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"the Bible is the standard" Why do Jehovah's witnesses reject blood transfusions? Why don't they choose? Achim Stemler, the regional commissioner for the news, and Evelyn Richter, the community press officer in greven, give answers in an interview.

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"the Bible is the standard"
Why do Jehovah's witnesses reject blood transfusions? Why don't they choose? Achim Stemler, the regional commissioner for the news, and Evelyn Richter, the community press officer in greven, give answers in an interview.

In Germany, Jehovah's witnesses were long regarded as a cult, which this year, after many tests, also received the status of a church in nrw. In Reckenfeld, the community maintains a "Royal room" as a meeting room. Editor Monika Gerharz spoke to Evelyn Richter and Achim Stemler, two active witnesses, about how they are understood as Jehovah's witnesses.

How do you get to Jehovah's witnesses?

Achim Stemler: I grew up Catholic, my mother was Catholic, my evangelical father. I was fascinated by biblical stories like a teenager, I loved them. But I found no evidence of much of what the Catholic Church taught - about the triad, hell. By Chance, I came in contact with Jehovah's witnesses when I was a teenager, taught me to understand the Bible. When I was 19, I became a member.

Evelyn Richter: I have grown through education. My mother belongs to Jehovah's witnesses. My Father is evangelical.

In fact, it is always heard that Jehovah's witnesses only marry one another. Is this a rumor?

Judge: there is no exclusion if you have a partner who is not part of Jehovah's witnesses. But personally i already wish someone with whom I can go together on the path of faith.

An important complaint from the critics of his religious community refers to the ban on the acceptance of blood transfusions. How are you?

Stemler: the basis for this is two bibliographies in the Old Testament and one in the apostelgeschichte, where it is necessary to refrain from blood. This compels us. But this does not mean that we are not allowed to operate, for example, or against organ transplantation. There are very good alternatives to blood transfusions. Many doctors who are not part of Jehovah's witnesses are investigating this, and we have a special committee composed of the hospital that carefully monitors these investigations.

The Ban on blood transfusion also applies to children, there are court judgments that have forced treatment.

Stemler: when children are sick, the situation is particularly stressful. I'm glad she never asked me about my kids. However, the Bible is the standard of our actions.

Jehovah's witnesses have long fought for recognition as a public law corporation and therefore as an officially recognized religious community with the right to vote for the church. They are accused above all of the lack of loyalty to the democratic state, because they do not vote. What's behind this rejection?

Stemler: I say it sometimes careless: I have already chosen - namely the kingdom of God. We feel compelled to work for it. We live in the world, but it's not our responsibility, and that's why we're not voting - like 25 percent of all the other Germans. But we stick to the laws - with one exception: we reject the war service.

Many witnesses were placed in the concentration camp in the third reich and killed. Is this denial also behind the prohibition and reprisals that Jehovah's witnesses are currently exposed to in Russia?

Stemler: honestly, I don't know. We're suspected of being extremists, but we don't know what that means.

Critics who call Jehovah's witnesses a cult are often told that they leave the community, cut by all the old friends and even their own family. Is this correct?

Stemler: if a member violates the rules of the bible not only is contrary, but this violation also approves and takes place - as adultery continued - then over time this man has moved away from the community, and therefore with He would like to have no contact.

Isn't this attitude so attached when you think of the parable of the good shepherd who follows the last lost sheep?

Stemler: we are not going to drop anyone, who made a mistake. Our elders always try to stay in touch. It's about this opposite, non-repudiation. He's also relentless when someone insists on his behavior.

Is this also true within families? For example, would your wife stay away from you if she wanted to get rid of her fellowship?

Stemler: No, I'm sure my wife won't get away. The decision to them was the second best in my life - after the decision of the faith. Our community does not require families in such a case to violate members.

Could Jehovah's witnesses enter a fruitful ecumenical dialogue with other religions?

Stemler: No. We see no basis for this.

Finally, a very personal question: ringing in the doors at regular intervals and making conversation offers, which are rarely accepted. Isn't this disgusting?

Judge: you can't expect people to have time. We make the offer because we have mission mission - everything else is people's decision.

Stemler: what seems to me to be a pity, though, is that people are less and less aware of what is in the Bible. There is often only disinterest. There are tears. At least people must have their own opinion of faith.

How do your neighbors and colleagues react when they hear that they belong to Jehovah's witnesses?

Judge: there are questions of course when I do not participate in Christmas or birthday parties. Then I declare it, and it is accepted.

And why don't you party?

Stemler: we do not celebrate festivals that have a pagan background.

So you're not a muffle celebration in principle?

Judge: not at all! My husband and I are celebrating our wedding day, for example.



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"the Bible is the standard" Why do Jehovah's witnesses reject blood transfusions? Why don't they choose? Achim Stemler, the regional commissioner for the news, and Evelyn Richter, the community pres

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    • That simply implies that you, as a glorified plumber, do not truly comprehend quantum physics as you pretend to. However, you are indeed right about one thing - your criminal record, which is easily accessible to anyone, will reveal the true nature of your character. That was the intended reference, not the delusional manipulation of words that you employ to divert attention from the fact that you are fundamentally driven by base instincts as an animal at heart, which you continue to display, and people want to continue to defend you for it. Their vigorous defense of you speaks volumes about their lack of Christian ethics, overshadowing your insignificant existence. I prefer not to engage in conflict with an uninformed individual, even in this thread that was intriguing, but unfortunately, someone uncouth always manages to spoil it.
    • First of all, I have no criminal record which is immaterial and irrelevant to a discussion of quantum physics. You are trying to attack my credibility with ad-hominem attacks to deflect from your colossal incompetence. If I was a Nazi mass-murderer chained to a wall in Spandau Prison, what I stated here would still be true … and if you were an angel from God your irrelevant bullshit would STILL be irrelevant bullshit. You have PROVED here you havn’t got the SLIGHTEST clue what you are talking about … with every sentence. This is NOT the JW open club … we are NOT discussing theology, we are discussing the physics of light, which your statements and bluffs CLEARLY show you have no understanding at all … None Whatsoever! I wii have to admit, you got balls the size of an elephant to try an backup your complete drivel about Quantum Electrodynamics with that bogus book on intimate relationships, and ad-hominem attacks.  If you were a cow, that cowboy with the rifle might advise you to wipe that foam off of your mouth!
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