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Attention!!!, Russia seeks to remove the children from Jehovah's Witnesses ???

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Attention!!!, Russia seeks to remove the children from Jehovah's Witnesses.

Press Information:
The Supreme Court explained what could be deprived of the rights of parents

The reasons for depriving parents of rights are the involvement of children in sects, extremist organizations or terrorists. This was said in the supreme court of the Russian Federation.

According to tass, the plenum of the armed forces prepares a corresponding decree " in the practice of the courts of justice in the settlement of disputes concerning the restriction or deprivation of parental rights."

According to the document, it is about the involvement of children in the activities of the social, religious or other organization in relation to which there is a valid judicial decision in the event of liquidation or prohibition of activity, in accordance with the law " On Freedom of conscience and religious associations " and " for the fight against extremist activities " and " on the fight against terrorism ".

The General Assembly supported the project, but sent it for review, and several comments were taken into account.

In addition, the tribunal prepared recommendations for judges on the appellants decisions on the removal of children from their parents. So, family poverty cannot be a reason for the child to retire. If parents educate their children in good faith, placing, they create the conditions necessary for the development of the child, the problems with the money will not be sufficient for the guardianship authorities to take them.

The Supreme Court emphasized that the child can be taken if there is "an immediate threat to his or her life or health".




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I remember reading in the year books back in the ‘70s how the children were taken away from the Witnesses in  Germany lots of times

Attention!!!, Russia seeks to remove the children from Jehovah's Witnesses. Press Information: The Supreme Court explained what could be deprived of the rights of parents The reasons for d

The Jews in Poland had homes, jobs and businesses when the Nazis came in.  Some homes were magnificent, and had been in the family for 600 years or more. Jews  were rounded up, and murdere

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The Jews in Poland had homes, jobs and businesses when the Nazis came in. 

Some homes were magnificent, and had been in the family for 600 years or more.

Jews  were rounded up, and murdered.

Those that liquidated everything at 5 cents on the dollar and fled  early with only a stomach full of diamonds, survived.

Those that wanted security starved and froze in the camps before they were burned in the ovens.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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14 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The Jews in Poland had homes, jobs and businesses when the Nazis came in. 

Some homes were magnificent, and had been in the family for 600 years or more.

Jews  were rounded up, and murdered.

Those that liquidated everything at 5 cents on the dollar and fled  early with only a stomach full of diamonds, survived.

Those that wanted security starved and froze in the camps before they were burned in the ovens.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I was thinking along the same lines. One hates to make comparison's with Nazis, but based upon the direction that Russia seems to be taking the comparison is easy to make. 

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They’re going to far they have no right to do this to loving family of Jehovah people they need to look at children that are in homes of unfit parents that are abusing their children not Jehovah wittiness that are teaching their children to love the Almighty God 

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Sylvia, Sylvia.... Sylvia ...

...sigh .....

Russia is a sovereign nation ... they have any rights they want ... any rights at all!  

Any rights they assign themselves  .... and give themselves .... and ARE ABLE TO ENFORCE. 

The old adage "You have your rights and I have my bayonets" is the rule here.

Policy has absolutely NOTHING to do with what is right or what is wrong, except on very, very rare occasions.

They have the advantage ... they have the enforceable power to declare and enforce what they SAY is "Right".

Nobody believes it ... except those who do not want to be ground up. People will bend their minds into a pretzel to survive ....

They self appoint themselves through political machinations, and propaganda, drilled into people's minds from infancy, and have any rights, interpreted any way they want ... THEY HAVE THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE FINELY TUNED, AND THEY HAVE THE BAYONETS..

In Russia's case, the bayonets are literal .... the best we have been able to manage is extreme shunning and tearing families apart to enforce policy.

In the adage I quoted above there is more ... "You have your rights and I have my bayonets --- Let's see who wins!"

Perhaps Jehovah is preparing to chastise us for our cruelties, the same way he chastised his Name People back in ancient times ... with the Babylonian Army.

In about five years .... we will all know.


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