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  1. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Pudgy in 2034 and its significance...   

  2. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Merry Christmas folks.   
    I received this link from a non-witness cousin a little while back.  He told me, it scared him.
    Pity, that most Christians do not take notice of what is behind Xmas and the spiritism behind it.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in 2034 and its significance...   
    This time before the flood marked the beginning of a specific time period of 120 years.... but 1914 marked the beginning of the time of the end......NO specific number of years is cited.
    And specific "signs" were given by Jesus in Mathew 24 which marked the progress of this time period of the last days.  No-where does god give a specific time period for this time.  Indications are it will be unexpected and sudden... but certain signs will tell us how far we are in the stream of time.
    One of the signs is the 8th king that will be suddenly set up in a ruling capacity with ten new kings.  This is when the "Image of the beast" - the scarlet beast - calls peace and security and Babylon the great is attacked. 
    rev 17:11  "And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.12  “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast.   13  These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14  These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them."
    Above we see that these kings are involved in the final war of armageddon. 
  4. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Noble Berean in What does 666, the 'mark of the beast' really signify?   
    I see the Mark of the Wild Beast as a symbolic mark that civilians will receive when they throw their support behind the Image of the Wild Beast. In the time of the end, the Satanic one-world government (likely the UN) will demand civilians give their full allegiance to it. This will put true followers of Christ in a trialsome situation, because they can only give their allegience to Jesus Christ.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Melinda Mills in What does 666, the 'mark of the beast' really signify?   
    (Isaiah 55:6-8) 6 Search for Jehovah while he may be found. Call to him while he is near.  7 Let the wicked man leave his way And the evil man his thoughts; Let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, To our God, for he will forgive in a large way.  8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah. 
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Lets set up a cart.   
    That is why we now have this crazy philosophy driving the "great reset".  Driven by ideology of the World economic Forum. They are now burning old books and independent thought is no longer allowed.  The "critical " part of critical theory is gone amok.
  7. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from xero in College   
    I received this joke today from my sister in Afrikaans - I hope it translates ok. 
    Peter passed his driver's license and said to his father that he would like to have his own car.  His father said: "fine",  if you push up all your school marks from a symbol C to an average of B; read the bible daily; and have a haircut.
    A few months later his son comes back and says that he had pushed up his school marks and read the bible daily.  So his dad said: what about the haircut? 
    Peter started talking about his bible studies and mentioned all the Bible characters who had long hair: Samson, Absalom, Moses, John the Baptist and said that he is just about sure the disciples of Jesus also had long hair.....  so could he now have the car?
    The father replied:  Did you notice in your bible studies that all of them walked where they wanted to go?🤣
  8. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in College   
    Yes - one had to write long essays about each subject..... you could not fluff through an exam. 
  9. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in College   
    I received this joke today from my sister in Afrikaans - I hope it translates ok. 
    Peter passed his driver's license and said to his father that he would like to have his own car.  His father said: "fine",  if you push up all your school marks from a symbol C to an average of B; read the bible daily; and have a haircut.
    A few months later his son comes back and says that he had pushed up his school marks and read the bible daily.  So his dad said: what about the haircut? 
    Peter started talking about his bible studies and mentioned all the Bible characters who had long hair: Samson, Absalom, Moses, John the Baptist and said that he is just about sure the disciples of Jesus also had long hair.....  so could he now have the car?
    The father replied:  Did you notice in your bible studies that all of them walked where they wanted to go?🤣
  10. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from JW Insider in College   
    I received this joke today from my sister in Afrikaans - I hope it translates ok. 
    Peter passed his driver's license and said to his father that he would like to have his own car.  His father said: "fine",  if you push up all your school marks from a symbol C to an average of B; read the bible daily; and have a haircut.
    A few months later his son comes back and says that he had pushed up his school marks and read the bible daily.  So his dad said: what about the haircut? 
    Peter started talking about his bible studies and mentioned all the Bible characters who had long hair: Samson, Absalom, Moses, John the Baptist and said that he is just about sure the disciples of Jesus also had long hair.....  so could he now have the car?
    The father replied:  Did you notice in your bible studies that all of them walked where they wanted to go?🤣
  11. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Melinda Mills in College   
    I received this joke today from my sister in Afrikaans - I hope it translates ok. 
    Peter passed his driver's license and said to his father that he would like to have his own car.  His father said: "fine",  if you push up all your school marks from a symbol C to an average of B; read the bible daily; and have a haircut.
    A few months later his son comes back and says that he had pushed up his school marks and read the bible daily.  So his dad said: what about the haircut? 
    Peter started talking about his bible studies and mentioned all the Bible characters who had long hair: Samson, Absalom, Moses, John the Baptist and said that he is just about sure the disciples of Jesus also had long hair.....  so could he now have the car?
    The father replied:  Did you notice in your bible studies that all of them walked where they wanted to go?🤣
  12. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in College   
    I received this joke today from my sister in Afrikaans - I hope it translates ok. 
    Peter passed his driver's license and said to his father that he would like to have his own car.  His father said: "fine",  if you push up all your school marks from a symbol C to an average of B; read the bible daily; and have a haircut.
    A few months later his son comes back and says that he had pushed up his school marks and read the bible daily.  So his dad said: what about the haircut? 
    Peter started talking about his bible studies and mentioned all the Bible characters who had long hair: Samson, Absalom, Moses, John the Baptist and said that he is just about sure the disciples of Jesus also had long hair.....  so could he now have the car?
    The father replied:  Did you notice in your bible studies that all of them walked where they wanted to go?🤣
  13. Sad
    Arauna reacted to Amidstheroses in College   
    MEDICINE: You have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze and a bottle of scotch. Remove your appendix. Do not suture until your work has been inspected. You have fifteen minutes.
                           What?!  Do you think we are suicidal maniacs?
    PUBLIC SPEAKING: 2,500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek.
    If you had only allowed either Ancient Greek or Latin, my daughter could have come up with something great… (professional author and college degree in Classics, Greek tract, but earning a living as a stock broker for Fidelity Investments. Knows several types of Greek and Latin.
    Knows, but does not obey, Jehovah 💔
  14. Haha
    Arauna reacted to JW Insider in College   
    I was cleaning out old papers today and came across a final exam. I'll post a picture in a minute.

  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Lets set up a cart.   
    In this case, I was just making a joke. The ‘American thinking cap’ strikes again. I don’t know of such groups. Just one scholarly one in which participants are not necessarily even Witnesses. It is invitation only and I have never been invited. Nothing scholarly about me. I just putter.
    Other than that, there are groups and forums everywhere. People can get in simply by asking and meeting minimal qualifications. You never know for sure who the others are. I keep my distance, for the most part. It’s all I can do to keep up with my own stuff.
  16. Like
    Arauna reacted to Moise Racette in Lets set up a cart.   
    Broken Promise, and I believe it has been granted. I guess there is no reason for a closed club.
    "I had quit the JW Open Club, so as not to be a cause for dissension …. [w]hich if I am not careful I can take over a conversation … as TTH ALLUDED to that, and he was correct.
    Under the circumstances, I feel if I do not comment, it would solve at least 3 points of concern.
    I have been thinking about this for several days and decided it would be appropriate to “belong” if I only commented if asked a question, etc.,[]and not post cartoons.
    Basically, the same rules at the Kingdom Hall, except I will be courteous to anyone that is courteous to me, except that for d’fd people, not to discuss any theocratic issue or “what’s going on”, etc., realizing it is a double[]edged sword that should cut both ways.
    With all that in mind, I again request approval to join the closed club[] mainly as an observer.
    The open club has evolved into a bat cave of crazy people."
  17. Downvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Moise Racette in Lets set up a cart.   
    The Sanhedrin was gone but the Rabbis kept their position by becoming very powerful and the Mishnah and Torah was written - a book that is more quoted in Synagogues today that the Torah. And the traditions instituted by these rabbis live on until today.  They have tremendous power - so that the entire life of the community is adversely affected - even today.
    I usually to not reply to your hate-OCD aberrations but this person (now answering you), does not know that you are known to most of us as a person to avoid due to the fact that you are set one one goal..  to destroy.... 
  18. Downvote
    Arauna reacted to Moise Racette in Lets set up a cart.   
    Do they, I didn't know American Christians hated Canadian's? That's new to me. I guess it says more about American Christians here than people that oppose certain teachings of Christ.
    Maybe that should be a new discussion. How JW's hate certain people and don't follow God's law like some posters they oppose. 1 John 3:15
  19. Haha
    Arauna reacted to TrueTomHarley in Lets set up a cart.   
    I’m not so sure. Whenever a person with an odd name appears out of nowhere (especially when another of odd name has disappeared) and becomes intensely active, we can suspect another reincarnation of you know who. 
    That’s not to say it’s a bad thing, necessarily. I mean, just look at who he is squaring off against—hardly a paragon of fair play or reasonableness.
    That said, a couple of innocent people have been caught in that net, so you never know. Only ONE person—a certain wizard in internet technology who takes the place of ‘only your hairdresser knows for sure’—can be said to know.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Pudgy in Lets set up a cart.   
    Who cares?
    If it’s a total waste of time …. It’s THEIRS to waste!
  21. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Moise Racette in Lets set up a cart.   
    I guess the above-mentioned, works for the zeal of Christ and the Apostles that continued that fine work. Apostle Paul comes to mind. Yet, to some extent, someone might think that kind of work can be exaggerated or excessive, while Jesus wouldn't have thought of it that way. It's good to know there are still people willing to proclaim the good news with such passion as it was done in Jesus time.  An Organization that follows Jesus teachings can only be a fine example on how not to listen to old and forgotten members that just couldn't appreciate those teachings.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Lets set up a cart.   
    Just to be seen, this is in itself a Witness. Also, those who are really interested, they find a way to come and take literature. 
  23. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Thinking in Lets set up a cart.   
    I guess you havent tried it. There are many countries where there is still many responses.... and in those where there are not significant  responses... jehovah sees the faithfulness of the sisters and the public are reminded when they see the stands. Every time they ignore us they are making a choice!
    You see nothing we do for jehovah is vanity or in vain.  Wasting time on other pursuits is vanity as Solomon said.  
  24. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Lets set up a cart.   
    I guess you havent tried it. There are many countries where there is still many responses.... and in those where there are not significant  responses... jehovah sees the faithfulness of the sisters and the public are reminded when they see the stands. Every time they ignore us they are making a choice!
    You see nothing we do for jehovah is vanity or in vain.  Wasting time on other pursuits is vanity as Solomon said.  
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Lets set up a cart.   
    Just to be seen, this is in itself a Witness. Also, those who are really interested, they find a way to come and take literature. 
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