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Do you remember the *RED MOON NIGHT* IN *2015* ? A beautiful photo !

Queen Esther

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Do  you  remember  the  *RED  MOON  NIGHT*  IN  *2015* ? A  beautiful  photo  -  in  bigger  on  the  Comp. - screen !  

Yes I do my husband and I were amazed we watched for over an hour it looked like an apricot in the sky. 

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GREAT....  I  not  saw  it  here  in  north  Germany,  sorry  ;o(   Perhaps  the  next  time !  We  have  patience...  hahaha   YES !   I  also  post  regular  the  Daily text  here  in  different  languages...  when  you  want,  take  a  look,  Thank  you  ;o)  Send  you  a  GOOD NIGHT  from  Germany !

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