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The Whole World Is Lying In The Power Of The Wicked One

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@David Normand Yes, there is only one Resister that started it all! He and his legions will soon be gone. He has slandered Jehovah and His People long enough! Thank you for the comment. Are we not ble

19 "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." (1 John 5:19) NWT   

This i one o those interesting scriptures that how it is translated from the original languages makes a huge difference in perspective. The NWT as well as several others indicate that it is the "wicke

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This i one o those interesting scriptures that how it is translated from the original languages makes a huge difference in perspective. The NWT as well as several others indicate that it is the "wicket one" who controls things. While, the KJV states that the world lies in the power of the wicked. While one translation shows that it is an individual who is to blame, the other simply attributes things to wicked in general. 

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@David Normand Yes, there is only one Resister that started it all! He and his legions will soon be gone. He has slandered Jehovah and His People long enough! Thank you for the comment. Are we not blessed? It is good to see many translations and that's why wol.jw.org have many to review. Agape,

Bible Speaks ???

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