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Daily text, for Friday, April 8. 2016

Queen Esther

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By him we have life and move and exist.—Acts 17:28.

Why should we love God? One reason is that Jehovah is our Creator and our Provider. He has given us our splendid earthly home. (Ps. 115:16) He also provides food and other things we need in order to sustain our life. Therefore, Paul could tell the idolatrous residents of Lystra that “the living God . . . did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.” (Acts 14:15-17) Also, God has made possible the removal of the sin and death we inherited from Adam. (Rom. 5:12) Indeed, “God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8) Undoubtedly, our heart overflows with love for Jehovah because he has made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins if we are repentant and exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.—John 3:16. w14 6/15 1:9, 10



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By him we have life and move and exist.—Acts 17:28. Why should we love God? One reason is that Jehovah is our Creator and our Provider. He has given us our splendid earthly home. (Ps. 115:16) He

Thank you  , rich spiritually and healthy in the eating  .Agape

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9 minutes ago, Tennyson said:

Thank you  , rich spiritually and healthy in the eating  .Agape

Thank  you  Tennyson,  I  appreciate  that  you  like  my  'Daily texts'  &  my   'Texto  do  dia'   too...   yes,  thank  you  very  much  my  Brother  ;o)   Agape

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