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S A W A S D E E (Hello in Thai) Today myself and 6 of my best...

The Librarian

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S A W A S D E E (Hello in Thai) Today myself and 6 of my best friends visited the branch In Thailand on our vacation. We learned a few greetings in Thai. We also learned that in Thailand they call ‘Caleb and Sophia’, 'Danny and Sophia’. Amazing to see how Jehovah’s unity and makes everything best for you based on your language and culture. On day 2 of our trip I already know today was my ultimate highlight. Photo shared by @dreambigleilei

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S A W A S D E E (Hello in Thai) Today myself and 6 of my best friends visited the branch In Thailand on our vacation. We learned a few greetings in Thai. We also learned that in Thailand they call ‘Ca

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