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Kamala Harris gets absolutely demolished by Tulsi Gabbard


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I just watched a recording of this and the previous debate at about 3am this morning. What a mess. LOL. I don't trust a one of them, but Tulsi Gabbard at least prepared with some material on Kamala Ha

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15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

All the while the DNC is very quite own their own errors concerning the whole Russia thing after the Muller report. But people are saying despite all this Donald "Orange Man" Trump somehow was given a win.

I just watched a recording of this and the previous debate at about 3am this morning. What a mess. LOL. I don't trust a one of them, but Tulsi Gabbard at least prepared with some material on Kamala Harris that was very easy to obtain, and should have been easy for others to find, too, if they wished to pile on. The articles about Harris hiding DNA evidence that would have freed an innocent man was in the NYTimes. (As was material about her hypocrisy on marijuana, harshness on drug offenses, etc.) I'm surprised that there is so much "opposition info" on everyone, but that these politicians only treat the data superficially when it really COULD "demolish" opponents if they really took time to understand the whole picture and press these issues. Perhaps they are still interested in being another's vice president in case those opponents win.

Curiously, the number one set of related trends on Twitter yesterday included "Assad" "Tulsi" and "Kamala." Why was "Assad" there? It's evidently because Harris attacked back by claiming that Gabbard had been no more than a defender of Assad. Getting Assad so high in the trends probably implies some help from bots, either foreign or domestic.  (This was based on the fact that Gabbard had done a fact finding mission in Syria and determined that things were not as the official US propaganda would have us believe. Being correct on this point will probably result in her downfall as a potential candidate.) The one thing I appreciated is that Gabbard, a former soldier, was concerned about overuse of war and US empirical policing around the world. But Gabbard herself has unfortunately shown inconsistency. I think she's one that voted for a recent hugely increased Pentagon budget last week.

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