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Daily text, Tuesday, March 28. 2017

Queen Esther

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There was no one like him.—2 Ki. 18:5.


Although Hezekiah was the son of one of Judah’s worst kings, he grew up to be one of the very best. (2 Ki. 18:6) Hezekiah set about righting the terrible wrongs that his father had committed. He did so by cleansing the temple, atoning for the people’s sins, and destroying pagan idols in a vigorous and far-reaching campaign. (2 Chron. 29:1-11, 18-24; 31:1) When he faced daunting challenges, such as the threat of attack on Jerusalem by the Assyrian king Sennacherib, Hezekiah showed profound courage and faith. He relied on God for salvation and strengthened his people by word and example. (2 Chron. 32:7, 8) Later, when Hezekiah needed correction for showing a haughty attitude, he humbled himself and repented. (2 Chron. 32:24-26) Clearly, Hezekiah did not let his past ruin his present or deprive him of a future. Rather, he showed that he was Jehovah’s friend and a fine example to imitate. w16.02 2:11

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There was no one like him.—2 Ki. 18:5. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/3/28 Although Hezekiah was the son of one of Judah’s worst kings, he grew up to be one of the very best. (2 Ki

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