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Do Feel Alone? Do You Have a Loss? Trying to Cope Difficult? You Are Not Alone ?

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(2 Cor 1:3, 4)  

ARE you presently facing a trial in your life? Do you feel at a loss, unable to cope with it? Do you even at times fear that your problem is unique and that there is no solution to it?

If so, take heart! Whatever trials we may face, the Bible assures us that God can enable us to deal with them. The Bible acknowledges that God’s servants will “meet with various trials.” (James 1:2)  Note the word “various” (Greek poi·kiʹlos). According to ancient usage, the original word means “manifold” or “many-tinted” and emphasizes “the diversity of the trials.” In fact, in everyday speech, that basically means “many-colored.”

Thus, “various trials” are trials that come in many colors, so to speak. Nevertheless, Jehovah supports us so that we can cope with each one of them.

According to Peter, one way that God’s undeserved kindness is expressed is through the various ones who make up the Christian congregation.  

Each servant of God has spiritual gifts, or abilities, that may serve as a source of encouragement to those facing trials. For instance, some members of the congregation are outstanding Bible teachers. Their insightful words inspire and motivate others to endure.  Others make regular shepherding visits at the homEs of those I n need of support. Such visits are occasions for encouragement, a ‘comforting of hearts. When overseers make such faith-strengthening visits, they impart a spiritual gift. Still others in the congregation are known for warmth, compassion, and tenderness in dealing with fellow believers who are saddened by trials. The empathy and active assistance shown by such loving brothers and sisters is a significant expression, or “color,” of God’s undeserved kindness.  

Yes, whatever is the “color,” or nature, of our trial, there will always be a “color,” or expression, of God’s undeserved kindness that will match it. (James 1:17)

Jehovah’s timely and appropriate support provided for his servants—no matter how diverse their temptations or challenges may be—is but one evidence of “the greatly diversified wisdom of God.”  Do you not agree? http://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005447?q=support+others&p=par#h=3.  



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I  AM  NEVER  ALONE.....   BEC:  I  HAVE  JEHOVAH ❤   HE  IS  MY  FATHER,  MY  GOD  AND  MY  FRIEND  ;-))  THATS  HELPING  DAILY  ALOT  !!  <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫

(2 Cor 1:3, 4)   ARE you presently facing a trial in your life? Do you feel at a loss, unable to cope with it? Do you even at times fear that your problem is unique and that there is no solution

You are so right Sis!! Thank you so very much ???

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When I feel down (which is thankfully rare because I had so many trials when I was young I always see the cup half full these days).....  I usually visit someone or do something for someone and find comfort in that.  One forgets your own sorrows when you help others.  It is true what the Bible says about giving and happiness.  All of us have spiritual and other gifts that we can share.  Some sisters cook well and can take a plate of food to an elderly brother whose wife has Alzheimers or invite a single sister that is feeling lonely because she does not have a mate - or take the elderly shopping.... the possibilities are all there...or pick up someone for field service or a meeting. Only effort, initiative and original thinking is needed.

Most people think that kicking a ball (football) or acting or singing is a talent... But there are many  greater talents that are not so conspicuous.  For example: generosity of spirit is a wonderful talent! Skills that we have - when used to serve others - makes a skill into a spiritual talent. In fact, these talents are greater than self-serving skills which feed the ego.


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