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Man Curses At Jehovah's Witnesses For Handing A Pamphlet to His Son

Jack Ryan

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Without watching the video, I would not hand a tract to a child, or would do so only with asking the child whether he thought that okay. Even then it can backfire, but if you've laid the groundwork is

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Wow, I am surprised he did not stroke out with a fit like that. Perhaps when he goes to church at Easter or Christmas he can relate the experience to his pastor/priest using the same colorful metaphors to emphasize his feelings about Jehovah's provisions. 

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Without watching the video, I would not hand a tract to a child, or would do so only with asking the child whether he thought that okay. Even then it can backfire, but if you've laid the groundwork is easy to mitigate trouble.

at one door in the evening, I met a teenager. After brief innocuous discussion, I told him my quandary: some parents don't like unknown visitors showing anything to their kids, and did he think I should or not? He said 'yes.' I should him the video on social media, a video that cannot even remotely thought to be proseletizing. I returned a week or so later, caught his brother, and did much the same.

Finally I returned and met the mother. She was miffed that I had shown things to her kids. I told her I had never wanted to speak with them in the first place - it was she I was looking for. Besides, I had specifically asked them if it was alright to speak, and they had said it was. "you know kids - they will say anything," she responded. I assured her I would not call again, she relaxed at that, and I was able even to explain why we come in the first place, referring to Matt 24:14. 'Obviously, the ones who will do this are those who believe in it - who else would be expected to?'

To another teenager, years earlier, I had said I would return later when her folks were home, and left. I was with a Spanish sister, not long in this country, who said she would have witnessed to her. It is that way in Latin America. Children take on responsibility at a very young age, and few have any problem with their kids being addressed with the Bible or anything else. They mature far more quickly than do American kids, who are sometimes still silly as can be at age 30.

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I have had similar experiences to yours. That being said, the man's response on the video was really over the top. I have not had anybody speak to me that way in many years. Hopefully, his son will take note of how his father reacted to the situation and compare it to how the friends handled it on the receiving end. Seeds were planted, will see what will grow in the future. 

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