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Letter Writing


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There it is again. An experience of writing letters containing “some comfort from the Scriptures.” Here is from the recent Watchtower article on ‘Show Fellow Feeling in Your Ministry.’

A letter was well-received in this instance of a family whose child had died. 

“‘I was having a horrible day yesterday,’ wrote the bereaved mother. ‘I don’t think you have any idea what impact your letter had on us. I can’t thank you enough or even begin to describe how much it meant to us. I must have read your letter at least 20 times yesterday. I just could not believe how kind, caring, and uplifting it was. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.’”

And to think that there are some on this forum of malcontents who have all but popped a vein over this venue.

I can’t quite recall whether I have ever done this or not. I don’t think so, but it is possible. What I do recall is that in the mid-seventies, when the Awake! devoted an entire issue to the subject of depression—back when the topic was seldom breached in public, as though it were something shameful—that I was so impressed with it that I sent a copy to all the psychiatrists in the phone book. One of them responded—to point out that his own research had been included in the magazine.





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There it is again. An experience of writing letters containing “some comfort from the Scriptures.” Here is from the recent Watchtower article on ‘Show Fellow Feeling in Your Ministry.’ A letter w

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

We are generally considered as pests ... because we have not [changed].

Oh? And we were honored guests at one time?

Reread the post. She didn’t say that the writer was a pest. She said ‘thank you from the bottom of our hearts.’

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