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THE  2  GOATS !!.jpg

THE  WISE  GOAT.... ;o)

Over a river there was a very narrow bridge. One
day a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the
middle of the bridge he met another goat. There
was no room for them to pass.
"Go back," said one goat to the other, "there is no
room for both of us".
"Why should I go back?", said the other goat.
"Why should not you go back?"
" You must go back", said the first goat, "because
I am stronger than you."
"You are not stronger than I", said the second goat.
"We will see about that", said the first goat, and
he put down his horns to fight.
"Stop!", said the second goat. " If we fight, we shall
both fall into the river and be drowned. Instead.
I have a plan...  I shall lie down, and you may walk
over me."
Then the wise goat lay down on the bridge, and
the other goat walked lightly over him. So they
passed each other, and went on their ways.

Make up in other terms. Even if you think you are
right, no matter what, make sure you tell them you
are sorry, because you are most likely to be at
fault for something. Jesus said at Matthew
5:38-42; "Do not resist him that is wicked; but
whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the
other also to him...."  Keep the focus on resolving
the problem and not on being right.

Apologize -  and offer to move forward.
Peacemakers look for ways to bring people
together, to resolve difference, to unite divided
heart. (Matthew 5:9)


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THE  WISE  GOAT.... ;o) Over a river there was a very narrow bridge. One day a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the middle of the bridge he met another goat. There was no room for the

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