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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's why you have millions of ExJWs that are too weak to remain loyal to God.

    I've just proven by my previous comment that it is JWs that are too weak to remain loyal to YHWH. 

    That is why honest hearted people are leaving the JW Org, because the ones that remain in the JW Org are the ones that love the immorality and dishonesty. And JWs that are pretending those things don't happen are actually making themselves part of the problem. 

    It would seem it is the Elders of the JW Org, along with the GB, that are the apostates, turning against YHWH and against Yeshua.  The people that leave JW Org are the ones guarding themselves against the sins of that Org. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Thinking said:

    I dont know if that number is correct..but that narrow road is preety hard to stay on with one’s like this brother…..and others just cannot be bothered.

    No, that's not the reasons people leave. The Child Sexual Abuse / Pedophile problem earth wide gave hundreds, if not thousands of JWs, a good reason to leave.  The false predictions of Armageddon, the lies of being in the last part of the last day, having to distribute those lies to members of the public via the Watchtower magazine. 

    There is no 'narrow road' within the JW community.  There is, immorality, adultery, child abuse, idol worship of the GB and the org, baptism of children as young as 6 years old and then disfellowshipping when those children cannot live up to GB standards, dictatorship by the GB and Elders based on man made rules and traditions. Demands for money in 'donations', misuse of congregants labour to build Kingdom Halls which the GB then sell at a profit. Hidden profits from the buying and selling of houses and business properties / real estate. And all the time pretending to be a charity. 

    Where is this narrow road in the JW Org ?  Yeshua didn't have a 'place to lay his head'. But most of you here will have a nice comfortable home. You must all have a computer or 'cell phone' / mobile phone for internet access. I would think you have good food in your stomach, good clothes on your back, and now you don't even have to leave home for your meetings. 

    "Can't be bothered" you say ?  I tell you this, it is more difficult to leave that Org, for the right reasons, knowing that over one hundred people in your local congregation will 'disown' you instantly, than to stay in that org and pretend it is the right place to be. 

    I know folks get fed up with me mentioning these things but it is just to give balance to the lies that Ex JWs are just too lazy or too selfish to remain in that Org. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Dmitar said:
    12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Now concerning the JW org, I do think that women could be used to comfort other women and to comfort children when a woman or child is being interrogated by the Elders.. 

    Oh! Taken out of the ARC playbook, how quaint! But, I guess you missed the point; that hypocritical court was implying, they want the Watchtower to give women the authority of an Elder to "interrogate" the children or women, themselves. 

    A. My suggestion wasn't related to the ARC. B. I never suggested that women should be given any authority. 

    So you are wrong on both counts. 

    But you seem quite happy for a group of Elders to bully and interrogate young children. You also seem quite happy for Elders to hide Pedophiles in congregations too. 

    Some sort of 'Christian' are you ?  No love, no respect, no mercy. 

    Matthew 9 : 13  Berean Study Bible  Yeshua said
    "But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

  4. 11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    or whatever is left of them granted the EXJW community wiped everything.

    I keep reading these words 'the EX JW community'.    Are you saying there is an Ex JW  'organisation' or 'congregation' ?

    I have a daughter that is an Ex JW, and the only other Ex JWs I know of are on this forum. So where is this 'EX JW community' that you speak of ?  NO I do not want to be part of it, I just want some proof that it exists. 


  5. 11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    No, but you do promote there should be no leaders, or that everyone should be their own leader, like @Witness? Just like she confuses the word "oneness" so do you. 😏

    This is not correct. I actually believe that the True Anointed Remnant, Earth wide, will be used by YHWH through Yeshua, to guide true Christians.  It is true that I do not follow any 'Leader' right now, but i do believe the scriptute of 'ten men clinging to the robe of a (spiritual) Jew'. 

    I have read that Russell did not think an 'organisation' was necessary. And I have read that in Russell's time each congregation was separate but with the same desire to serve YHWH through Yeshua.  

    Harping back to the 1st Century Apostles as an example of a pretend 'governing body' is rather irrelevant because the area they covered was very small when compared to the whole Earth. In our modern day Earth, each country or area is so different that 8 men in America, that are not inspired of Holy Spirit, cannot possibly understand the situations of all Christians. 

    But in truth there is only one that can 'lead us to YHWH', that is Yeshua / Jesus Christ. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    One does not need to be advanced in Scriptural knowledge to see that the Unisex Teaching is not of the Church, but surely, you would not bat your eyes in that regard because of justifiable cause, hence, being hypocritical.

    You seem to have roped me in on this idea of 'Unisex teaching'.  I am not @Witness, I do not believe that women should be 'leaders' in a True Christian congregation. 

    I do believe that women are part of the Chosen 144,000 Anointed. 

    Now concerning the JW org, I do think that women could be used to comfort other women and to comfort children when a woman or child is being interrogated by the Elders.. 

    These two words 'the Church', what exactly are they supposed to mean when YOU use them ? 

    Those two words 'the Church', to me, mean the True Anointed ones, the 144,000 chosen ones that will be 'Kings and Priests' in heaven.  

    8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Speaking of the Commission, Jesus gave command concerning this, but I doubt you or someone else knows what that entails either, or has done did in the last 24 hours.

    I am constantly mentioning the coming 'new world', the cleansing of this Earth, God's heavenly Kingdom, and the reasons that this 'world' is so wicked.  I constantly get my comments removed or not allowed on MSN articles. I mention God's purpose for this Earth and that God offers ever lasting life when i comment on Facebook topics. BUT i do not go 'house to house' and I do not stand on street corners preaching. I talk with my wife about YHWH and Yeshua when we sit and eat and when we work in the garden.  YHWH and Yeshua are always in my heart and regularly on my mind. 


  7. @Space Merchant  I think that the adult / mature thing for me to say here is that, you and I should agree to have different opinions about things.  As for you saying you do not have opinions, well once again we must differ here. 

    My feeling about you is, that you are a 'cold hearted' Theologian.  What I mean by that is, you have vast knowledge of the scriptures but you seem to lack the faith and direction of a True Christian. 

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the same. One difference with the JW's though, they are given direction by 8 men in America.  

    I have no idea if you 'follow' any direction from any 'religious' humans, though it seems as if you are the one giving direction to others. 

    I note you have a young follower here. So sad to see a young man worshipping you. He seems to think you are winning battles here :) .  What you are actually doing is pretending that you are always right, and he is fooled by your words. He is young, he will learn. 

    You and I cannot have a proper basic discussion because you have a totally different mindset to me. I look to the future with hope, but it's not hope for me, it's hope for other people.  YHWH will work through Yeshua, the Earth will be cleansed, those considered worthy will live on, and the dead will be resurrected. All of those things will bring praise to YHWH through Yeshua.  Those are things that God has allowed me to know in my heart.  

    However I still believe that nearer the end of this old system of things, the True Anointed will be given more accurate knowledge through Holy Spirit, and true direction will be given to those seeking to serve YHWH properly.

    Ten (earthly) men clinging to the the robe of a (spiritual) Jew.  The True Anointed will become more apparent to real Christians. 

  8. On 3/22/2022 at 8:28 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Of what you are attesting to is the events of Pentecost 33AD, around Apostle John was still alive and well,

    It is strange that some people will agree that some prophecy in scripture can have more than one fulfillment. Some prophecies have a small fulfillment, and then many years later, a much bigger fulfillment.  

    That is my reasoning behind the Acts scripture that I use. Yes indeed it was fulfilled in a small way at Pentecost 33, but that does not mean it will not be fulfilled in a much bigger way through the Anointed Remnant, before Armageddon. 

    The Apostle John was one of the Anointed / chosen ones, and the Anointed Remnant are also of the chosen ones.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    You said from your own understanding, you even said from your own personal thoughts, an understanding of your own, but not of Scripture.

    Twist this if it makes you happy BUT you were not talking about Scripture at that time. you were talking about me getting my understanding of things from the main stream media. My reply was that my thought and understanding were my own.

    41 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Todays Christians are Prophets Not Inspired, spirit led to process the Great Commission of which the Christ commanded. They can't raise the dead, have visions or heal the sick, something of which a Prophet Inspired is capable of doing.

     I'm not suggesting that the True Anointed will 'raise the dead' or 'heal the sick'. BUT i am suggesting that the True Anointed will be inspired and will have visions and dream dreams, just as the scripture in Acts mentions. 

    Berean Study Bible Acts 2 : 17 & 18 
    ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. And even upon My servants, and upon My handmaidens, I will pour out of My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    Oh You of little faith. how will you be saved. 

  10. Well it seems that SM knows for sure that no Prophet will ever be Inspired ever again. It's finished. 

    I don't think so :) 

    We do not know 'exactly' where we are in the stream of time.  We do not know how many years are left. 

    SM is busy telling me that I don't use scripture to base my ideas on. SM seems to know more about me than God or Yeshua know. 

    So to SM and ALL others here. I believe that in the 'last days' Inspired Prophets or Inspired Anointed ones will guide true Christians to truth and give true direction and help. 

  11. On 3/19/2022 at 12:53 PM, Space Merchant said:

    If there is an Allen Entity, I guess one can say there is Butler Entity as well, but such an Entity is aware of his tenured sentience.

    I still say I do not remember using John butler 2.  In fact I could not use my real name or my email address. I had to create a new email and a second user on my computer to be able to access this forum again.  That was how firm the action was against me. And all because i upset someone on here. 

    But I can see how much it has upset you, that you have to make a big issue out of it. OR perhaps it is my personal thoughts about Inspired Prophets that has upset you, so that you have to try to change the subject. 

    I can always tell when the 'opposition' is losing because they always change the subject or start to insult me :) .........  

    You hide behind a mask Storm Trouper but you continue to insult me. 


  12. It seems that most people on here lack real faith in YHWH and through Yeshua. 

    I think Space Merchant is treading a very dangerous path for himself, but why would he ?

    Well why do the GB of the Watchtower tread that same path ? It's all to do with 'power' and control.

    Some people do not want to accept that Yeshua has been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth. 

    Yeshua could send angels to give messages to True Anointed ones if Yeshua so wishes. 

    Yeshua could send the Holy Spirit from God to True Anointed ones if Yeshua so wishes. 

    Miracles have not ceased, and will not cease. 

    Yes I AM, Patiently waiting for Truth. 

    But I'm NOT pretending that I know more that others. 

  13. On 3/17/2022 at 7:51 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Acts 2 is in regards to Pentecost, not anything pertaining to after the death of John. The fact you didn't understand what was conveyed showed that for someone who is patiently waiting for truth, makes no effort to understand Scriptures concerning the difference between Prophets Inspired and Prophets Not Inspired.

    I totally disagree with you on this point, and You have no more 'guidance' from YHWH or Yeshua than I do. 

    Why you pretend to know so much more I cannot understand. 

    Acts 2 : 17, in my opinion, will have a much greater fulfilment when the True Anointed Remnant are given a boost of Holy Spirit from YHWH through Yeshua.  

    Because without that, all of us are just fumbling in the dark.  Remember the Ten men clinging to the robe of a Jew. 

    It seems that you, just like @TrueTomHarley have no faith in the things unseen. 

    What gives you the authority to say that these things will not happen ?

    Go careful SM, you may find yourself talking against God and Christ. 


  14. 15 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    So, my brothers are "real" Jehovah's Witnesses dedicated to obey and serve God through their promise in baptism to dedicate their lives to Jehovah. They don't pick and chose what they like and don't like about scripture or the implementation thereof.

    'real' JWs serve only those 8 men that call themselves the F&DS.  Their baptism is into the JW Org, they don't even use the words that Yeshua told them to use. They don't pick and chose because they have to do exactly as the GB tells them to do. They have no Christian conscience because it has been 'taken over' by the GB and the Elders. This can be proven by how JWs promote the lies of the GB and the Org.  Not to mention how they hide Pedophiles in the congregations. 

  15. On 3/15/2022 at 11:11 AM, TrueTomHarley said:
    On 3/15/2022 at 4:43 AM, Space Merchant said:
    On 3/14/2022 at 9:03 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    As a Christian I will keep calm here.

    The random ALL CAPs suggests otherwise.

    Yeah. :)

    It's called assertion, but it isn't aggression. One day Americans may learn the difference. 

    Peace and love to you all. 

  16. On 3/15/2022 at 5:30 AM, Space Merchant said:

    in which such Prophets are capable of having visions like that of those of old, but in reality, such an ability died with the last Apostle, John.

    Berean Study Bible Acts 2 : 17
    ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

    Or do you think this only referred to the 1st Century disciples / apostles ? 

    Do you lack such faith ? 

  17. On 3/15/2022 at 4:56 AM, Space Merchant said:
    On 3/22/2020 at 11:32 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Kind of funny really because John Butler mentioned about the GB being removed and he got D/fed from here for it. 

    Seriously, you are not around the age to be playing games like this, and you aren't the first to do such a thing, of which people can deduce and call out.

    You know exactly what this about. So why you should need to pretend i don't know.  And when this topic comes up, Tom says I'm crying about it. But to be totally removed from the forum without warning, of course I'm going to be concerned next time round. As for john butler II  I think you mentioned, I don't ever remember using that at all. 

  18. On 3/14/2022 at 9:16 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Did you not say (about 2 years ago) that you expect the end within 5 years? Or was it 10? (I think it was 5, leaving you only 3 for wiggle room.

    It was 10 I think. But two points here. 

    I have never wanted to lead an organisation, and I've never pretended that I'm inspired of God's Holy Spirit.

    On 3/14/2022 at 9:16 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Yeah, it’s called not knowing the immediate future.

    BUT your Leaders pretend to know. However as can be seen by many Watchtower articles, it's all HYPE. 

    There is as much propaganda from the Watchtower / JW Org as there is from main stream media :) 

  19. 18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    And the fact the 60s and the 70s was the 4th and final Great Awakening, minister and preaching of the gospel was at an all time high, and the fact people were gospel preaching kills the claim due to the mention of what Apostle John and Jesus said concerning the Commission.

    As a Christian I will keep calm here. BUT That article from a May 1974 Kingdom Ministry IS encouraging people to sell their houses and give up their 'lifestyle' to pioneer BECAUSE of the so called 'short time remaining' before Armageddon.

    It was all hype. And if they did not believe that Armageddon would happen in 1975, then why were they encouraging this irresponsible behavior of their congregants. When it didn't happen many people found themselves in a bad position without jobs or money to live on. 

    "Short time remaining" , "Short time left" "The end of this system is so very near" 

    Direct quotes from that article. and that was written in 1974. 

    Truther ? I think not. Denier more like. 

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