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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Yes, JW's faith has been created, built by "Bible Study" Program, and then with all other "organizational requirements" aka meetings and conventions where they studying WTJWorg publications and by that they suck, hoover, inhale "uninspired spirit" of human doctrines made by leadership.
  2. According to their understanding, they are "guided by spirit". In their understanding about this wording, that means; reading Bible, prayers to God for understanding and working according to Bible aka working to own understanding of Bible (according to WTJWorg theology). Obviously, as you accented, this what they are doing is not enough. Because they denied possibility that God can and would "inspired" people today, they put themselves in position to deny holy spirit, to stop HS, to insult God and the HS. To not believe in HS and his/her power and will to help people today as it was in the past. By openly renouncing the possibility of being inspired by HS (Since the Governing Body is neither inspired ... - WT February 2017), they have no faith in HS and thus HS has no possibility of acting in such an Organization and on such people.
  3. "...If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." According to this i would conclude how processes in WTJWorg, that suggests how "new light and brighter day" brings "the truth", actually they brings nothing but human error and myths. Ultimately, that means false teachings. If these people or their predecessors were ever branches on the vine, then something happened in the meantime that caused them not to remain in His Word. When they asked for something on their, GB meetings, for "guidance" or for "knowledge and understanding" they obviously don't get that. Multiple changing or "clarification" of same doctrines is quite strong evidence how "their ask whatever they wish", Father didn't hear and/or did't want to respond. Even theological things that have not changed for a long time are not proof that they are correct. We have the opportunity to see a discussion of the 607 BCE. It’s a really long discussion, but it shows how WTJWorg scholars are wrong in their claims.
  4. The subject regarding FDS is, have to be, the question of the quality of the characteristics of the individual and the fidelity of the individual to the teachings of Jesus and his instructions. Therefore, I am of the opinion that the "Governing Body" sees itself wrongly and puts itself in the position of Administrative Manager who Governs over people and does so internationally over/above every and each congregation and individual in that congregation. A man's inclination (in this case a bad inclination) is to rule or govern over others, and to determine for them what and how they should believe and act. Sharing, giving food by meals does not involve determining how that food should be “digested” by someone. GB brings to the table the food that is not "healthy correct". But they order everyone at the table to eat it because it is the best food in the world. If someone refuses to eat, then they try to convince him that he is wrong, that he is disobedient, that he does not understand enough, that he has no faith, or that he is an apostate who opposes Jesus. Did Jesus place them over people, the household? No, because it is the opposite of what Jesus taught: So Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. But it shall not be this way among you .... - Mat 20, Mark 10
  5. An excellent account about one of the key elements in WTJWorg theology - Memorial Partakers aka Anointed. Wherever you look, there is always something wrong with the Organization.
  6. Thank you dear Witness!. I looked today this movie on TV. Beautiful landscapes, beautiful music. It is very nice to have a happy family and good memories and hope. Greetings!
  7. You explained almost well. :)) Also it would be quite appropriate to put parallel between "scientific methods" and "religious doctrines".
  8. General Description Of The Flood The events of the Flood according to the Genesis account and Watchtower publications are: From Genesis: From the Insight1 book:
  9. Bravo! true! and be proud of it! Kind of ???? reasoning. WTJWorg somehow holds on position how life on Earth begun before 6 Creative Days and that one (JW members) should not really believe that fossils (plant and animal) are millions of years old. The word “day” as used in Genesis can refer to long periods of time. In fact, at Genesis 2:4, the word “day” is used to describe all six days of creation. The Bible’s narrative allows for the possibility that some major events during each day, or creative period, occurred gradually rather than instantly, perhaps some of them even lasting into the following creative days.*** .... How long, then, were the creative days? The Bible does not say; however, the wording of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 indicates that considerable lengths of time were involved. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102010234 But, at the same time WTJWorg scholars speaking how God's (Jesus') Kingdom is literally 1000 years long and as such is last part of 6th Creative day, which 6000 years ended in 1975 CE. By that they came to general conclusion how each Creative day last 7000 years. Or, if not every single day, but this final 6th Day have to be 7000 years long. :))) This is WTJWorg Chronology too! *** another example of "overlapping" :))) Insight into/about WTJWorg doctrines leads us to conclusion how, TIMELINE or WTJWorg CHRONOLOGY about 1000 year Kingdom and about Creation Day are not synchronized. And as i see, TTH and Arauna don't care nothing about that, but are very proud how their Organization standing in such impossible position. You making problem about 70 years, but have no problem about thousands or millions of years !!?? Dogmas and chronology about 607 BCE to 1914 CE and 1975 CE, as one part, in connection/relation to 1000 years of (future) Kingdom and Length of Creative Days, as second part, destroys your hopes and theology every single day, and you are not aware of that. You can't have both. Awake!
  10. Why all this is so similar to, and remind me on, "overlapping" solution? WTJWorg made Terminus Post Quem and Terminus Ante Quem for "this generation will not pass" in "old lights insightful knowledge". Without going into the nuances they created about the interpretations of the term "generation", it was clear to everyone, at that time, and especially today, that "that generation" should have lasted from cca 1914 + 70-80 years according to JW scholars, with "happy conclusion" to the end of 20th century. :))
  11. Apologize in advance for my ignorant participation :)) Perhaps it should be taken into account that numbers in the Bible often times (if not always) have a symbolic meaning. Even when they are literally expressed in physical life (e.g. 12 tribes of Israel). Number seven and number ten are full of symbolism, so the same could be said for number 70 (7x10=70). Seven representing perfection and ten representing completeness. Well, slavery and the uninhabited land and the influence of Babylon on the enslaved people and lands were to reach their fullness (of course that is relative fullness*) according to God’s prophecy. The limitation and narrowness of God’s plans, we makes in our understanding, described in the biblical books (prophetic and others) means that a way of answering is sought in a way that may mean partially or completely wrong conclusions. * relative in a sense that is visible in claim made in OT how "God's Law and Covenant are perfect and will last forever". But we see how that is relative in terms of "Jesus' teachings or law and new covenant". So, it seems how nothing is perfect and forever, not even if it is from God himself. Forms and shapes, they change their appearance. Perhaps something else is worth to be called "forever" and that such a journey is of our interest. The goal is not to get to the place but to travel. :))
  12. This remind me on WTJorg interpretations about geographic relationship between God’s people Israel and Jerusalem as central place for worship, and their enemies and conquerors. The danger to Jerusalem, it seems, has always come from the "North." God's WTJWorg central organization/place for worship is located in NY Headquarter. There is "JHVH spiritual throne" established in "parousia frame terminology" in 1919, so to speak . In the "North" position is Canada, Alaska and Greenland. I am "waiting" for "interpretations" about this significant momentum. Perhaps some "second fulfillment" is involved? :))
  13. According to this Bible Students understanding, Kingdom can't be established without full number of members. Sounds logic. But according to JW after Russell, Kingdom is established without Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 21,182 - https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/2020-service-year-report/2020-grand-totals/ Let us say how this 21,182 are not correct number because many of them are "mentally and emotionally unbalanced", but at least 8 (GB members) of them have to be "true". How ever you take, Kingdom can not be established without full number of kings and priests. From this logic or line of evidence, 1914 failed again. :)) "old light" :))) ...... and now "new light"; America is iron, citizens (people) inside are clay because they want "civil rights". By this, WT Lawyers who fights for civil rights are "clay" that makes America weak. But Trump want to see America to be Great again. For a long time, Jehovah’s servants have wanted to understand what the feet of the image mean. Daniel 2:41 shows that the feet made of iron mixed with clay are one “kingdom,” not many. So we can understand that the clay means that something in the Anglo-American World Power makes it weaker than the Roman Empire, which was described as legs made of solid iron. Daniel’s prophecy says that the clay means “the offspring of mankind,” or the common people. (Daniel 2:43) People have weakened the Anglo-American World Power when they have fought to have civil rights, to have more rights at their workplace, and even to become independent nations. The common people make it difficult for this world power to be strong like iron. People have different political ideas. And when a leader wins an election by only a few votes, he does not have enough authority to do what he promised to do. Daniel said: “The kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile.”—Daniel 2:42; 2 Timothy 3:1-3. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402012443 1912 edition was full of hopes ..... and vain thoughts about own future in period to 1914/1915. And also nothing similar has changed in WTJWorg since then. Same prejudice and obstructed "visions".
  14. Perhaps it was mentioned before in another topic, but i am fascinated how WTJWorg authors of their book "Let your Kingdom come" use common terminology to discredit others who have opposing views. They said: From a secular viewpoint, such lines of evidence might seem to establish the Neo-Babylonian chronology with Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year (and the destruction of Jerusalem) in 587/6 B.C.E. However, no historian can deny the possibility that the present picture of Babylonian history might be misleading or in error. It is known, for example, that ancient priests and kings sometimes altered records for their own purposes. Or, even if the discovered evidence is accurate, it might be misinterpreted by modern scholars or be incomplete so that yet undiscovered material could drastically alter the chronology of the period. If we want to do this, we can very easily use all these specific terms to describe the way many biblical scholars in WTJWorg work when interpreting Biblical history and the alleged "prophecies" that have "second fulfillment".
  15. Anointed or not, nobody is worth to be "followed" in this Organizational/Religious sense we speaking about, no matter where they or we are in this particular moment. GB and Elders, they seek to be obeyed. If you obey them than you in same moment "follow them". And they ask that from members although they give the wrong/err instructions and teachings. And (many or few times) they are aware that they are giving bad and wrong instructions. If we are not supposed to follow "Paul and Peter", why JW's looking on GB and Elders with exactly such undesirable mind and heart attitudes ?
  16. Let us dwell first on earthly activities. If someone wants to retaliate, execute a sentence, or simply evict someone from their homes, who will they use for the task? Will someone gather cattle breeders, farmers, tailors and musicians, give them a sword in their hands and say; Go and drive them all out or kill them if need be, all over there in that place because they are evil !? It would be a poorly planned "punitive expedition." But if for this "bloody, rude, ruthless, and filthy work" you choose men who are skilled in arms, who are paid for slaughter, who obey every command without any remorse, then the task will be accomplished. Let us now turn to Bible's visions of "punishments over the wicked." In the past as Bible described, God used his own worshipers and/or people of other nations and religions to carry out a massacre of “evil ones”. Sometimes angels were involved or miracles. The prevailing view today is that God will no longer use his own people in enforcing his “court decisions,” but that someone else will do it for them, that is, the “warrior angels” . This “warrior angels” practice sword and war skills for millions of years, so to speak. They do everything JW members shouldn't. JW's are not even allowed to learn self-defense techniques, that's how far GB go in their instructions. But according to A. Morris they can rejoice at the death of an apostate aka ex-JW. This way they can at least somewhat indulge in "evil and primitive instincts" :)) I think, it was not this particular "dream" that caused problem, but ideas how that dream must be "prophecy for 1914". This can be very clear and sufficient explanation or lesson given to people. Let us put aside another problem on, why god allows bad governments to be long-lived.
  17. difference between hating a person and hating the actions and behavior that person demonstrates Aha, that is what JW video instruct JW member: Mother don't hate dfd daughter but she hates picking up a ringing phone :)) "Morris illustration" is an example of what should be avoided at all costs. What would it be: Jesus was a weak teacher to Morris? Or did Morris learn nothing from Jesus? We two, are on safe "social distance". I will not be influenced by you, and you will not by me. So, we just "chat" about doctrines and interpretations...and show to known and unknown readers of our posts where we are in a "stream of thoughts and ideas". Is this ok with you?
  18. It can be. The same can be said for WTJWorg "bible scholars" :)) who dealing with the possible interpretations (hidden messages aka second fulfillment) of biblical verses. There is no independent support for the tradition in Daniel of Nebuchadnezzar’s seven years’ madness, and the story probably arose from a fanciful later interpretation of texts concerned with events under Nabonidus, who showed apparent eccentricity in deserting Babylon for a decade to live in Arabia. -https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nebuchadnezzar-II Perhaps, some of you will have time to deal with this quote. How is possible that Babylonian empire, throne and king who are full of religious doctrines and secular ideas that are in opposition to JHVH can REPRESENT His RULERSHIP? You mean like, GB sitting on JHVH throne, in sense to represent JHVH's will today? If they are or become bad JHVH will removed them by some secular power? In local or global way? In local way, Russia acted under JHVH will to remove some bad elements in Russian WT Branch? And what is next? On global scale Gog of Magog will also done JHVH will? Who can "put own hand in fire" to claim how GB in WTJWorg is not under same judgement as those old kings in Jerusalem ??
  19. Okay, I can be stupid, because that's how you think of me. No big deal. But I wonder if giving down-vote for someone else’s comments is following Jesus ’example? You know what i mean, in style, love your enemies? GB member A. Morris, your human leader, claims that ex-JWs are apostates and that apostates are enemies. And he said how happy he is because all apostates will be dead soon. But he forgot to mention "his Leader Jesus" who says opposite; love your enemies. :)) If you have time, send message to A. Morris with Bible verses: Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,And do not let your heart rejoice when he stumbles,Otherwise, the Lord will see and be displeased,And turn His anger away from him.
  20. If WTJWorg looks for parallel interpretation and making claim how "the dream" is illustration for God's Kingdom, than GB need to face the fact that they are actually claiming that God went mad at one point and was left without power over the Earth. Cameron: That’s all right. The Bible shows that Nebuchadnezzar lost his sanity, evidently for seven years. During that time, he was unable to rule as king. But at the end of the seven times, Nebuchadnezzar regained his sanity and started ruling again. * Jon: OK, I’m with you so far. But what does all of this have to do with God’s Kingdom and the year 1914? Cameron: In a nutshell, this prophecy has two fulfillments. The first fulfillment happened when King Nebuchadnezzar’s rulership was interrupted. The second fulfillment involved an interruption of God’s rulership. So it is this second fulfillment that is related to God’s Kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar = JHVH JHVH Kingdom stopped to be (World's) Ultimate Power in 607 BCE, because of ....., caused by...., lets read how Cameron explained this: Cameron: In Bible times, the Israelite kings who ruled in Jerusalem were said to sit on “Jehovah’s throne.” * They represented God in governing his people. So the rulership of those kings was really an expression of God’s rulership. In time, however, most of those kings became disobedient to God and most of their subjects followed suit. Because of the Israelites’ disobedience, God allowed them to be conquered by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. From that time on, no more kings represented Jehovah in Jerusalem. In that sense, then, God’s rulership was interrupted. Are you with me so far? Kings in Jerusalem = JHVH, But they were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar = JHVH. Disobedient Kings, Jerusalem = Disobedient JHVH conquered by Mad Nebuchadnezzar = Mad JHVH. Are you still with Cameron so far? :)) Another thing is for massive consideration. If by any chance JHVH lost his power over Earth in 607 BCE than he also lost his power over Heaven too, because of same reason, and that is his "madness", what ever that could be. If, by WTJWorg interpretations, JHVH regained his Power in 1914 CE, than question is; Who gave to Jesus Whole Power on Heaven and Earth in 33 CE ???
  21. Daniel didn't understand 1914 CE. Jon don't understand 1914. But Cameron are able to explain all with Bible. Did i said Bible? I meant, with WTJWorg publication. I must be dummy too:)) On what arguments Cameron based interpretation? Let see. 1. But now, in our time, we can understand them more fully. 2. So these prophecies would only be understood much later, during “the time of the end.” And as we will soon discuss in our Bible study, all evidence indicates that we are now living in that time period. 3. In a nutshell, this prophecy has two fulfillments. I don’t think it’s as "convincing" today as it was when we were young and full of "Bible enthusiasm". First to mention is GB confession that their interpretations of the Bible are full of misconceptions , and that their interpretations came through wrong methods (beliefs clarified). So much about GB ability to understand. Second, WW1 is best "proof" that WTJWorg have (after 1914 fiasco when they expected Armageddon in that year) evidence that humankind living in time of end. Despite Jesus' warning to not be mislead with, You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Third, Type and Anti Type model or Second (Third) Fulfillment is claim without real foundation, and belong to "wrong methods".
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