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What Does the Bible Really Teach?

Guest Kurt

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Guest Kurt


i am definitely not a Jehovah's Witness, i have never been very religious. This book was given to me by a close friend and it was a great book. No other religion has ever explained things so clearly or made it so understandable. The book is so easy to read an eight year old could do it. There are many references to the bible and it gives reason to all of the things they do through fact.


I have read this book over and over again after my only son died. I was so impressed and comforted from the scriptures, that the chapters quoted from. I learned what happens to our loved ones when they die. I was so comforted to know that my son wasn't dangling in space with angel wings or burning in hell, something I was taught when I was very young. I was told those were the only two choice's we were given at our death. I learned of the love that our creator has for all of mankind not just words, but knowing what his love involves in the near future. Learning why he sent his son to die for us. Of the grand promise God gave us through the sacrifice of his only begotten son. We all want to live in peace not worry about the wicked conditions that go on in our world today. I learned what God's purpose is for all of mankind who choose to search him out. Those who choose to be ignorant have another choice but remember there are always consequences to the choice we make.
This book taught me not only what the Bible teaches but gave me a greater understanding of what the Bible is (GOD"S WORD)his way of communicating with us. Giving us direction or a map of sort for us to follow in our daily lives, yet it is also a route for everlasting life in peaceful conditions on earth. I will see my son again in the Paradise. God promised it. I urge everyone to read this Book and read it with your Bible no matter what translation you have. The Truth is in your Bible.


When I first read this I wasn't sure what to expect. Over the years I've read a number books by different religions (I try to be open-minded), and I often find that they make lots of doctrinal statements with little or no biblical support for their positions. Or they try to "guilt" you into believing in Christ by painting the Lord as some vengeful God who just wants to burn people in hell for their sins. Not so with this book!

This is a gem of a find! It's one of the few Bible-based books I've ever found that makes you feel that God not only understands your weaknesses, but genuinely cares about you as a friend and wants you to have a close relationship with Him! It is not preachy book, but a simple and easy-to-understand introduction to the Bible and it's basic doctrines. It explains such things as who God and Jesus are, what God's Kingdom is and how it directly affects our lives today. It also uses the Bible itself to explain why evil and suffering exist in the world. It does this by referencing loads of Bible verses that are easy to understand. You are encouraged in the book to read them directly from the Bible.

Many reviewers here dislike this book simply because it was written by Jehovah's Witnesses, but I can tell from their reviews that few of them have actually read it. They are really missing out.

So keep an open mind. If you want an easy to understand introduction to the Bible, and a guide that will help you find real comfort and support from the scriptures, then this simple book is a great treasure for you.


I'd recommend this book to anyone who is interested in what the bible teaches..

If you haven't read this already please don't be put off by negative comments - it's not based on an "erroneous bible translation" - in fact you could use any translation of the bible you wish and it will still make perfect sense =)

I'm studying with witnesses & I've often used different translations of the bible with this and other study aids.. The bible is the bible no matter what translation you use.. Witnesses have just put God's holy name back in where it was previously taken out - it's also in a modern easy to follow language, no ye's and thee's like the KJV!!

Wow I should be a rapper!!! - but not about drugs and women, more about summer time and my grans home made conserves, brrrap!


Pros: I like how the book does an over view of the basics of what the scriptures teach. It breaks it all down by topic, each chapter is a different topic. I also like how small and practical it is to take along with you. It also makes for a great quick reference guide when you wanna find in the scriptures where a certain topic is discussed.

Cons: While it is meant to cover just the basics for the public, it makes it (like a lot of watchtower material) extremely irritating to read because it reads like its meant for children at times.

While I am not a Witness, I am however a Bible Student and do occasionally use watchtower aids in my scripture reading. Although I do not agree with the Watchtower chronology I do still enjoy some of their material. I would have to say that they have some of the best illustrations in their books as well, including this one!


My husband and I read this book. I've read it 5 times all the way through! It's so encouraging & helps one to gain true insight into Gods word the Bible! This book is FREE, just ask a Jehovah's Witness for it! Or go to JW.org and download it free!


Everyone should read this book and learn what the truth is. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society puts out the best and most accurate books on Biblical information and is highly informative. All should feel encouraged to check it out and see if they feel they can learn something from these books!


Why do I get the impression that those who have left negative reviews of this book haven't actually read it? Why, even one left a review and admitted he didn't want to read it. Then it really does not amount to a review or an intelligent critique at all. But while accusing the book of bias, they are quite willing to admit (Freudian slip?) that they are FAR more biased than the book will ever be.

One has to ask THE question, WHY are the questions raised in this book never mentioned or discussed in mainstream churches?

Can one deny that the questions raised are not important? They most certainly are. If you don't agree with the answers, then what alternative answers can you proffer? It is entirely insufficient to dismiss it as mere bias when you in turn has nothing to offer.

Remember this, if anybody says they not biased, then they cannot have an opinion, It is not bias that determine truth, it is content. But also...

Jesus said "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Many did not listen to him. Jehovah's Witnesses LIVE their beliefs in harmony with the Bible. When Jesus was arrested, he said "he who lives by the sword will die by the sword" and later told Pilate that the reason his disciples were not fighting, was because his Kingdom was not of this world. Right now there are 761 Jehovah's Witnesses in prison SOUTH (not North) Korea for "learning war no more."

Criticise what Jehovah's Witnneses believe, but don't criticise their endeavour to LIVE in harmony with the Bible's teachings.

If only others would, then the world would be much the better for it.


This book answers a lot of life's most profound questions!!

I like the chapter that answers the question "Why has God Allowed Suffering?" It was clear, concise, and had plenty of scriptures to back up it's statements. The book is chocked full of scriptures so that you know that what you are reading is really from the Bible. This is a great book to "dubunk" myths such as hellfire or the immortal sin. This book is actually ten times better than it's predecessor, in my opinion. I can't think of a clearer more concise book that explains what the Bible teaches.

FUN reading with SUBSTANCE!!! This is my second favorite book EVER!!!!

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Kurt....I personally want to thank you for your honest and open opinion of the publication....WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH?.and Yes, I am one of Jehovahs Witnesses. You are so right that this book gives

Actually, Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever."  That has another to do with whether he had a beginning or not. Jesus did not become the way to salvation until

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Hello, I just wanted to clarify something that was mentioned in a couple of reviews - people mentioned the simplicity of the writing style of this publication, stating that it almost seems to be written for children.  The reason for this simplicity is because Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to reach people of many varying educational backgrounds and reading levels all over the world with the truth of God's word.  (Mt. 24:14)  God would like his message to spread to everyone, everywhere, for their benefit. So this study aid is meant to be as clear and understandable as possible to everyone, while directing people straight into their own personal copy of the Bible.  Please don't take it as being condescending to anyone, that's not the intention.  :)

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Kurt....I personally want to thank you for your honest and open opinion of the publication....WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH?.and Yes, I am one of Jehovahs Witnesses. You are so right that this book gives forthright answers to questions that ALL people, no matter what their station in life is....can use as a GO TO book. I am glad that you have found comfort knowing about your son and the hope for those who have died...the bible plainly shows that they are in a sleeping condition at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 9,10. And that they will be resurrected right back here on earth in the very near future at John 5:28,29. That is the most encouraging reason to search more for exact truths from the bible. We are definitely living in the last days of mans way of rule and governing the earth as Daniel 2:44 shows...so these are actually exciting times! All that we have all wanted....freedom from taxes, cruel and selfish ruling by men, wars, sickness, even death are about to be eradicated from the earth by the very kingdom that Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray for, at Matthew 6:9,10...for his kingdom to come and his will to be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven. It is THAT KINGDOM that will bring peace and harmony to ALL mankind ALL OVER THE EARTH! Like you said, ask any Jehovahs Witness for a copy...you will not be sorry!

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22 hours ago, Joy Libert said:

And that they will be resurrected right back here on earth in the very near future at John 5:28,29.

Is this resurrection taking place during the 1000 year reign as this book implies? 

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Guest Kurt

Hi Shiwiii

When will the resurrection take place? The Bible foretold that the resurrection to heaven would take place during Christ’s presence, which began in 1914. (1 Corinthians 15:21-23) The resurrection to life on earth will occur during the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, when the earth will be transformed into a paradise.Luke 23:43;Revelation 20:6, 12, 13.


What Is the Resurrection?

Bible Questions Answered


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35 minutes ago, Kurt said:

The resurrection to life on earth will occur during the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, when the earth will be transformed into a paradise.Luke 23:43;Revelation 20:6, 12, 13.

Great, I'm glad you pointed this out to me. Your scriptural references I'd like to address one by one.

Luke 23:43 " And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Where in this scripture does it state during the 1000 year reign? It doesn't. 

Revelation 20:6 " Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years."

Again, this does not mention that these will be resurrected DURING the 1000 year reign, only that they will reign and rule with Jesus during the 1000 year reign. 

Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books,according to what they had done. 13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done."

Nothing about resurrection DURING the 1000 year reign. 

Now lets take a look at a few verses before your Rev 20:6 quote, starting at verse 4:

Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years."

Here this states that those who were beheaded for their testimony about Jesus, and did not take the mark, are the ones who will reign with Jesus FOR a thousand years. This is not for 999 years, or 300 years, but the full 1000 years. So these cannot be the ones resurrected DURING the 1000 years. 

Even more is verse 5  " The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection.

What happens to the rest of the dead? Not resurrected until after the 1000 year reign. So we see those who were resurrected prior to the 1000 year reign and those who were after the 1000 years, but no mention of ANY during. In fact, the exact opposite is true, "the rest did not", meaning NONE were resurrected during the 1000 year reign. 

So where in the Bible does it really teach a resurrection during the 1000 year reign? please provide your scriptural support. 

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In reference to Revelations 20:13, can you not see how resurrection is described by "the sea and Hades" giving up those dead in them?

In reference to resurrection during the Thousand Year Reign, an angel assured the prophet Daniel: “You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” (Daniel 12:13) Martha likewise believed that her brother, Lazarus, would “rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:24) The Bible connects this “last day” with Christ’s Kingdom rule at 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26, where Paul wrote: “For he/Christ must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.” Think about it...wouldn’t everyone have to be resurrected for “death to be brought to nothing?”

In reference to your question about Revelation 20:5, as clearly stated, it is not “the rest of the dead” who share in the first resurrection. The first resurrection is for those who rule with Christ during the thousand years.

When we compare Ephesians 2:1, we can see that the Scriptures also refer to death symbolically. With this and with John 11:24 in mind, in what sense do the rest of the dead not “come to life” until the end of the thousand years? Is it possible the rest of the dead come to life in the same sense as described at Ephesians 2:1? In this case meaning life free from all effects of sin?

When we look at it with everything here discussed in mind, the “rest of the dead” could include all those who resurrected "on the last day," the survivors of the great tribulation, and those who may be born during that time.

They all “come to life” by being relieved of the death-dealing effects of sin inherited from Adam, as described at
 Romans 5:12, by the end of the Thousand Year Reign. 

Could this be the case, Shiwii? If not, please provide a scriptural basis why it could not.


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Thank you for your reply. 

7 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

In reference to Revelations 20:13, can you not see how resurrection is described by "the sea and Hades" giving up those dead in them?

You have to look at the context of our conversation, which is about the resurrection during the 1000 year reign, not if there is a resurrection. Of course there is, but that is not the topic we are discussing. 


8 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

In reference to resurrection during the Thousand Year Reign, an angel assured the prophet Daniel: “You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” (Daniel 12:13) Martha likewise believed that her brother, Lazarus, would “rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:24) The Bible connects this “last day” with Christ’s Kingdom rule at 1 Corinthians 15:25, 26, where Paul wrote: “For he/Christ must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.” Think about it...wouldn’t everyone have to be resurrected for “death to be brought to nothing?”

No actually God does not need us to do anything with or for Him. He can do away with death on His own. None of your scriptures state a resurrection during the 1000 year reign. You are putting limits on God and His ability to remove death. Think about it, why would God need everyone to come back to life to rid the world of death? Death is a physical expiration of the body. If one is already dead, can death sting again if that one is not alive? Unless you believe that there is something living after physical expiration...


9 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

In reference to your question about Revelation 20:5, as clearly stated, it is not “the rest of the dead” who share in the first resurrection. The first resurrection is for those who rule with Christ during the thousand years.

I quite agree. Further it states that those "first" resurrected are resurrected before the 1000 year reign, not during. The rest, after the 1000 year reign. There is no mention of ANY during this time period.


11 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

When we compare Ephesians 2:1, we can see that the Scriptures also refer to death symbolically. With this and with John 11:24 in mind, in what sense do the rest of the dead not “come to life” until the end of the thousand years? Is it possible the rest of the dead come to life in the same sense as described at Ephesians 2:1? In this case meaning life free from all effects of sin?

You are believing then, that these ones will not "come to life", that is come to know God, until after the thousand year reign? So then these will not understand what is happening around them, not gain understanding, not realize Jesus is who He says He is, until after 100 years and then be subjected to judgement? no amount of teaching from any Elders, WT's, Awakes, shepherding calls, brothers/sisters, nothing until its time of judgement? Is that what you believe? It appears that way based on your thoughts on these ones being dead as in dead to their former way of life, and NOT coming to life as in a resurrection, but rather knowledge. Do you also think then that these that do not "come to life" until after 1000 years are the same ones who Satan gathers to make war with the saints? 


11 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

When we look at it with everything here discussed in mind, the “rest of the dead” could include all those who resurrected "on the last day," the survivors of the great tribulation, and those who may be born during that time.

That is pure speculation and assumption. We cannot live on assumption, we live on scripture.

12 minutes ago, Dwayne Reed said:

They all “come to life” by being relieved of the death-dealing effects of sin inherited from Adam, as described at Romans 5:12, by the end of the Thousand Year Reign. 

Could this be the case, Shiwii? If not, please provide a scriptural basis why it could not.

I have addressed this with my explanation and questions above. It is either that these will not be resurrected, or they will not "come to life" in your terms, until the end of the 1000 year reign. At that time many will side with Satan and make war against the holy ones. Are these them that side with Satan? If so, then you may have a point, but we see that is not the case when looking at the rest of Rev 20 as a whole and in context. This judgement that occurs, after the war with Satan, is a judgement of both the good and the bad (see John 5:28&29). 

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