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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Then why is your words like this now to how it was before? And as to where and when have I criticized his stance? Show me. He says to me and someone else that it is not of our concern, however the problem here is those who knows the full extent to the problems of Child Abuse on a global scale sees the problems in ALL institutions, not one, not two, but all of them, granted children are scattered through all such things, schools, churches, what have you. Abusers of all kinds lurk in all areas, they work to get a position of power to seek out a target, and the like. The US is lucky no type of Jungle Justice is at play here otherwise things would get bloody fast. That being said, it is taking place in Restaurants - and yes, children there are of the concern of people who are aware of the imperfection that is aligned with child abuse. So no one should be ignoring others. And no, Butler made his stance clearly the first time he brought this up regarding ARC a while back and it is evident in his later posts - haven't you read them, I believe that you posted in those threads also. I leave you with this question. If you believe the focus of child abuse happening to one group is of high importance and them alone, why choose to ignore all other children whereas child abuse is also the case with them, perhaps to us Unitarians, wanna ignore the children there too? What of those affected by grooming Gangs, those who have been Gang-Stalked, turned into sex slaves, ignore them too for the sake one of person of a group or and race? A simple minded person who has logical thinking would be concern with all churches, all schools, all restaurants, all clubs, etc.
  2. Clearly you didn't get my response and throw the WT into everything. You want to play that game, then tell me. Can you give me any evidence and or proof of WT/Jehovah's Witnesses being openly acceptive of Gay Marriages in their churches? Perhaps prompting the teaching of Sodomy and brazen conduct to children because it is suppose to be okay, which also falls in line to intercourse before marriage? Can you point to or show me any Jehovah's Witnesses involved in those making pedophilia a sexual orientation, hence my quote. Do Jehovah's Witnesses profit and dwell in human trafficking, granted my react quote was the following: Child Abuse happens in all communities, an increased statistics out there regarding those who practice homosexuality, especially men. Child Abuse will always be an issue because the world seems to openly accept such a thing, some wanting it to be a sexual preference and the like. So enlighten me, Srecko, you want to quote that small portion of my words thinking it may I am referring to something else when my own words is clear. After all, you wanted to quote part B of my response, so let's see the answer about being part of the world from you in this regard of which is mentioned. Â And no, it isn't a general concept... Re-read my response and I will do you the favor of linking for you here: Â Â Â
  3. Well if the gate is really cold, there wouldn't be none of that now - that is, unless you are Wim "Iceman" Hof of course.
  4. And yet the common man recognizes child abuse is everywhere, an they are not focused on a sole group and or person, for wherever there is a danger of such a thing it is concerning, anywhere and everywhere, if you actually take into account what PSA and other information says about Child Abuse and Neglect, you'd realize that yourself. Granted to what Mr. Butler said before in an early discussion, one can see where he stands, I wouldn't call it activism when the grand majority knows that this is a problem, for if anyone has great concern it should be to educate people and seek better solutions. If his concern was with all institution he would have stated this, but he has not, for his one and only focus, as it is evident in half of his posts, is regarding Jehovah's Witnesses only unless you want to point out to where his concern is drawn out elsewhere - be my guess. The more you speak only shows how very little you know about the history of Christianity, perhaps the Abrahamic Faiths. I've explained to you 4 times what a Restorationist is and or what is Restorationism, but it would seem what is said goes in one ear and out the other, instead of repeating myself I will link so you know what it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restorationism What you missed in the New Testament is the fact that God by means of his Son will get rid of all things wicked, even people, he will always erased from the earth all things that has been a burden on us and all things that has affected us in a bad way, this includes all imperfections that originate from sin -including child abuse and ill desires. If you miss that point in the Bible, let alone what God's Kingdom will bring, how do you say to yourself you read the Bible and understand it when something this minor you fail to accept? Perhaps get preached on this as well as research, Srecko - for if you do not trust in God, there is no reason for you to seek now is there? And ye we have the Babylon in Texas - LIVE, right now. And no, not all denominations claim such as for WT they are Restorationist, the link I provided for you will show you want they base their practices and teachings on. Did you not understand what was going on in the Old Testament? Israel had enemies, especially those who curse God and spare no remorse when it comes to defiling God's people, the very reason people had to step up. Last time you spoke of Barak and now we see the contradiction, only things time you didn't confuse his role to a Prophetess. They have a name, it is called Messianic Jews, that is, if you are referring to today. Messianic Jews do not follow the early church or her teachings, they open themselves up to things that is accursed and or not aligned with what is said in the Bible. Some of them willingly accept non-Bible canons as truth. The Apostolic Church and it's early Christians are National Christian denominations? How are you so sure when they are borderline Subornationist an the fact you missed what Apostle Paul said in Galatians? They are not part of the world not by what their teachings says, but the fact they adhere to Restorationism (I suggest you study this for I give this to you as Homework, hence the link), whether you agree with them or not. The biggest proof of that, today even, is what is going on in Texas, as well as the reaction by some JWs, who show the same reaction to Together 2016, as others have, as well as those who reacted to the Kairos Movement.
  5. You should check out the imaginary online. Armageddon is called the Day of God for a reason, and the Christ himself will be coming like a Mighty Warrior upon mankind, both the good and the wicked, an to the wicked his sword will be directed. You spoke before about reading the Bible, it should not be a surprise of how things will go down, granted we have examples in the Old Testament and what is spoken of as to what is to come.  Armageddon means (in the New Testament) the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment. a biblical hill of Megiddo, for the hill itself is in regards to an archaeological site on the plain of Esdraelon, south of present-day Haifa in Israel.  God's Day is nigh, of which side you are for?
  6. As with the internet there is memes, we had the Ugandan Knuckles at the opening of 2018, Pepe the Frog and Kekistan Army, Logan/Jake Paul, the turning of a Super Mario villain into a female, and now we have the NPC. This term is in direct to the far left, as well as Social Justice Warriors, to which the left fins the term very dehumanizing whereas the left called people Nazis or Russian Bots, but the meme that originated from the far Right, the NPC, is very powerful and is triggering people left and right, even those in the media. Not only is the meme hilarious, but it adds truth to how those with a political view actually operate and react. In a way, this new NPC meme to SJWs has blown up the internet faster than the other things mentioned. The image you see here is a wojak turned into an NPC. Â
  7. As technology advances, things like this will change. Who knows, in the next 50-75 or so years we could be paying bills or contributing to something financially with a mere thought (as in a Goggle type device connected to your head kind of way).
  8. You also realize that those who claim to be Christians were also involved too, right? This also goes for those who want to destroy Christianity from within, such ones known as Luciferians. Christians, Catholics are on both sides, now to the infantry, Luciferians however are merely spectators of their own design. The thing here is, I am speaking of all institutions as well as the world, even JWs - as I have told you perhaps 10 times or more. For if child abuse was of great concern to you, you would be focused on anywhere and everywhere child abuse is done, therefore unlike you my interest is everywhere, even that of human sex trafficking granted those who claim to "help the people" were doing the opposite, as with the grooming gangs in UK and other things. They are not the only ones who do not go to or favor for war. You are not getting what I said, my actually words were: I actually speak to and help those who are abused among many other things, pretty much a perk when you are helping and supporting the youth in institutions and clubs dedicated to helping build up the young to have better lives, so I would not be obvious to such a matter, granted I am aware that child abuse is all over the place in all institutions, you speak as though it is only happening to a sole religious faith alone when all religious faiths are effected, even to Unitarians this happens also, it does not derail them, nor will it derail others. When I mention derailment it is in regards to those who do not lose their faith because of the actions of or the sins of others, this also includes those who seek to abuse children. Therefore, people will always continue their faith even if such a thing is done because they know God will make right of things when the time comes. It's is no different with those who are non-religious either. Man cannot stop wars, they cannot stop famine, they cannot stop sickness, they cannot stop corruption lovers of flesh and or money, in that same sense, man cannot stop child abuse. As for faith and seeking the truth, it is held steadfast with a firm ice-pick grip be those who seek salvation, for they will not let go of it no matter what. You have the Bible, you'd be amazed by what I have seen and heard when in Thailand, so regardless it should not stop you. When my own family members were killed by Occultist, it didn't stop me from reading and spreading the gospel. You have a Bible, learn first then go teach, you were formerly a Jehovah's Witness, hence you have the tools right there. Restorationist are not hypocrites and I wouldn't say that they are pushing false information. Therefore among many things, learn what a Resrationist Christian is before you say such because if people are now knowing what Christmas is all about because of Restorationist, for they themselves made the change after researching, that should be a sign, right then and there, the same thing goes for other things like Greek Language forms and the like. But you have to be more specific about false information. So far the whole 1975 thing was incorrect as disgruntled ones push to make others believe 1975 the claim for Armageddon was on the rise when it is not - people were still out and about preaching, to add more fuel to the fire legitimate information made by someone who isn't all that religious had been flagged for removal by those who continue to push the falsehood. You really have to open your eyes, man.
  9. As is with young Jesus to the religious leaders in the temple. That being said, Restorationist do not make man made rules, their rules are based on either Scripture and or anything pertaining to modesty, cleanness, an example would be I know Jehovah's Witnesses, in the US for example, cannot and will not have beards due to concerns with neatness and cleanness so that the message they bring forth does not detract from the dignity or the effectiveness of the message they bear the verse in question of which stems this 2 Corinthians 6:3, 4 among a few. Ironically enough people do take issue with beards, especially some non-Americans and or those outside of the US who now live there, in other cases beards are banned in some areas i.e. Nigeria. You make it seem that you are, especially when it comes to Strong's. But like I said, their stewards or elders are not puppets, nor are their leaders, for if we have to blame someone, it would be God if that is the case due to orderly worship, and you have his Son, who is the head of the church. Regarding Hitler, there has been some major things at play that is not spoken of by most, and it took people of power and influence who through their lots into the same pot, with Hitler being another chess piece on the board. If they are ruining lives, they would not be increasing in adherents and they would too be affected by the decline of Christendom, when minorities are unaffected. It should be obvious to you in the UK, granted that Islamic faith is nearly surpassing mainstream Christianity, while minorities are untouched by the decline, granted the decline is far more bigger in the UK and EU compared to US and Asia, whereas the US consider is also regarding White Christians. All this, spoken of 2015, and here we are now. That being said, I do not see how their stewards are to be blamed for Christian Primitivty regarding the Bible, this also goes for lone Restorationist who are not part of any group as well.
  10. People were not kidding around when they think the dark soviet era was slowly coming in.
  11. @James Thomas Rook Jr. As with all things Amazon will take over, and robots... They learned to jump over things now and can ninja jump their way upstairs, as we speak.
  12. I know, but things must be said. How are they killing others as you have said? I actually speak to and help those who are abused among many other things, pretty much a perk when you are helping and supporting the youth in institutions and clubs dedicated to helping build up the young to have better lives, so I would not be obvious to such a matter, granted I am aware that child abuse is all over the place in all institutions, you speak as though it is only happening to a sole religious faith alone when all religious faiths are effected, even to Unitarians this happens also, it does not derail them, nor will it derail others. Child Abuse happens in all communities, an increased statistics out there regarding those who practice homosexuality, especially men. Child Abuse will always be an issue because the world seems to openly accept such a thing, some wanting it to be a sexual preference and the like. And those affected by Child Abuse will indeed speak about it, even speaking about other faiths, this includes Catholics who are also aware and openly speaking on the matter, the same as Muslims to which a majority of the UK seems to pin all pedophilia on Muslims when not all of them do such a thing, with the majority of the act being done by Caucasian white males in both the US and the UK - it does not mean all of them are doing the same thing, yet you have small communities and mobs who paint that picture - as they do with those of a faith community. People who are awake and aware knows how to deal with such a mater, but to remain ignorant to what is going on out there is mind-boggling. That being said, if the concern was this a great with you, you would have done the same as I have regarding Teresa May and several others in the UK, furthermore, unlike you, I have seen things and heard things even testimony from young ones, who are building other young ones to help others, this also goes in the category of child abuse whereas they themselves who recognize both the signs of those who had been abused and those who are targeted by abusers and the like - as I have always stated, there is always a better solution, singling out the world regarding child abuse and focusing on a sole faith is not one of them when you yourself and everyone knows those who abuse children will play the system to seek out targets of any kind, the price of imperfection. So if they are bringing shame on God's name why aren't you spreading the gospel yourself, but remain here? Speaker's Corner would be a start. They are aware of this and yes people do thing twice. Plus it should be known to you by know as to why something such as Church Discipline is actually existing and or Internal things done by those who are of a pastoral and or steward like position, or Bishops. For if it was to be kept a secret, they would not be speaking about prevention and a list of other things even though they are not immune to child abuse themselves - no one is, even you. I already know of this story, spoken vocally for people formerly of the faith tried to preach and proclaim that the murderer was or use to be a JW, when this information is false - therefore it isn't a surprise if you got duped into that information. EXJWs tried to pin the blame on a man they assume to be a JW. The killer committed a hate crime, for if he was actually a JW, he wouldn't believe in hellfire torment, for his own statement says so, furthermore, what he says also, Keith Beviss, is even further proof of this, check the updates of the story. I'd also like to point out there was a girl who visited friends in the area who spoke up, only to be shot down by disgruntled JWs, the same goes for another guy, a Catholic, who attacked ExJWs for this story as fodder to make it seem the killer was somehow a JW when information gives us insight that this man simply disliked the group and was delusional. During this time, Theresa May was trying to bluster up a fight against hate crime, for this murder, against the JW, was indeed a hate crime, hence the knife attacks that are increased in the UK. That being said, if I may ask, were you not all that aware of the recent information that took place afterwards. This article is from 17 November 2017 when there is updates and recent information stemming into 2018, for it it was of a concern, you'd look into the information further. Other than that this has been spoken of here before and Hate crimes, also including religious, have been on the rise in the UK, haven't you heard? Recent statistics: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-42749089 Other information: https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/knife-crime-at-devon-courts-1808115 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-devon-43007927 https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/paranoid-killer-stabbed-jehovahs-witness-1193202 https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/behind-bars-45-people-who-1676744 So you tell me regarding this quote: Beviss claimed they were calling him 'wicked' and 'saying he would go to hell'. You think the murderer was formerly a Witness when he himself was seeking to inflict harm on religious folk, even asking them for their faith, when the targets were common in the neighbor? That being said, my biggest concern for you right now is to be very vigilant because knife attacks and hate crimes is high.
  13. Yes. To serve God properly. Also if you do not mind me asking, can you post the verses without hyperlinks. They express and say in the truth because they, within their whole faith community is actually professing the teachings of the church, for a church and a community is organized, thus prompting orderly worship. Technically the people who profess God and his Christ are of God, regardless, for we have examples in the Bible, especially John 4. It does not always apply to everyone because majority in Christendom do not follow what is true. True Christians are of organized faiths and or sole individuals, this also includes all Restorationist, be it an organized faith or a sole individual. That being said, not everyone follows Jesus' footsteps, hence why some who put themselves to task actually attempts to or do so accordingly and correct like the early Christians have done. They are not a sect, for sects are a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong. Honest Christians are aware of sin, and they are aware that they themselves are not immune to the sins of the world, outside and what comes inside the church. Churches who follow the early Church are bounded by a type of ruling that is technically a Nazareth Vow, and if you read in the Bible what that is, it is something serious, hence why Church Disciplinary action and or investigation is a type professed by churches. Pedophilia/child abuse is very low among a community of 8.5 million adherents. that being said, I remember saying the faith ones follows such things will not stop them from being committed to their faith. Child abuse is across the aboard and there are some forms of it that is very grim, even such committed by people in government and politics. It is everywhere. Child abuse is everywhere... Yes this has been said, and what was always spoken of that it is globe and no one is immune to it, not even JWs. On the other side of the spectrum you have those prompting pedophilia and see it as no problem. Regardless, it won't stop someone from professing a faith, especially Restorationist, for it should be known by now according to their history, they adhere to the faith as hardcore as a game addict to video games, nothing will stop them, perhaps slow them down a bit, but it will not stop the engine they are filling with coal. Now if you want honesty, the only thing that can hinder all denominations, even JWs is strong, a very strong change in something in government and or the laws, example would be the 1st amendment in the US as to which the UN nearly got a hold of to alter, if that had been changed, it will not effect JWs, but all Americans, rich and poor. I am sure you guys in the UK have your laws of which Ms. May, who isn't clean herself, is strict on, should you lose such there would be chaos in London and many parts of the UK. Russia is an example, think of that on a grander scale when Government, the State and a Sole Religion becomes a Triad of Power that wants to control and conquer - it will not fair well for the British or the Americans and the both of them know that it is a line they cannot cross, for if they do they cannot come back, we already see an example as of recent with the Saudis, your ally and the US' ally. A hero knows he or she cannot kill for if they do, they will go to the point of no return, in that same sense, it would be disastrous for you and JWs and everyone else should that happen - but such is inevitable.
  14. There is a lot more about Jamal that the media does not speak about, an example, his relationship/and or how close he was with Osama Bin Laden. The US will not do a thing the Saudis because they are allies, and they got plans for 2030.
  15. @James Thomas Rook Jr. It makes you wonder what is the next one to go. I can already see places like Gamestop, getting axed, perhaps Staples also. Kmart has weak knees.
  16. But these are reason by a sole individual, which is you. One cannot know for certain, but the most obvious thing when it comes to one's spiritually and how it benefits him/her and those around him/her. But if I recall, Jehovah's Witnesses do speak of Jesus and do what is commanded by him and God. Examples would be adhering to the Great Commission and a list of other things. So when they say they are in the truth, it means they are on a path, their community as a whole, in a direction that is not bumpy or crooked, although all of them are imperfect. It literally makes claim to this on their own website. Restorationist Christians are not puppets. If they were they'd be pushing the TR 1245 and ignore the fact that all Christians are of the New Covenant, those same Christians who make up the Spiritual House, furthermore, all members of that house have roles, in which it contributes to the church and her community.
  17. Pretty much. Grounds of Excommunication results in Church ties being cut, which includes members of the church in of itself, hence shun command that is in connection with expelling. The article reads that some of his customers were/are of the same faith as him, mostly the same people who go to/or use to go to the same JW church with this individual. Other than that, a good percentage of his business is still available to the public, just that small circle of JWs that were his customers are no longer putting revenue into said business. We shouldn't be part of the world, it goes for all men and women, we already have several examples in the last few months. As long as his business does not take negative turns, he should be fine. Anything and everything in connection to Excommunication is Biblical, it does not originate with men, it originates with Christ, hence what was entrusted. For although he is expelled from his church, his business can still benefit others since all church ties are cut due to what he was excommunicated for. For if a man sells fish and crabs to all even his church and eventually cut off from that community, his business isn't totally dead, only lost a good portion of customers who are of said church. That being said, drunkenness and verbal abuse - for such things like that would get you booted from the church community because the Bible speaks regarding such things: drinking to the point to where you lose control and a foul mouth. The individual also admitted to 2 situations of drunkenness, whereas one of those occasions, he verbally abusing his wife -- wrongdoing he attributed to family stress over the earlier expelling of his 15 year old daughter from the church. Furthermore, Church Discipline committed by the church, which is referred to as a judicial committee stated that the individual was of the church since 1980, and that he himself would be expelled because he was not sufficiently repentant. And after that, for Wall, he took more actions upon himself and it all went downhill from there.
  18. It was only temporary, but it did cause people to freak out. Although when it id happen no warning was issued. But hey, at least it gave people sometime to take a break.... or at least I thought when there is other forms of media present and video games left and right. There should be a day when everything shuts down for a good hour.
  19. Clearly something big is going on in the EU even regarding Russia. It is no surprise the general public does not know what is going on compared to those who understand and is aware. The fact that 374 laws were made, people were kicked out of their homes by force and 1k arrest all coupled with critics being captured and or killed, with, lastly, Putin winning, should be a read flag, especially when the whole RoC and Ukraine thing is escalating as we speak. @Hankulan Tunani Governments don't intervene as much because of lines they cannot cross, which will lead to problems even outside of religion. Other than that, these judges appear to have just left a very early Christmas event hence their clothing.
  20. As with all faiths there is a true believer of the faith and someone who just attends - one can see the difference. Also that whole debacle about the 1975 thing, there was never a claim of the world ending, and I have read enough proof as with hearing live proof myself some time ago, all this including the now long deleted video that had an angry mob remove it from Youtube when someone spoke of the matter. That being said, someone must've not gotten the memo, they should be clothed in public, this is absurd as the time Matthew McConaughey was in the same situation while in his home but was bongo drumming, and yet he was still sane. Plus the Canadians just legalized a plant that the US seems to always be losing a fight against, a good thing such ones didn't get any of such before they went bonkers.
  21. Not quite, a time will come when the division will be far greater. The world as a whole are of 2 factions, including America and whom they side with, while you have Russia and whom they side with. As for the Americans, America is broken and divided and eventually it will reach a tipping point, for last time I mention people wanting to start a civil war of some sort and a list of other things. That being said, the SJWs have been given a new name, NPCs which I find somewhat funny. Politicians will continue to jab at each other's necks as we speech, as with those of the far left and far right, us neutrals just sit back an watch with a bag of popcorn in hand, for such things taking place is non of our business.
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