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Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?

Jack Ryan

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7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I have heard several jw's say, 'that doesn't happen in Jehovah's organization, only in Christendom'.

Everyone talks about pedophilia happening elsewhere even though it happens to them also, be it they are aware or not, not much of a surprise, but the surprise that come from all the abuse is how either female abusers are treated to male abusers in any type of institution, be it religious and or educational. You probably talked to the newbies because there are many who are aware of this, the thing is here who is knowledgeable in the signs and the like vs. those who do not know any of the signs. the PSA teaches these things.

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14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Everyone talks about pedophilia happening elsewhere even though it happens to them also, be it they are aware or not, not much of a surprise, but the surprise that come from all the abuse is how either female abusers are treated to male abusers in any type of institution, be it religious and or educational.

It is "generally"  considered that if a man has sex with a young teenage girl, it is a crime worthy of considerable punishment and he gets a kick in the teeth... but if a woman has sex with a young teenage boy, he is "lucky", and he gets a grin, raised eybrows,  and a jealous  elbow in the ribs.

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33 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It is "generally"  considered that if a man has sex with a young teenage girl, it is a crime worthy of considerable punishment and he gets a kick in the teeth... but if a woman has sex with a young teenage boy, he is "lucky", and he gets a grin, raised eybrows,  and a jealous  elbow in the ribs.

EXACTLY, a broken system. Women who abuse children tend to get off Scott-Free at times with little to no sentence, but when it is men, people are prepared to lynch and tear him apart.

Abusers of all kinds love to target religion and educational systems for the sole reason they can reach kids, even holding a position within said institution in order to use whatever rules or regulations to their advantage to abuse children, it is insane. If the abuser looks like a Barbie or a Supermodel, expect the Judge to be very very easy on the abuser because it would seem to be the case.

The biggest problem is there are people, as we speak, trying to make pedophilia legal and when that happens, if they're fight is winning, all institutions will expect a storm of pedophiles running rampant in full force, like watering accumulating and eventually breaking a dam.

There is a specific group in government who is 100% shielded when it comes to pedophilia, but no one seems to talk about it, and even if they did, they'd end up like Seth Rich, Claus Ebrewein and a whole list of others.That is why those who know things tread carefully, this seems to be the case with Las Vegas Survivors ending up dead by so called accidents, the same can be said for those who go after people who shield those who freely practice pedophilia, making children out to be some kind of food menu which is sick.

For a losing fight against pedophilia will really put a killing blow on those who fight against it the real way, no one never aims for the root of the problem, they only go after a small selected few of individuals when there are REAL threats who are trying to make such things legal, children, young girls, are already forced to marry their rapist in several states of the US already and the list goes on.

All I can say is if we let the really villains win, not even make an attempt to prevent them, then it will be a problem, as for religious churches and institutions, they will have to deal with a Horde of pedophiles that come in form of a storm. So far, the fight is a global tug-o-war, I myself have been against this since the whole drag queen thing slowly took form around the mid 2014s when this information was sent my way.

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On 8/2/2018 at 10:13 PM, Space Merchant said:

All I can say is if we let the really villains win, not even make an attempt to prevent them, then it will be a problem, as for religious churches and institutions, they will have to deal with a Horde of pedophiles that come in form of a storm.

The only thing necessary for Evil to prevail, is Good Men ... to do nothing.

When accountants, lawyers and PR Departments run the show ... that is what potential "Good Men"  do.


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The only thing necessary for Evil to prevail, is Good Men ... to do nothing.

When accountants, lawyers and PR Departments run the show ... that is what Good Men  do.


That is because good men are often the ones who become victim, an example I can give is a guy who stops a conflict, only to end up being killed by a Pole-Stick. There is a story of this, and there is footage, deemed way too graphic, and as it is said, he was trying to be the good guy. This is one of the reasons why people do not always get involved, no matter the situation, if they do try to get involved, they give minor help and or advise so that the person and of victim can carry on from there. Among the worse places to be a "good guy" is Brazil, and there have been many good guys that are now laying in Sheol, the same can be said for many.

There is no precise way to deal with evil, therefore it is always taking a chance with a probability of success.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

There is no precise way to deal with evil, therefore it is always taking a chance with a probability of success.

A Good Man will TRY ... and if necessary, put his LIFE, his health, and his means of life on the line ... even with the certainty of death, destruction, and destitution.

That is what makes a Good Man a Good Man.

All else are merely MEDIOCRE  males, who eventually die .... without ever having been a "Good Man", or even a real man.


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Jesus was a perfect example of a man who was tortured to death ... for doing the "right thing" ... and he KNEW IN ADVANCE that was the price he would have to pay .

He went on a known "suicide mission", to rescue people ... KNOWING he was going to be brutally tortured,  and that  there was no way to get out of it alive .... and did it ANYWAY!

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On 9/1/2018 at 11:27 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

A Good Man will TRY ... and if necessary, put his LIFE, his health, and his means of life on the line ... even with the certainty of death, destruction, and destitution.

That is what makes a Good Man a Good Man.

All else are merely MEDIOCRE  males, who eventually die .... without ever having been a "Good Man", or even a real man.


But look at the world today. Those who have tried and yet sin and evil remains, for man, cannot govern themselves, and yes good men will try, but it only delays another attack and or skirmish. For even good men are also called evil men by those who commit the most crazy crimes, as for others, those in power within the government allowed their own enemies to do what they do best at causing destruction left and right. I say this because there are things of which many, even you do not know what is going on deep inside the rabbit hole and I know, first hand, hence my ever so evident cautious like attitude.

Mediocre? The guy who took the pool-stick to the face was built like an athlete, possibly 6 feet tall or higher going by what John Correia of ASP said in one of his videos. The man tried to stop a conflict between 2 other, not so fit men, this resulted in him being hit in the face by a pool stick, instantly killing him for doing a just deed, for he [Vink] had been reported to have been trying to break up a fight when the attackers turned their attention to him.

At the end of the day, battles are always fought, sometime good wins, other time, evil wins, but regardless, the war continues on until the Day of Judgement, for only the real victor, the obvious one, will prevail at the very end.

The worse of it all is when a good man becomes vengeful in the most chaotic way possible, morals will be shut down entirety until the deed it done.

On 9/1/2018 at 11:38 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Jesus was a perfect example of a man who was tortured to death ... for doing the "right thing" ... and he KNEW IN ADVANCE that was the price he would have to pay .

He went on a known "suicide mission", to rescue people ... KNOWING he was going to be brutally tortured,  and that  there was no way to get out of it alive .... and did it ANYWAY!

Indeed, but we are mere born sinners compared to the pure and sinless man that is the Christ, hence why we are alive today, having an actual chance to be forgiven for our sins and later on be part of God's Purpose and Will for those chosen to be with his Son and those who will gain eternal life. For what happen with our Lord was to happen, for even he himself said right before he died that it has been accomplished.

But yes, Earthly Jerusalem didn't like him at all, even to this day, but they should know when Jesus comes back, he will be coming like a warrior carrying a Sword, and at that moment, he will not recognize them and will do away with them according to God's Justice, his Purpose, His Will, His Order, etc for our God is all about Justice and doing what he said he will do, and does so by means of his Son, who represents him, the one man who had been sent, Christ Jesus.

As for us right now, we are in the trenches until Judgement Day.

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