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The Librarian

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Status Updates posted by The Librarian

  1. I just made you a moderator in the large JW group so that maybe you can help me keep the conversations on topic.  Please use your powers sparingly

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Anna


      Thanks, lol

    3. Anna


      Just now, when I tried to move a post to another topic I was not able to because the button does not highlight. The one I am talking about is "Jehovah's Witnesses Topics"

    4. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      You’ll need to be patient with that link once selected. 

  2. We are just as close to 2030 as we are to 2004.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      I am glad I was not the only one confused by the meaning of that :) 

    3. Guest
    4. Queen Esther
  3. Anyone know why saffron is SO expensive?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      A TV - report  said,  they  had  to  pick  an  immense  mass  of  blossoms,  to  get  the  little  less,  red  twists,  which  we  can  buy.  Some  twists  for  some  Euro's....  thats  the  reason !  Few  mg.  for  some  Euro's,  thats  expensive,  yes.  But  for  a  special  rice  meal,  we  need  safran :)  an  especially  taste !

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther


      Safran-Weinviertel_Niederreiter_2_Gramm_8285.jpgThats  2 grams,  ca. 8000 €  I  read.....  Each  blossom  has  only  3  twists !  That  cost  alot  time  for  picking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  But  the  twists  are  the  real  SAFFRON !

      Delicate saffron threads, plucked from crocus flowers and dried  -  Also  as  medicine  for :

      SAFFRON: An Anti-Depressant Herb  --  Good  info's ?  :D



    4. Guest


      Si es  Azafrán solamente lo he consumido en polvo en algunas comidas, no sabía que es caro 

  4. I can see you enjoying riling up the German @Queen Esther .... in between sips you must be grinning widely. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      It's hard to grin all puckered up!

    3. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Gnite  my  dear  Brothers....   The  German  clocktime  is  always  against  me :(  See  us  tmw. :)

    4. The Librarian
  5. I could really use a caramel machiatto right about now. How is everyone else doing? I stayed home sick from work today.... got some sort of flu that mostly makes me tired.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      GET  WELL  SOON !

    3. Ronald Stucker

      Ronald Stucker

      Hello Dear Friend, if I could a caramel macchiato would be in your hand right now. We who use this sight are appreciative of the all work that must be done to continue the upkeep of this site. Thank you and all who Administer each day. 

      Deep Christian Love, Ron & Bernice Stucker.

    4. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Why thank you! .. But to be fair... it is not only me. It is a team of people. I am not smart enough to code this whole forum website... but I am glad they let us use this section. ;-)

      And I shouldn't forget all the people that share news etc....

  6. Me gusta sus posts..

    pero .. si deseas que otras personas puedan compartir y responder bien... 

    seria mejor poner sus posts en esta categoria



    Status Update is not really for making searchable and shareable posts but rather just a quick comment I think

    Your "wall" on here doesn't seem to work the same as a post on your Facebook wall so to speak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abel Castro

      Abel Castro

      Thank you for the help and for the affection <3. I love Jehovah and all my JW family. And I really like to contribute my support. I do with all my heart?

      I hope that my participation here will also be of great help.?

      http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/bl/r1/lp-e?q=2 corinthians 9%3A7


    3. ARchiv@L


      thank you very much. we need participation in other languages too, so that the news travel even more faster, and this is thanks to the Librarian too, that had made this possible. 

      thank you all for your time and efforts and lets hope that our international posts will reach as many brothers & sisters and friends for the benefit of all in our organisation.

      [my greetins to all]



    4. The Librarian

      The Librarian


      Also... please keep us up to date with secular news stories from your area.... in whatever category exists... ;-)

  7. Enjoying a morning mocha... mmmm... how is everybody doing? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joan Kennedy

      Joan Kennedy

      Working on the food for the crew doing remodel of our KH

    3. Guest


      @Joan Kennedy

      Great !


      You can share your photos of the remodeling with us if you wish 


  8. Blood from recovered coronavirus victims helps patient come off ventilator in just two days


    How many brothers and sisters are being confronted with this dilemma now?

    sign language blood transfusion GIF by Sign with Robert

    1. Isabella


      I read about a trial of using convalescent plasma therapy, is it working? The article I read didn't show results yet

    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      혈장 치료로 2명 완치...정부, 곧 치료지침 발표 It has emerged that two elderly coronavirus patients in South Korea made a full recovery after receiving blood plasma treatment. Health authorities say plasma treatment guidelines will be announced within days. Kim Hyo-sun reports. South Korean researchers have proved the effectiveness of blood plasma treatment on coronavirus patients. Doctors at Yonsei Severance Hospital in Seoul administered plasma therapy on two elderly coronavirus patients,... a 67-year-old woman and a 71-year-old man. They were treated with plasma from people who had recovered and have developed antibodies to the virus,... enabling their bodies to protect themselves from the virus' attacks. One of the patients was discharged after making a full recovery,... while the other is set to be sent home soon. "The patients continued to suffer from acute respiratory distress syndrome even after antiviral treatment. Then we decided to go with plasma treatment in combination with steroids." Plasma is a yellowish blood fluid you get from centrifuging blood. It carries various nutrients including protein as well as antibodies. Antibodies,... which are Y-shaped proteins produced by the immune system,... stop intruders from harming the body. These invaders, called antigens,... can be viruses, bacteria, or other chemicals. Antibodies also enable macrophages to engulf viruses and bacteria. The South Korean government says it will soon provide detailed guidelines for the treatment,... which was also used to treat patients during the MERS outbreak. "The guidelines for plasma treatment are nearly done, and we will swiftly commence research on other means of treatment." For now, it's crucial to secure enough plasma from people who have fully recovered from COVID-19. The government also needs to prepare for possible side-effects as no large-scale clinical trials have been conducted yet. Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

    3. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Last week, the FDA tapped the Mayo Clinic to lead and coordinate the effort and evaluate the treatment’s effectiveness.

      Since then, hospital systems around the nation have registered through the Mayo Clinic to start treating patients with convalescent plasma. Texas hospitals that plan to try the treatment include Methodist Hospital Stone Oak in San Antonio, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

      Five patients at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center in Houston — part of the Baylor College of Medicine — have been treated with convalescent plasma, said Dr. Ashok Balasubramanyam, vice president of academic integration and associate dean of academic affairs at the Baylor College of Medicine. The school has also been authorized to conduct a clinical trial, expected to start within a couple of weeks.

      On Thursday, a patient in Austin received a convalescent plasma infusion, the first in the city, said Dr. Jeff Yorio, a hematologist and oncologist at Texas Oncology who helped get the program started in Austin.

  9. Love your cover photo..... Rembrandt?

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      If you click once to the left of your icon on the cover photo the entire photo opens up.... cool


    2. Anna


      Didn't know that, thanks!

      No, its Renoir, one of my favorite artists.

    3. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Funny... that was going to be my first guess.... and I retyped Rembrandt...  LOL



  10. What country are you from Brother Rando?

    1. BroRando


      I'm in America.  What a Nice Regional Convention!  Remember the Wife of Lot.....

    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Welcome! and enjoy the World Forum.

    3. BroRando


      Thank you for your kindness.

  11. Oops... I was the one who voted it up... and I just voted it down.

    What do you think a good solution for that problem might be? I could ask the admin to make that "question' section a normal forum.....but then we wouldn't have the option of the "best answer" either....

    Any ideas?

    1. JW Insider

      JW Insider


      The "best answer" feature works in forums where 10+ different people answer a question that requires some expertise, and the one with the most expertise can bubble up. I think that questions here are often intended to start a dialogue, and the best ones go one for several pages. No one is really looking for the single most "expert" sounding answer, they are usually looking to see how the idea was responded to by some and whether the answers, in total, produced a reasonable discussion. Taking any one answer out of the sequence makes it difficult to follow the conversation or dialogue.

      There are a few exceptions, but these tend to be questions with fewer answers anyway, and therefore the best answer is already somewhere on the same page as the question.

      So I don't know exactly what to suggest, except maybe to default to "Sort by date" and then have a message that might say: "Sort by votes to find best answers." Even that option might only be available when there have been some votes.

      But that's the complicated way to do it. For 95% of the topics, just defaulting to "sort by date" would be sufficient. In the topics I've read it is almost never used. I'm almost afraid that when people start using it more often it can be abused, too. I think it would usually be used as a way to highlight most interesting, most intriguing, most important, or "most agreeable to voter's way of thinking." Most of the posts that people would vote on are, in my experience, not even intended to answer the original question, but just to share some additional information.


    2. admin


      Insightful. Thank you both! @The Librarian and @JW Insider

      I changed it to a "normal" forum .... let me know if it works better for you or not.

    3. JW Insider
  12. When you get some time.... add yourself to a city somewhere in Greece on our "Member Map" ;-)

    You will start to see and international network forming. Enjoy!


    1. ARchiv@L


      I must see how this "map" works first. 



      ok -

      done 9_9


      oh...., now the Librarian knows, o.O
      why I can read greek letters !

    2. ARchiv@L


      I need the sub/ "bible highlights/spiritual gems" for the english/american WEEKLY materials .... 

      to add some notes for everyone.B|

      if I need for any other language I will inform you 

      (perhaps I will add more later);)

      thank you for your pages

    3. ARchiv@L


      no problem ... I can add them every week under each post ... thanks

  13. I understand. I think we can start to train ourselves to direct comments to people's profile pages for off topic stuff.... until the software improves one day and allows for threaded replies.

    The forum developers are still in love with old flat thread style forums.

    1. Anna
    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Where are you from Anna? I assume England for some reason.  Maybe you could add yourself to a country on our Member Map? You don't need to get city specific. Just curious.

  14. The comment will show up across the website down toward the bottom of the page. Still relevant but not messing with the thread topic....

    1. TrueTomHarley
    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Yes... and then this allows for you and I to talk about how I love tacos and fork into whatever we want to chat about. It seems to be the only option left since the software doesn't allow for threaded replies.

  15. Where do you find all those little characters you use everywhere? :D

    1. stefanomagnus


      Good morning, 
      I am nes at this.. I dunno how to post a request...
      my name is Stef I am from Italy, 
      I am searching for this brochure: (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Disaster Relief..)
      If you ever came to get a copy would you be so kind to send me a link or the copy via email?
      i look forwar to hearing from you 
      Kind regards 
      Stef Parlan '
    2. Bible Speaks
  16. Drink more water everyone. I think we all typically fail at this. Good health to you all. 

    1. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      I'm  drinking  mostly  alot  water  or  tea  around  the day...   Also  beside  my  bed,  always  a  little  bottle  of  water,  so  I've  it  at  once  by  a  little  dry  mouth... :D

    2. Guest


      Thanks for the reminder :) 

  17. Anyone find a good news article on the chemical attack in Syria? I'm about to go read about it.

    1. Raquel Segovia

      Raquel Segovia

      Bomba de barril"

      La Unión de Organizaciones de Ayuda Médica, entidad benéfica con sede en Estados Unidos que trabaja con hospitales sirios, dijo a la BBC que el Hospital Rural de Especialidades de Damasco había confirmado la muerte de 70 personas.

      Una portavoz de la organización dijo que los informes sobre el terreno sugerían un número mucho mayor, de alrededor de 180 muertos, pero que era difícil llegar a las víctimas 

      debido al bombardeo continuo y a la oscuridad de la noche.

      Agregó que había informes de personas que estaban siendo tratadas por síntomas como convulsiones y espuma en la boca, que coinciden con aquellos causados por la exposición a agentes nerviosos o a gas de cloro.

      El Centro de Medios de Guta, afín a la oposición, tuiteó que más de 75 personas se habían "sofocado" y que otras 1.000 habían sufrido los efectos del supuesto ataque.

    2. JW Insider
  18. You wearing a red tie in that photo above is extremely offensive to me. Please remove it immediately. I am "anti-tie" today. (this is an example of me leaving a comment about what John believes in an appropriate place)

    John can thus reply to me saying that I should take a long walk off of a short pier and then ignore my profile. 


    Thank you John for allowing me to use your profile page as an example to all.

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Notice this interaction did not clutter or derail someone elses topic. 



      Thank you for your comment. The tie is an original 1960's tie which has a matching handkerchief. Bought when i was Mod and this was the in thing. The maker was Harry Fenton, very well known at the time. 

      You may use my profile any time you wish sir. 

  19. 7,677 Profile Page Views alone!!!  Look at JTR go!  .... Imagine how many views a day you receive on all your posts combined? 

    1. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      Is there any way to quantify that info?   And in what time frame?

      ...anything I can take to the pawn shop?

    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      I guess not... although I often compare modern "hits" to the time spent walking the streets "from house to house" to find one person "at home"......

      We reach people in different ways and times with small snippets of data nowadays rather than the

      192 page books of yesteryear.

      It was truly a different place and time.

  20. What is everybody up to tonight? besides on here of course.... I need to head to bed soon to wake up early for work. I had some pizza with some delicious Italian sausage.


    1. admin


      Just gonna watch some Netflix....drink my iced tea 😉

  21. I used to love your TomSheepandGoats blog writings. ;-) I look forward to hearing from you more.

    1. Anna


      I used to read your TomSheeandGoats blog too! :-) I admire the way you are able to see the humorous side of things that make other people get their knickers all in a twist! I'm thinking of purchasing your book Tom Irregardles" :-)

    2. TrueTomHarley


      30% download of the book is free. Afterwards, if anyone wants it but can't afford, request free code at truetomharley@gmail.com. Glad you enjoyed the blog.

  22. This is where you would leave a status update on your profile page ;-)

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Author of 'Tom Irregardless and Me'     and      'No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash'

      These are the two books I occasionally refer to in my posts, whenever something is inexplicably in quotes. Please don't post online questions about my books - this is a discussion forum, not a bookstore. Message me instead.

      Thanks, Tom

  23. Interesting new block @admin  

    fascinating leonard nimoy GIF

    1. admin


      Thank you. I ended up getting rid of it when I realized the posts already show up on this page. 

      Another attempt at 'continuous improvement'.

  24. Why would someone order a bottle of Ethos water at the Starbucks counter rather than a free 20 oz glass of water?

    1. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      They support the little Indian Orphans who refill those bottles from Bombay faucet water from the janitor's closet, and put Crazy Glue on the cap and twist ring, so it makes that "snap" sound when you open  it.

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