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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Indeed only one table. The time for such is soon. For we, imperfect now are still susceptible to a variety of things that can cause us to fall, each and everyone one of us to our own problems and devices, some make an effort not to fall, those who fall simply stand back up and continue to walk while others remain with their back to the ground.
  2. Or that, some people forget God uses man in order for his Purpose and Will to go out to the people. There is tons of examples in the Bible as it is.
  3. Not quite, then you have those that make up the Spiritual House, those of the New Covenant and God's Christ who is the head of the church, hence members of the church who has/requires able bodied ones and the like. God approves/disapproves but us as normal men and women cannot do the approving or the anointing for God, he can do this himself. That being said, there are only a few chosen ones on the earth, we do not have an exact number, especially from Pentecost up to now. God invites men to such things so we cannot say for certain.
  4. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Well then, you are tasked to go back in time and figure out what Jesus and everyone else actually looks like. But you'd have to be very, very careful not to cause a time paradox. Anything silly you do in the past, surely, God will know when/should you return. Just do not make contact with Jesus' robe otherwise what played out in Luke 8:45 (Mark 5:30-34) will take place, then you'll have a problem, when you are the only one among the crowd who speaks a language they have never heard of (Jesus might be able to understand you) - English.
  5. @Hankulan Tunani The Netherlands has been a mess for sometime now, and there is also an issue with something or someone.
  6. @Srecko Sostar Government Controlled and or owned globalist media. You have to dig for facts to see if the story is true or not, in most cases that is everything expressed by such ones.
  7. @JOHN BUTLER At least it isn't that bad. I once had to deal with someone who went by name, in all caps, THE YIDDISH GHOST, even his avatar is ghost-like, when he says something it is always in Yiddish and when you translate his words and message is often cryptic and riddle based at times backwards or purposely misspelled in order for you to figure out, he was a Bible reading Agnostic and had quite a lot to say. A verse he often uses when he thinks he confuses or bested someone is this, 1 Corinthians 14:33. He shares a similar view of the early church as me and many others, but his is a bit more extreme and focused on Caesarea Philippi, mainly regarding the church. I could probably dig up a screenshot of this guy when I have time.
  8. @Hankulan Tunani Just be watchful of those who are quick to say something crazy, like screaming and calling you Edomite. I remember there are those who say that also believe that the Holocaust never happen, and are very critical to those who are aware of the history. There's also another they speak of also, King David, son of Jesse, for there are people who debate about not just his skin color, but his hair.
  9. @JOHN BUTLER American Laws are somewhat a mixed bag, there is some states that the abused are suppose to marry their abuser, and people wanting to make several things legal when to the eyes of the common "woke" man and woman, such is to not be made legal. On the other side of the spectrum, you have a divided America, one of the reasons why I am not a fan of politics.
  10. You can always rent a girlfriend in Japan to cuddle you, but that will cost you extra.
  11. Usually Black Israelites take issue with this, on the other side of the spectrum, we have people who see Jesus and or others in the Bible portrayed as Asian, Hispanic, etc. There's no problem with the portrayal but to throw a hissy-fit over such, I ask, build yourself a time machine and find out. That being said, if you exposed such ones they will scream at you, calling you an Edomite or sons and daughters of Esau.
  12. @The Librarian Good. Everyone has a different way of reading the scriptures when they have and or make the time, my Father has always told me to not let a day go by without doing something for God, even if it is 1 verse or half of a verse that is read, to also memorized and meditate on what you read that day. For if a day goes by and you do nothing, it shows that you are not doing something for God. A Bible Studying plan or program is a must, for just as Jesus and all those before and after him, especially the fact that Jesus as a child affirmed Shema Yisrael and read from the Old Testament, to read, obverse, to recite, pray about the God of Israel, his Father. Reading and discussing the Bible with others is also fun too, especially if you are young, you can get together with others and discuss on passages you read and of whom you read about. That being said, I remember reading the Bible once for 13 hours straight when I was younger, then broke it down to 1-2 hours, nowadays, mid 20s, I read anywhere between 1-3 hours daily, with an extra 30 minutes of reflection of what I read as well as meditation, other times I spend that extra 30 minutes turns into an hour if I have to focus on something in a passage and or verse. The good thing is when reading you learn as you go and you begin to remember more and more. As for Prayer, we are to do this continuously, no limited number of when to pray that day, for such is unlimited, for we should be communicating with our God properly and take into example of what our Lord, Christ Jesus gave regarding prayer on how to reach the Father. We are to give ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. To serve and worship with total servitude and devotion by means of what he has given us so that we do these things, to help fortify us spiritually and to buildup others and ourselves.
  13. Matthew 5:44 makes it clear, and regarding Jesus' own words, mainly what can be read in Luke 23:34, for it is referenced, Acts 7:58-60 regarding Stephen, who appealed, who was stoned himself, but prayed to God in Jesus' name to forgive them. Plus we see a fulfilling of Scripture, mainly if we read Psalms 22:18, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24 and John 19:23, 24. The lesson in Jesus praying to his God and Father to forgive such ones is because he, Jesus, freely forgives from his own heart, something of which his disciples and followers are suppose to follow when taking the Christ's example, hence, Ephesians 4:32 and what we read about Stephen, for the religious leaders who took stones against him. Also it was the Jews who plotted against him, eventually had the opportunity to do so, thus getting people to go against him, the Christ - those of earthly Jerusalem who rejected the Christ, on the other side of the spectrum, not all Jews were against Jesus. @Querotevernoparaiso is referring to those who reject God and surely anyone before the New Covenant. Jesus was born very very later on and when he got older, when he died, the New Covenant of which he had spoken of with his disciples, came into effect.
  14. @James Thomas Rook Jr. At least it will not be like his other doctrine I studied about to be inaccurate known as the Rapture whereas people will, bodily and stripped to the bares, is taken up out of the earth, heavenwards into heaven while some remain behind, other who believe in a war or some kind of zombie apocalypse will take place - For truly, truly I say to thee, this doctrine is accursed. That being said, I believe Jesus had more in his words regarding wolves among the sheep, false ones among the true, and the like.
  15. @James Thomas Rook Jr. I am pretty sure that is a joke in all languages.
  16. If you wanted to talk about stars, it would have been best to bring that up to begin with. Before you single them out, it would be best to look at commentary first. The star in question is in reference to the one with the keys, the one who binds up Satan and keeps him there, hence the verses in question is regarding the one who is to remain in the abyss – Satan the Devil. I do not believe I said, anywhere, “he is”, I simply stated that the Angel of the Abyss is regarding the one called Satan the Devil, one of the reasons I showed the references to begin with because those verses connected with that of the others, not even outlined, granted in Satan's case it is of whom he will be dealing with. Jesus on the other hand, is spoken of as the Morning Star (or the bright day star), hence the secondary reference in my previous comment. Granted in that reference, we are aware that Satan later on, is imprisoned for some years soon to be released and will ultimately receive his final judgement, furthermore, the Bible tells us exactly as to what will happened to him, and his eventual demise. The key wasn’t not given to him. For if he is to be chained up there, why would a fallen angel have keys to his own prison in the great deep that is the abyss? Hence why I gave references for the angel of the abyss regarding Satan the Devil. Of course, but now you are left with a reference for Revelations 9:11, hence the ones in chapter 8. One thing for certain, Jesus was not mentioned at all in said reference. The first verse in 20 points back to 9:1. The 3rd one you speaking of? In the Book of Revelation, Wormwood also refers to the water being turned into wormwood and or bitter made bitter.
  17. http://www.texasmotorspeedway.com/events/ Look at the events for October in the next few days.
  18. Most likely because the culture of such is spreading like wildfire to everyone. Hence why they and others stepped up to speak on trying to mitigate the matter, to lower and or reduce any chances of ones succumb to masturbation and view of pornography.
  19. That my friend, is an Okatu. What he is holding in his hand is pillow with an anime loli-con pillow. The term loli-con (???? rori'kon) is another phrase for Lolita complex, it is a description and or picture of; or the attraction to young or prepubescent girls, individual(s) with such an attraction, or loli-con manga or loli-con anime, even in video games and other media, a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an erotic-cute manner, otherwise known as kawaii, in an art style reminiscent of the sh?jo manga style - girls' comics) style.  Some Otakus embrace who they are while a large number of them, especially weebs, suffer from sheer depression and other things because of the habit.  Learn what it is, I found PG links for you to read on the matter without those of that culture trying to derail you into things you do not want to see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolicon https://www.quora.com/What-are-your-thoughts-on-the-term-otaku https://www.quora.com/Is-it-bad-to-be-an-Otaku
  20. @James Thomas Rook Jr. You aware of what an Otaku is, which is also in conjunction with a weeb?
  21. True, granted that the Bible says man will drive themselves into ruin, as which we can see in today's society and the constant divide among the people.
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