you get the idea that it's saying they were longing to believe in the Trinity and celebrate Christmas. It's not saying that at all, but it is saying that by reading the Bible exclusively they came to believe what Christendom has been teaching from the Bible for centuries.  In other words, don't read the Bible alone or you'll start believing what Christians believe!

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8 hours ago, HollyW said:

the spiritual food has already been dispensed---it's in the Bible.  There's nothing to add or take away from what has already been dispensed as food in due season

True but... how you explain Matthew 24:45?

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9 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

JWinsider: . . .  I'm sure they are already aware that the Bible only ties a time period of 1,260 days to the Gentile Times, not 2,520 -- so any major change to the chronology would have to address that problem, too. . . .

Revelation 11:2-3 Context: The Two Witnesses

2But exclude the courtyard outside the temple. Do not measure it, because it has been given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months. 3And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.

Thank you, Allen, for emphasizing the exact point I just made. You just highlighted the fact that the Gentile Times are "forty-two months" and you even put that time period in bold, and concluded that it equals 1,260. 

As a reminder, again, just compare what Jesus said about the same time period.

(Luke 21:24) . . .and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.

If we replace the word Jerusalem with the holy city and replace "the appointed times . . . are fulfilled" with an actual number of appointed times that fulfilled them, then the verse would say:

(Luke 21:24+Revelation 11:2) . . .into all the nations; and [the holy city] will be trampled on by the nations until [forty-two months] are fulfilled.

Compare that understanding of the verse with your quotation of Revelation 11:2 above

(Revelation 11:2) . . . to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months.

Even the Greek word for trample is the exact same word in both verses. (The term "trample underfoot" in the NWT (KJV, etc) is translated from the exact same word for "trample" and is not from a separate word or phrase in Greek; it's just translated inconsistently. So the terminology is even closer than most Witnesses realize.)

Do you really doubt that Jesus' words in Revelation 11:2 are related to Jesus' words in Luke 21:24?

Why do you think that the WTS will never cross-reference these two verses even though it has been common to cross reference these verses for centuries? The WTS will not even use this verse as part of the evidence that 2,520 is the length of 7 times, which is what you just did above.

In fact, even John Aquila Brown, used 1,260 as the time period of the Gentile Times, as did many others in the years prior to him. Note the mistake in the Proclaimers book:

*** jv chap. 10 p. 134 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth ***
As early as 1823, John A. Brown, whose work was published in London, England, calculated the “seven times” of Daniel chapter 4 to be 2,520 years in length. But he did not clearly discern the date with which the prophetic time period began or when it would end. He did, however, connect these “seven times” with the Gentile Times of Luke 21:24.

One of the researchers of this book will quickly acknowledge that this was a mistake. John A. Brown never connected the "seven times" with the Gentile Times of Luke 21:24. This is supposed to say, he did NOT connect these "seven times" with the Gentile Times of Luke 21:24. Why would he? The Bible said it was 1,260, and so did Brown.






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@JWInsider Help me understand something. You completeley disregard the 7 times of Daniel 4?

Because it's this particular part of the Bible that provides the basis of the 2520 years. 3,5 times = 1260 years, therefore 7 times = 3,5x2 = 2520 years.

Am I missing something here?

1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Even the Greek word for trample is the exact same word in both verses

Not exactly. Same root yes, same word no. In Luke there is a participle and in Revelation a verb.


1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

The term "trample underfoot" in the NWT (KJV, etc) is translated from the exact same word for "trample" and is not from a separate word or phrase in Greek; it's just translated inconsistently

Yes, there is no added word in the original. The word πατησουσιν (third plural, future tense) of the original means "they will step onto/step over" (they is implied by the suffix of the word). So the added word "underfoot" is, in my view, an attempt to follow closer the exact meaning of the original verb. I think that you'll agree that it's of no consequence to the meaning.

You'll be interested to know also that the added word doesn't exist in the Greek NWT.

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4 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

So the added word "underfoot" is, in my view, an attempt to follow closer the exact meaning of the original verb.

Yes. I agree. And it would have therefore been exactly as appropriate to translate the word "underfoot" it in Luke 21:24 the same way. In fact the English Standard Version does this:

(Luke 21:24, ESV) and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Yes, I absolutely agree with you that is is of no consequence to the meaning. I should have said it's from the exact same root word in both verses. The only reason I emphasized the inconsistency is because some have seen that small difference and think it undermines the claim that the verses are related. (The only times this Greek word is used, are in Luke and Revelation.)

4 hours ago, ThePraeceptor said:

You completeley disregard the 7 times of Daniel 4?

Because it's this particular part of the Bible that provides the basis of the 2520 years. 3,5 times = 1260 years, therefore 7 times = 3,5x2 = 2520 years.

No, of course I do not completely disregard the 7 times of Daniel 4. I believe that they make a very strong point about how Jehovah is truly the one who has complete sovereignty over the nations, and no one can rule unless Jehovah permits it. He gave proof of this to Nebuchadnezzar by actually taking away his rulership for 7 "times" and then giving it back to him. Nebuchadnezzar learned the lesson that Jehovah was the true sovereign. Daniel 4 says that Daniel wished this could be explained with a different fulfillment but that he had to admit that it was fulfilled in the very person of Nebuchadnezzar:

(Daniel 4:19-33) . . .‘O my lord, may the dream apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your enemies. . . . 22 it is you, O king, . . .24 This is the interpretation, O king; it is the decree of the Most High that must befall my lord the king. 25 You will be driven away . . .  28 All of this befell King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar. . . . 33 At that moment the word was fulfilled on Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar.

The final point that Nebuchadnezzar understood was in the last line of the last verse of Daniel 4:

(Daniel 4:37) ". . .the King of the heavens . . . is able to humiliate those who are walking in pride.”

So your question is really about whether it's OK to add a specific second fulfillment. The Watchtower, as of March 15, 2015, and the talk at the 2014 Annual Meeting warned against adding to the Bible in this way unless there was already an explicit Biblical reference that gives us the right to do this. In this case there is not such a reference.

Does it even make sense? The question is about whether it is appropriate to say that when Jesus returns as the righteous king to the Messianic non-Gentile throne in 1914 that this was somehow represented by the return of this wicked, vicious, beastly Gentile king who was punished and humiliated for his haughtiness. Was Jesus humiliated for his haughtiness? Did the rulership of the Messianic kingly line act like a beast, or suffer insanity during any period of 7 times? Does the fall of a Gentile king really refer to the rise of the Gentile kings?

Russell himself never used the 7 times of Daniel 4 to point to 1914. The date 1914 had already been reached by adding 1844+30+40, and Russell even said that Daniel 4 was not the clearest evidence, saying: "there are many other and clearer evidences pointing to the same time.  (See the October 1876 issue of George Storr's Bible Examiner). Even when using Daniel 4 (something he didn't come up with himself) it was in combination with Leviticus The removal of the crown from the Messianic kings had been tied not specifically to Daniel 4, but only when combined with the key at Leviticus 26:27, 33:

We believe that God has given the key. We believe He doeth nothing but he revealeth it unto His servants. Do we not find part of the key in Lev. xxvi. 27, 33? “I, even I will chastise you seven times for your sins: . . . and I will bring your land into desolation . . . and will scatter you among the heathen.” Israel did not hearken unto the Lord, but disobeyed him, and this prophecy is now being fulfilled, and has been since the days of Zedekiah, when God said, “Remove the diadem, take off the crown, . . . I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, . . . until He comes whose right it is, and I will give it unto Him.” Comparing these Scriptures, we learn, that God has scattered Israel for a period of seven times, or until “he comes whose right” the Government is, and puts an end to Gentile rule or government. This gives us a clue at least, as to how long until the Jews are delivered.

Of course, Russell was referring to the literal Jews, which was the whole point of the emphasis on the end of the "Gentile Times." But it must have been much later that it was realized that Leviticus does not actually refer to "7 times" in the chronological sense, but in the sense of "multiples" as when something is "7 times worse" (i.e., "twice as bad").

When the 1844+30+40=1914 formula was dropped, then it became necessary to focus on Nebuchadnezzar as a type of Jesus Christ. Here is the February 1, 1934 Watchtower, p. 36:

The proclamation opens thus: "Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you." (Dan. 4: 1) Nebuchadnezzar here pictures Christ Jesus enthroned in 1914, which is the end of the Gentile times, and his work that follows, particularly from the time of his coming to the temple of Jehovah. The name Nebuchadnezzar means "Nebo (that is, The Prophet) is the protector against misfortune". The name properly applies to Christ Jesus, Jehovah's great Prophet, and the one who is the protector of God's people against their foes.




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