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The Hebrew Origin of the Roman Alphabet

The Librarian

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The Hebrew Origin of the Roman Alphabet Via

There are several of these short videos of this type here. They are concise and useful for learning. But from the ones I've watched, there is a kind of agenda running through them that repeatedly trie

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There are several of these short videos of this type here. They are concise and useful for learning. But from the ones I've watched, there is a kind of agenda running through them that repeatedly tries to claim that the Greek alphabet was derived from the Hebrew. This particular video, above, states it explicitly.

This appears to be wrong, though. The Hebrew alphabet was derived from the Phoenician. The Greek alphabet was also derived from the Phoenician. Otherwise how could the Greek alphabet be more closely tied to the Phoenician than the Hebrew? Several of the Phoenician letters made it into the Greek alphabet but never made it into the Hebrew. 

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