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Queen Esther

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11. 5. ----.jpg

Stressed System.....

Stressed System,  Blinking,
The world is on the run,
In centrifuge!

Streseed system,
Prelung snout,
The world is fugitive,
To her in the country!

Streseed system,
What drowned,
In the incessant,
And in the papers!

Streseed system,
Everything broke,
Even ozone,
,, The range "!

Streseed system,
Full of sin,
Jehovah gave you
An ultimatum!

Soon it tightens it,
And do not cry to her,
She throws you,
A bad coat!

And for you,
Holy God,
Ascend the dream,
HALF Paradis!

( Author  unknown )

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Stressed System..... Stressed System,  Blinking, The world is on the run, In centrifuge! Streseed system, Prelung snout, The world is fugitive, To her in the country! Streseed

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