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May 15, 2016 Re: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask

Jack Ryan

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May 15, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask

Publication in question: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask ypq-E



p. 16

Besides physical assaults, bullying can also include:
Words like fire come out of a bully’s mouth
Verbal attacks. “I’ll never forget the names they called me or the things they said. They made me feel worthless, unwanted, and good-for-nothing. I’d rather have been given a black eye.”—Celine, 20.
A young man sits alone after being avoided by his peers
Social isolation. “My schoolmates started to avoid me. They would make it seem that there was no room at the lunch table, so I couldn’t sit with them. For the whole year, I cried and ate alone.”—Haley, 18.


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May 15, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask Publication in question: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask ypq-E    

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*** w95 6/1 p. 26 Godly Obedience in a Religiously Divided Family ***

“IT HURTS much more than any physical blow. . . . I feel as though I am bruised all over, and yet no one can see it.” “Sometimes I feel like giving up on life . . . or leaving and never coming back.” “It is hard to think straight sometimes.”

Those emotion-filled words reveal feelings of desperation and loneliness. They come from victims of verbal abuse—accusations, threats, degrading name-calling, the silent treatment—and even physical abuse from mates and family members. Why are these people treated so badly? Simply because of differing religious beliefs.





*** g 6/13 p. 4 How to End the Silent Treatment ***

Manipulation. Some use the silent treatment as a means to get what they want. For example, imagine that a husband and wife plan a trip and the wife would like to take her parents along. The husband objects. “You’re married to me, not to your parents,” he says. He then gives his wife the silent treatment, shunning her in the hope that she will break down and concede to his wishes.

Of course, a temporary time-out can give a couple the opportunity to let emotions cool when an argument is getting out of hand. That type of silence can be beneficial. The Bible says that there is “a time to keep quiet.” (Ecclesiastes 3:7) But when it is used as a means to retaliate or manipulate, the silent treatment not only prolongs conflict but also erodes the respect the couple have for each other.


^ Here, the silent treatment is said to be a form of abuse, bullying and manipulation.

v Here, an example demonstrates how effective this tactic can be. A success story for the Organization.



*** w12 4/15 p. 12 pars. 16-17 Betrayal—An Ominous Sign of the Times! ***

What if we have a relative or a close friend who is disfellowshipped? Now our loyalty is on the line, not to that person, but to God. Jehovah is watching us to see whether we will abide by his command not to have contact with anyone who is disfellowshipped.—Read 1 Corinthians 5:11-13.

Consider just one example of the good that can come when a family loyally upholds Jehovah’s decree not to associate with disfellowshipped relatives. A young man had been disfellowshipped for over ten years, during which time his father, mother, and four brothers “quit mixing in company” with him. At times, he tried to involve himself in their activities, but to their credit, each member of the family was steadfast in not having any contact with him. After he was reinstated, he said that he always missed the association with his family, especially at night when he was alone. But, he admitted, had the family associated with him even a little, that small dose would have satisfied him. However, because he did not receive even the slightest communication from any of his family, the burning desire to be with them became one motivating factor in his restoring his relationship with Jehovah. Think of that if you are ever tempted to violate God’s command not to associate with your disfellowshipped relatives.




*** w13 6/15 p. 28 par. 17 Let Jehovah’s Discipline Mold You ***

Robert was disfellowshipped for nearly 16 years, during which time his parents and siblings firmly and loyally applied the direction in God’s Word to quit mixing in company with wrongdoers, not even greeting such ones. Robert has been reinstated for some years now and is progressing well spiritually. When asked what moved him to return to Jehovah and His people after such a long time, he replied that the stand that his family took affected him. “Had my family associated with me even a little, say to check up on me, that small dose of association would have satisfied me and likely not allowed my desire for association to be a motivating factor to return to God.”


However, the silent treatment leads some other victims to depression and/or suicide, and with others to hurt feelings and alienation from their loved ones that run so deep, relationships are irreparably damaged. These examples don't tend to be in the publications.


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