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Russell, The Egyptian Pyramids, Freemasons and Demonology

Micah Ong

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Still giving us a "bad report" like many others on this forum.  Why did the Israelites give the bad report? And why did God say it was BAD even tho it was TRUE?

"Do everything without complaining and arguing", Phil 2:14 NLT :D


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Hardy har har and a slap on the arse for @The Librarian, sending her sprawling over her card catalog and into the Children's Section stuffed animal bin! Vic Vomidog's the name. Disemboweling the

The entire set of quotations used in the post about Russell supposedly claiming to be a Freemason are presented in such as way as to imply a false narrative. You can actually pick out the true meaning

If there is one thing all should be able to agree upon, it is that nobody can tell Stephen Lett about gestures. He wrote the book. Look, I shouldn't comment on this topic because I am only barely

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45 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

  when one looks at the video to know its a fake or a misrepresentation of the ring glare.

So you have shown me Brother Lett in a different talk with a different ring.

You can take a look at the October 2014 Broadcast yourself from TV.JW.ORG - please pause at 8:03-8:05

It's not photoshopped because it's straight off the website!

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With a view toward reviewing her work, I am reading the most exhaustive and scholarly treatment of the Russell era that I am aware of (and it is only volume 1)


I have never seen such detail. It holds special interest for me as I live in Rochester, and was once  withing 100 yards (but also 100 years) of Nelson Barbour. There are frequent mention of towns around where I live - some have merged into Rochester, some have grown, some have disappeared.

I follow the author on Twitter. She tweets excitedly with her coauthor about some tiny little mini-fact that she or he has confirmed. We have briefly corresponded. I tried (I think unsuccessfully) to get her to review my book and ended up volunteering to review hers. It deserves weeks of pondering and I just don't have that time, but no matter. Because I have the history I get the flavor of it quickly. Even so, those devoted enough to meaningfully contribute to this thread (which I am not) will get more out of it than me. 

These days, plenty of people take a factoid or two and spin God only knows what out of it. You can't get away with it with these authors. Their research is exhaustive.

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On 04/06/2017 at 10:20 PM, JW Insider said:

As to the fact that it is upside-down. I'm not concerned, but it may have been that the cross was upside down from the beginning and when it was noticed some of the scenes with it were reshot, but one of them made it back into the final edit.

How can a cross be worn upside down when it is designed to be worn upright, you can't wear a cross upside-down?  They have to be two separate crosses.

Watch the scene carefully, one is briefly worn upright and then in the same scene when the camera's flashes back to him, an upside-down cross is now worn.

The WTS pays very close attention to detail as you know from the pictures in the WT Study's.

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28 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

Yes, well, then learn the difference the Watchtower took after 1934. However, tell it to a modern Bible student, and they'll have a laugh too.

But when you say Jesus was the head of this Organization at 1919 then this clearly shows all your fundamentals to be flawed, and Jesus wasn't directing this organization as he would not put out false prophecies, Beth-Sarim ect.

If you were to zoom in on those pics you have shown with high pixilation you would be able to see the symbol, as you can faintly see the symbol but it's too far away to make out the details.  Also it is in slight motion.  It needs light to reflect off the symbol which is within the stone.  You can see this at 8:03-8:05.

The WTS are only a group of men who interpret the Bible.  Nothing more nothing less.  No divine backing is evident.  Russia's banning on JW's was based on the extreme cult ideoligies it places upon it's members.

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8 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

nd Beth Sarim was built for Rutherford by brethren that were concerned about his health that was attributed by the Catholic Church meddling that got all the Bethel Officers thrown in jail for sedition. That inspection. Also, Beth-Sarim. Yeah, I know about it.

"At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean "House of the Princes"; and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be forever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on earth. . . . while the unbelievers have mocked concerning it and spoken contemptuously of it, yet it stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name; and if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth-Sarim." Salvation (1939) p.311


"Both the grantor and the grantee are fully persuaded from the Bible testimony which is the word of Jehovah God and from extraneous evidence that God's Kingdom is now in the course of establishment and that it will result beneficially for the peoples of earth; that the governing power and authority will be invisible to men but that the kingdom of God will have visible representatives on the earth who will have charge of the affairs of the nations under supervision of the invisible ruler, Christ. That among those who will be thus the faithful representatives and visible governors of the world will be David, who was once King over Israel; and Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jepthai, and Joseph, formerly ruler of Egypt, and Samuel the prophet and other faithful men named with approval in the Bible at Hebrews 11th. chapter. The WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY shall hold said title perpetually in trust for the use of any or all of the men above named as representatives of God's kingdom on earth and that such men shall have possession and use of said property hereinabove described as they may deem for the best interest for the work in which they are engaged. Any persons appearing to take possession of said premises shall first prove and identify themselves to the proper officers of said Society as the person or persons described in Hebrews chapter eleven and in this deed." Golden Age 1930 Mar 19 pp.400,401

According to the WTS logic - Jesus gave the men in charge imperfect spiritual direction (food)

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@Allen SmithNow I know you are a shill(maybe from Bethel) because they aren't the correct time references.  Anyone can play that section and see that he doesn't gesture like that in that time frame mentioned.

Mind you I'm playing from the fully downloaded version off TV.JW.ORG

I invite everyone to play it for themselves...at 8:03-8:07

In this segment he says: "featuring Caleb and Sophia...and that has indeed..."


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1 hour ago, AllenSmith said:

But buddy your wrong if you think I'm from Bethel, ask "insider" how wrong you are.

I said maybe!

I got mine directly from TV.JW.ORG broadcast.  And anyone who plays it from there will see that the sequence you have portrayed doesn't match.

He pretty much sticks with the position, on the still, I have shared already.

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3 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

According to the WTS logic - Jesus gave the men in charge imperfect spiritual direction (food)

According to Micah Ong logic please.

Actually, the development of this posting and it's excursion into Beth Sarim reminds me of the story of Archimede's Eureka moment. Can you see how this might apply here?

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