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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. Here we go with jw's tying to change a subject because they are green on the subject. I guess the joke of hannible inviting jw's at his door is a badump flush.
  2. Makes you wonder what he would be like in today's cancel woke culture.
  3. I enjoy and somewhat emulate the humor of the great father of humor Mel Brooks and Robin Williams, with a bit of George Carlin thrown in.
  4. Such a life changing event for so many x-jw's. This is proof unfortunately soap operas will never truly dissappear.
  5. Romans teaches that we are all sinners whether we like it or not. So technically all jw's should be disfellowshipped, even the un-baptized ones. Difference between the cult of jw and the rest of christianity is with christians God forgives immediately, where as in the jw elders decide when God forgives.
  6. I imagine having an electric harp with some reverb and distortion would sound pretty awesome if Prince played it.
  7. If your driving in the wrong direction on backwards day in bikini bottom, you'll be fine.
  8. "The "great crowd" of "other sheep" that is forming today is not in that new covenant. However, by their associating with the "little flock" of those yet in that covenant they come under benefits that flow from that new covenant." Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31 "They recognize that they are not spiritual Israelites in the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ, nor part of the "chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation."-1 Pet. 2:9. Yet they do benefit from the operation of the new covenant. They benefit from this just as, in ancient Israel, the "alien resident" benefited from residing in among the Israelites who were in the Law covenant.-Ex. 20:10; Lev. 19:10, 33, 34; Rev. 7:9-15. To keep in relationship with "our Savior, God," the "great crowd" needs to remain united with the remnant of spiritual Israelites." Watchtower 1979 Nov 15 p.27 Benefiting from "One Mediator Between God and Men
  9. To go along with this, voting wasn't even a concept for the regular jews back in Jesus's time. Since boyle is terribly naive, when a person votes they are not really voting for a person, but what that person believes is right or represents. For example I myself and a more middle of the road conservative, I believe abortion is murder and is wrong so I am going to vote for a candidate who believes the same way and will use their influence to end abortions. Or believe in diplomacy over war, being a good steward of the taxes we pay, etc. I'm glad the jw version of the paradise isn't going to happen, I couldn't imagine the dictatorship of the governing body would go over very well with Jesus.
  10. Perfect example of deflection from a looser who worships men. As your sitting in your little room in your parents house I'm guessing you have a bottle of lotion and box of kleenex next to you as you pleasure yourself while listening to the governing body? Need I roast you more Muskrat?
  11. Your a good example that God does permit ignorance and stupidity.
  12. Your the one spewing hate and insults, Your god must be proud of you.
  13. So I guess we can't trust the current jw's in being the one true religion since there are splinter jw's with their own version of the one true religion. It's almost like which version of the chocolate cookie is the best version since the original recipe came out!!!! Which version of the chocolate cookie is the current jw's?
  14. At least the chickens don't have to be dipped in hot wax water to remove the feathers.
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