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 The following comment has been quoted on this forum, at least partially.  Attached also is another report of Geoffrey JacksonÂ’s statement made in France.   Here is the individualÂ’s comment, unedited:

“This weekend in France there was the inauguration of a new Convention Hall. Since it was some "never before seen project" (because done by 3 countries together : France, Switzerland and Italy... wow what an achievement!) they had to do something special.

So they Had Geoffrey Jackson giving talks and those being streamed to a lot of congregations. Lots of rank file were invited to the Convention Hall, the rest got to see it over TV. The weekend meeting was cancelled and we had two days of this 2-hour retransmissions.

So the first day I missed (YAY).

But on todays talk, I had a lot of headshaking moments. The usual brainwashing, guiltripping, submission talk, shun shun shun, etc etc.

But then he said something I just wanted to scream at the screen...

So he made an illustration. He made sure that everyone got the fact that it was an illustration, not an announcement (laughter in the audience, whats funny about it?).

Then he said (I'm quoting him best I can remember, but you'll get the idea): "Imagine if next week I go back to US and you see in the news that the whole GB was arrested for no reason. How'd you react? Well, surely you'd say to your coworkers or neighbours: "Jesus warned us. They were arrested for no reason." You would feel bad for us but be proud because you are sure it's persecution from Satan and that we're innocent.

Now that's not really possible because in the US because you can't arrest someone with no reason like in Russia. So imagine they would make up false accusations, with false witnesses and false testimonies and all the newspaper would talk about how the GB was arrested for stealing billions of $$ to their followers. How would you react when coworker talk about it? Be ashamed? Would you believe it? Well Satan will attack us using lies. Lying about our high morality.

Maybe they will accuse us of covering child sexual abuser. Would you believe it? Surely we know those lies come from Satan."

“Lying about our HIGH MORALITY”…

On the surface, the reality of Watchtower’s child abuse has come to the attention of the world through the result of media exposure and victims speaking out.  It is an atrocity, no matter where it thrives; but, if Jackson’s example is how they react to a civil crime that the organization is guilty of, can they be trusted guiding JWs in all spiritual matters?  Truthfully, it is the aura of spiritual immorality that the organization exists in.  Matt 24:11,12; 2 Tim 3:1-5  If God’s decrees, which are written on the hearts of the anointed ones were allowed to be followed, would hidden child molestation exist, and would Jackson’s deceitful plea for allegiance be necessary? Jer 31:33; Heb 10:16,17; Mal 2:7,8  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+24%3A11%2C12%3B+2+Tim+3%3A1-5%3B+Jer+31%3A33%3B+Heb+10%3A16%2C17%3B+Mal+2%3A7%2C8++&version=NASB

Since a false priesthood stands in place of God’s chosen Temple priesthood, God’s every decree has been broken by the Watchtower. Ezek 44:6-9; Matt 24:15,16; Dan 8:11; 9:11; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Matt 22:37-39; James 2:8-10  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezek+44%3A6-9%3B+Matt+24%3A15%2C16%3B+Dan+8%3A11%3B+9%3A11%3B+2+Thess+2%3A3%2C4%3B+Matt+22%3A37-39%3B+James+2%3A8-10&version=NASB  

“My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
listen closely to my understanding
2 so that you may maintain discretion
and your lips safeguard knowledge.
3 Though the lips of the forbidden (“estranged, immoral”) woman drip honey
and her words are smoother than oil,
4 in the end she’s as bitter as wormwood
and as sharp as a double-edged sword.”  Prov 5:1-4

God’s ordinances, are compared to honey – Ps 19:7-11;119:102-104    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ps+19%3A7-11%3B119%3A102-104+++++&version=NASB

Oil represents Holy Spirit in the scriptures and is associated with an anointing.  Zech 4:12-14; Matt 25:1-4  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Zech+4%3A12-14%3B+Matt+25%3A1-4&version=NASB

Proverbs is giving us a glimpse into Revelation and the Harlot/false prophet that authorizes “her” Beast/organization to come against God’s chosen ones. Rev 13:11-15,7  This combined fallen anointed “false prophet” appears to speak according to God’s decrees and as representatives of Christ.  Luke 21:8; 2 Cor 5:20; 2 Cor 11:3,4 (Ps 81:10-16; 1 Cor 10:4) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+13%3A11-15%2C7%3BLuke+21%3A8%3B+2+Cor+5%3A20%3B+2+Cor+11%3A3%2C4%3B+Ps+81%3A10-16%3B+1+Cor+10%3A4+&version=NASB

But “in the end she’s as bitter as wormwood”.  Heb 12:15,16; Rev 8:10,11; 10:9-11 “She” has taken on the role of Christ, as a “double-edged sword”, judging as condemned through her teachings, those anointed who dare cross her path with Truth in Christ. 1 John 3:10-12; Rev 13:11,15 (Heb 4:12; Rev 1:16; 2:12; Hos 6:5)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Heb+12%3A15%2C16%3B+Rev+8%3A10%2C11%3B+10%3A9-11%3B+1+John+3%3A10-12%3B+Rev+13%3A11%2C15%3B+Heb+4%3A12%3B+Rev+1%3A16%3B+2%3A12%3B+Hos+6%3A5&version=NASB

When God’s people abandon their covenant promise with God, forsaking His ordinances, it is a spiritual prostitution.  G. Jackson has revealed the true plan behind Satan’s scheme; that is, to “fleece” the flock and attack God’s anointed and companions with the Harlot’s lies.  Matt 7:15-20; Rev 16:13,14  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+7%3A15-20%3B+Rev+16%3A13%2C14&version=NASB    

From Pearl Doxsey’s article “Love Your Enemies” (4womaninthewilderness)

“Who are our enemies?
They are those who hate us (Luke1:71; 6:27)…
those who intimidate, oppose, mislead, and threaten us, into subjection to them (Luke 1:74; Rev.13:15,7; 2Thess.2:3-4; 1Cor.3:16;Eze.44:6-9; Matt.24:15-16)

They oppress, restrain/"hold back", tear down, and seek to destroy our power, and our service to God (2Thess.2:6,8; Hab.1:4;Luke 19:43; 21:24,20; Rev.20:9; Matt.24:24-25; 1John2:26; 3:7; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-16; 13:11,15; 2:20; 19:20) (Dan.7:25;8:11-12; 11:36; 12:7; Rev.13:7,10). They successfully bring about the greatest tribulation ever to befall God's chosen people.

Those who oppose, set their minds on the "earthly" things of this world (Col.3:2; James 3:15-16; 1John 2:15-16; James 4:4;Eph.2:2; 6:12; 2Cor.12:20; Rom.2:8; Mark 10:42-44; James 1:27; Matt.6:19; Luke 12:19-20; Rev.3:17-18; 1Cor.4:6-8,9-14;Mark 4:18-19). 

A disposition of greed overwhelms them, and they lose their spiritual senses, evidenced by their vile conduct (2Pet.2:3;Phil.3:18-19; Isa.56:11; Jer.6:13; Hosea 4:8; Micah 7:3; James 3:16; Hab.2:4; Ps.49:12-14; Eph.4:19-20).
They fight against the divine authority and power, which we fear and honor (2Cor.5:11; Luke19:27; Rev.17:14). This is because they are backed by our greatest enemy, the Devil (1Pet.5:8; Eph.2:2; Rev.13:4; Prov.15:27; Matt.4:8-9; Rev.9:1,11;Isa.33:1) (Matt.13:25,39). "

Hosea prophesied to the adulterous Israel before its downfall.  The nation’s many crimes festered under its idolatrous worship.  Hos 4:1-3  God’s “case”, was against its priests for ignoring His ordinances. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hos+4%3A1-3&version=NASB  

“But let no one dispute; let no one argue,
for my case is against you priests.
5 You will stumble by day;
the prophet will also stumble with you by night.
And I will destroy your mother.
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I will reject you from serving as my priest.
Since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I will also forget your sons.”

The more they multiplied,
the more they sinned against me.
I will change their honor into disgrace.
8 They feed on the sin of my people;
they have an appetite for their iniquity.
9 The same judgment will happen
to both people and priests.
I will punish them for their ways
and repay them for their deeds." 
Hos 4:4-9

Surely, JWs, it must be logically clear to you that if the Watchtower was following God’s decrees, no victim of unfair, unrighteous treatment would exist in the organization.  Yet, they have and do exist, since its leaders have left their covenant with God and have forsaken their spiritual “virginity” in Truth.  They have adopted as their new “mother” covenant promise, “Babylon the Great”.  Isa 28:15; Rev 17:1-6  As Pearl brought out above, this has caused loss of all spiritual sense; and like Israel of old, spiritual “Israel” is now steeped in idolatry and sin, as they determinedly carry on upholding their “golden calf” – the abhorrent idolatrous “chariot” called “Jehovah’s organization”.  Exod 32:3,4,7,8,23,24 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+28%3A15%3B+Rev+17%3A1-6%3B++Exod+32%3A3%2C4%2C7%2C8%2C23%2C24&version=NASB  

As long as JWs cling to the organization, no matter what their opinion is of its leaders, they also commit spiritual idolatry.  Please, think deeply on this, JWs!

“The integrity of the upright will guide them,
But the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.”  Prov 11:3

Put the horn to your mouth!
One like an eagle comes
against the house of the Lord,
because they transgress my covenant
and rebel against my law.
2 Israel cries out to me,
“My God, we know you!”
3 Israel has rejected what is good;
an enemy will pursue him.

4 They have installed kings,
but not through me.
They have appointed leaders,
but without my approval.
They make their silver and gold
into idols for themselves
for their own destruction.
5 Your calf-idol is rejected, Samaria.
My anger burns against them.
How long will they be incapable of innocence?
6 For this thing is from Israel—
a craftsman made it, and it is not God.
The calf of Samaria will be smashed to bits!

7 Indeed, they sow the wind
and reap the whirlwind.
There is no standing grain;
what sprouts fails to yield flour.
Even if they did,
foreigners would swallow it up.
8 Israel is swallowed up!
Now they are among the nations
like discarded pottery.
9 For they have gone up to Assyria
like a wild donkey going off on its own.
Ephraim has paid for love.
10 Even though they hire lovers among the nations,
I will now round them up,
and they will begin to decrease in number
under the burden of the king and leaders.
11 When Ephraim multiplied his altars for sin,
they became his altars for sinning.
12 Though I were to write out for him
ten thousand points of my instruction,
they would beregarded as something strange.
13 Though they offer sacrificial gifts
and eat the flesh,
the Lord does not accept them.
Now he will remember their guilt
and punish their sins;
they will return to Egypt.
14 Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces;
Judah has also multiplied fortified cities.
I will send fire on their cities,
and it will consume their citadels.”  Hosea chapter 8

“Is not my WORD like fire”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and like a hammer that pulverizes rock?”  Jer 23:29
















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Pearl Doxsey's reply:

1Pet.3: "13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”

15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

17 For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."

1Pet.4: "13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler.

16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

18 And,
“If it is hard for the righteous to be saved,
what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”

19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good."

1Pet.2: "12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,

14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.

16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.

17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.

19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.

20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.

21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

22 “He committed no sin,
and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly."



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"For eight years I have been declaring God's message.... that the last harlot is going to fall... the governing body of "Jehovah's Witnesses"... that "she" will be turned on by her own organization, just as Revelation's prophecy, symbolically depicted. When I first declared that message, I was scoffed by comments like "That's ridiculous", "That's impossible". "That could never happen", "Sheer nonsense". -- Yet I have persisted in the truthful interpretation of Revelation, in the hope that some might investigate the genuine meaning behind prophecy, act in wisdom, and flee God's condemnation of sharing in the harlot's sins.

Now, eight years later, as we draw closer and closer to the fulfillment of prophecy... the stage is being set for that fulfillment, and all the details of the harlot's final circumstances, are progressively taking shape. Consequently, my voiced predictions about the GB, grow increasingly possible in the minds of the observant. 
--How many will benefit from hearing the prediction, and then from witnessing the harlot's demise? Will they finally listen to the whole message, before all of God's warnings, come to pass? 

I have seen with my own eyes, how many people are on the winepress line of destruction, because of being spiritually blind and deaf, disinterested in the prophecies of God and their application to our present-day circumstances. Of the few who may remember that I announced these events years in advance, while their fulfillment still seemed impossible... Will they grasp the reason for and purpose behind, the clarity of the trumpet blasts? Will they then turn to the God who announces the end from the beginning? Will they repent of their sleepy disregard? Will they accept the Lord of Truth, and repent of their rebelliousness and disrespect toward their heavenly Father? "

Pearl Doxsey

Joel3: "12 “Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.
13 Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.
Come, go down;
For the winepress is full,
The vats overflow—
For their wickedness is great.”

14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.
15 The sun and moon will grow dark,
And the stars will diminish their brightness.
16 The Lord also will roar from Zion,
And utter His voice from Jerusalem;
The heavens and earth will shake;
But the Lord will be a shelter for His people,
And the strength of the children of Israel.

17 “So you shall know that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion My holy mountain.
Then Jerusalem shall be holy,
And no aliens shall ever pass through her again.”

YHWH's Genuine Mountain - 4womaninthewilderness blogspot


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