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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    It would seem, it also happens here with statistics. The way a question is framed, and answer might not give it justice. The perception of some reporters can differ with an indirect inference. The cops in an upper class neighborhood might spend time defusing a white counterpart to give up and not resist. The same scenario with a black person might not get the same consideration and that cop will be more motivated to shot first and ask questions later, than with a white person.
    Case in point. A black man wielding a knife is more likely to get shot than a white person wielding a knife. This scenario happened recently in two cases. The black person was killed, and the white person, even though he stabbed the cop in the neck, didn’t get fired upon. Then it becomes optics rather than facts or statistics.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Same, I caught that one too. But the only good pros to that is that anyone paying attention to that Trial can see what the Prosecution tried to do. The people who attack the judge are more inline with anything pertaining to Marxism and Socialisms, namely, BLM and anyone assisting them such as the Revolutionist, who are of the Left. The man shot by Kyle, Gaige Grosskreutz, is a Revolutionist himself, for he is part of the People’s Revolution Movement, a social justice (SJW) group that originated in Milwaukee.
    Plus in various discussions, you can see the difference between someone who watched the Trial vs those who didn't and focus on the MSM only.
    Yep, that last 2 days of the Verdict was chaotic, and it also exposes MSNBC for what they are, and now people question past articles and stories they profess; ironically afterwards, they still continue to spread misinformation, even now with recent events in Wisconsin. From what I heard prior to the verdict, among the Jury, it was 7 women, and 5 men, one of the men was African American.
    Yes, Conservatives proclaim him as a Hero, but in reality, although he could lawfully defend himself, it appears to have panic, then you Jump Kick Man, who some say may have embolden Huber to attack Kyle. BLM is a problematic group, and I myself often get into heated discussions with pro-black followers because of them and their Leftist allies, even recently because of the Rittenhouse Trial. On the other side of the spectrum in regards to all this, someone like Rosenbaum should not have been out in the first place, likewise with his friend, Kaminski, who fired shots prior to Rosenbaum chasing Kyle.
    That being said, the way the MSM is reacting, as is anyone like a Hasan Piker or a Seder is reacting, it shows that eventually these people want a system in place, a Socialist one, and eventually a Marxist one, granted most Leftist groups adhere to Marxism, namely BLM. We will see what will take place after the reset.
    Other than the Arbury Case, I am looking forward to the Giselle Maxwell one, but I doubt this will be public, so this one would be difficult for some of us to get information on.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    When a reporter asked Trump (this was some time ago) about the spate of black persons shot and killed by police, he responded that police kill a lot of persons, including white persons. If fact, they kill more white persons than blacks. Incredibly, the reporter did not seem to know this. The statement had to be “fact checked.” The next day came the admission that—yes, what Trump said is technically true, but that’s only becasue there are more white people than black people.
    If you follow the news of police shooting as reported by media, you might think that the very purpose of police was to kill black people. I wrote my proposed solution in ‘No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash’ (since withdrawn for rework):
    In the course of their job, police shoot hundreds of people per year. How should one report this? Put all shootings on TV. All of them. Run them 24/7 in the order in which they occur. Create a dedicated channel: The Shooting Channel. Make it freely available. Give every network a cut so no one will complain about ratings. Promote “The Shooting Channel” heavily. Ban shootings on any other channel.
    Put white-on-black shootings on. Put black-on-white shootings on. Put black-on-black shootings on. Put white-on-white shootings on. Put Hispanic-on-Methodist shootings on. Put Buddhist-on-nudist shootings on. Put redneck Alabama white-on transgendered Vietnamese shootings on. Put them all on. Let viewers decide for themselves which shootings are significant and which are yawners. Otherwise, the newspeople will cherry-pick their favorites and start a race war. 
    I did learn from my experience that much is generational. Those of my generation are not the slightest bit shocked that during a time of unrest, ordinary people should assemble so as to protect livelihoods at risk. But there is a younger generation that thinks first of how when someone shouts “Fight!” people who just love to fight on any pretext will come running to extract their pound of flesh, and bring their guns with them. I have to admit, if you viewed in that way (which I don’t in this instance) it does change your view of the outcome.
    I even triggered the remark that I am out of touch with the thinking of the current generation. Tell me something I didn’t know.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I caught a glimpse of Judge Schroeder saying that he'll think twice about ever letting the media in his courtroom again.
    If someone had only followed the terribly biased reporting of MSNBC, CNN, and the usual NBC,ABC,CBS TV news and their late-night comedy shows (Colbert, Kimmel, etc.), they would have come away with the idea that Rittenhouse was the white supremacist Trump supporter who crossed state lines with an assault rifle to kill BLM protesters and then turned himself in to the police who let him go.
    Even NPR, up until the day of the verdict, kept using the expression "the man who shot and killed Black Lives Matter protesters." They later corrected this to "the man who shot and killed protesters at a Black Lives Matter demonstration" to be slightly more correct, but still avoid the outright admission that all his 'victims' were white.
    The trial gave them even more optics for the narrative since Rittenhouse and Judge Schroeder both have Germanic names. I even saw people spelling the name as Rittenhaus.
    A very interesting experiment for casual news consumers to do now is to watch a 10-minute video by Matt Orfalea which provides a very clear review of the case, making use of all the evidence in favor of a not guilty verdict. It's here, but might be hard to play because of YouTube's warnings about controversy and community standards. Be warned; it does contain the sometimes grainy video of the shootings.
    When I was looking for this video, I didn't remember how to spell Matt Orfalea's last name, so that I also found a Matt Taibbi report --political reporter for "Rolling Stone" who is often wrong-- which covered this case correctly. It's here: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-rittenhouse-verdict-is-only-shocking
    I didn't watch the accompanying video, which appears to be related to the one above (per the byline). But the article mentions the MSNBC employee who was stopped for speeding through red lights while chasing the dismissed jury's bus from the courthouse, and who claimed in defense that MSNBC had ordered him to get pictures of the jury. This could have been jury tampering, but I suspect they only wanted to be able to say, in case of acquittal, that it was an all-white jury. Instead, they reported that it was a "mostly white jury as far as they could tell."
    There is a racial element to the story, in my opinion. Video shows lots of guns among the white protesters. And it also shows many white protesters instigating the burning and destruction of property. Even the initial confrontation was due to Rosenbaum (first victim) literally pushing a dumpster fire towards a gas station. Pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire was probably a good analogy to what MSNBC and other MSM were doing.
    I have a feeling that Rittenhouse might have been far too anxious to give the impression that he was an important, heroic good-guy protecting a "white town" from BLM overreach. The gun was carried for protection, yes, but it was overkill, even if it was the only gun he had access to (from his local friend's father-in-law). I believe his involvement in the confrontation with a crazy white supremacist-look-alike backfired. By "crazy," I mean in the medical sense of the word, because this man (the one chasing Rittenhouse) had just been released from a hospital after bloodying his girlfriend and trying to commit suicide.. But this victim truly looked and acted the part of a crazed white supremacist, and by shooting him, even in self defense, it triggered a few whites in the racially charged crowd to turn against Rittenhouse, as if Rittenhouse were a BLM sympathizer. This seems likely, even though unintended, from the Matt Orfalea video. But it would turn the whole narrative on its head from the perspective of the MSM spin.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    The good thing is, if it was not public, the Prosecution would have gotten away with the misinformation they presented, especially in regards to the issue with the video footage's quality (original vs compressed). As for the media, mainly Left leaning, they tried to smear Kyle as if he was a White Supremacist, and lied about various other things regarding him. The Trial being public also allowed people to see other things, like what MSNBC tried to do, as is what took place outside of the courthouse, but like I said, the Left are crazy, so much so they got Facebook and Go Fund Me to strangle the funds for Rittenhouse.
    The VIP of ignorance in the past 2 weeks was Joy Reid of MSNBC, who was among several people who wanted to stir up a race war by professing earlier on that Kyle shot and killed 3 black people, which caused pro black groups like BLM to be triggered. Among all groups in Kenosha,  Revolutionist were present, and among the people whom Kyle shot at, the 3rd, Gaige Grosskreutz, was one himself; not to mention him being foolish when giving testimony.
    That being said, it is odd how BLM is involved even when given the facts, but they are attempting to use this opportunity because of the Blake shooting. And now the recent event at a Christmas Parade, they are trying to pin this on Kyle.
    But as pointed out before, these events are merely leaks in a powder keg, this event with Rittenhouse, as is the events unfolding with the death of Ahmaud Arbery and how that case is doing. The MSM's agenda is to have a crisis, and to them, a race war may be something they want, not realizing we will end up with a situation similar to what transpired in 2017 whereas a rare moment the United Nations attempted to step in.
    Yep, and they had a lot of pressure on them to, so much so, it was said by some during the 2 weeks that there will be people seeking to intimidate the jury, even the media.
    As for the justice system, I always said it is a double edge sword in regards to all things, the good thing is the judge in question was not the one the prosecution, and the MSM expected.
    That being said, this case as with Arbery, were among many rare moments where Truthers, Independent Journalists, Creators, Preppers even, and some Lawyers got together, but we are not out of the woods yet. As of right now, the case regarding the late Arbery is still ongoing, and the MSM is playing tricks still, only for people to expose them.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Matthew9969 in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I quit watching cable news networks 3 years ago, and have had a much more positive demeanor for doing so.
  7. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in Russia’s Top Court Bans Prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses for Group Prayer   
    This might be temporary because in Russia, there is a target painted on their backs. A few contacts I know in Russia would say the same thing, for as of recent, they have been hit with censorship, not because of the situation with JWs, but rather, in regards to COVID-19. For some reason, Russia's government do not want some information to reach outside into the world.
  8. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    Here we go with the nonsense. You speak of misguidance, yet you think a subnet of the Internet supersedes real life.
    How is saying otherwise? It was said that both experience Child Sex Abuse and they are not immune. You've been told this many times, even by others yet when your goose gets cooked you want to defend a so called tool when your own words is used against you.
    You already failed once you deviated from the question asked numerous times.
    Not one mentioned hiding, it was only pointed out several times they are no immune. Facebook can't hide CSA, however, their actions simply made itself exploitable.
    Bad example. A Telephone is a device, not a platform.
    Missed the point made several times. However if you are referring to Smart Devices, a Smartphone (Telephone seems old school), it can present some level of danger. This is why it is encouraged for parents to educate their children, as is enable any safety protocols.
    Granted all apps/games are associated in the social space, such as Tiktok, Snapchat, etc, as is their parent, Facebook, it is strongly advised for the parents/guardians to take protective measures.
    Those who fail to do this, often ends up with either of the following, addiction (Validation seekers aka Clout Chasers via the child and or their guardian(s) - Example - Lil Tay Claire Hope),a rebellious child, spoiled even, and in worse case scenarios, the child can be subjected to predators luring them, asking them for various deeds that are brazen, as is there is a pandemic in regards to sexting, as is an abundance of pornographic content made by even the owner of the device.
    This also leads to even that of the Dark Web, in which not only people's information can be marketed there, but also some level of their data. Even emails can be found there, perhaps yours.
    In other instances, there has been results of, missing persons, injury, and death, even rape when it comes to such things.
    It is against culture and faith to be prideful, full of pride, and never displayed such. I would break culture even for that, but it looks as though you continue with appeals to motive and ad hominems that make no sense.
    That said, this is all factual, mainly in my case, in which I have high experience in the field in question, so I know what is going on, and even the facts concerning such, when it comes to safety of the youth, even taking care of youth and teaching them on how the Internet and or Platforms can present a level of danger if one isn't careful.
    The problem here is when your own words is used in relation to Facebook, you are quick to defend yourself. Everyone else seems calm because never once they made the statement you made, hence why I take no issue with them. But here we see you are very adamant, even you confused real life with social media, a problem.
    Because these are facts.
    Of course, I am a fool because I recognize CSA on Facebook, perhaps a fool because I do not make a silly statement you did, which landed you in this position.
    All bark, but no bite, you are. For a guy who cries about CSA, yet when you were told what you have done in regards to that, you had nothing to say.
    And perhaps still even after 3 months of research no doubt.
    Which is irrelevant, but it seems 3 months isn't enough of someone was being abused on Facebook Live. Your tool. The same tool that was also responsible for a list of events in the past 2 weeks.
    Any? Because I can see the facts, I am not as one sided as you are.
    This ahs nothing to do with liking them or not, it is in regards to the facts and truth about Child Sex Abuse. You pushed the narrative as if they do not know these things, even attest to ARC, yet at the same time, some of them are aware of CSA, Anna made a remark towards you in the thread you made an absurd statement in, Eqvo, JWI and a list of others, especially JWI. For months into years you complain yet do nothing, even when asked, you are as sheeple as the Media when it comes to these things, even when Case 29 was presented you didn't know even though you brought up ARC. You believe CNN on their remarks as is NYTs. Not to mention, you believed both a conspiracy and a book from a person who dwells on Spiritism.
    Therefore making you both a Big Tech Solider and a Shill, in a respectful regard. You do not seek for grounded discussion and when it was said you can't handle a debate, this is true and fact because look how far this thread as gone from a small question, by your hand and your hand alone.
    For an Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, you are no different from the Magic Hands guy from London, or that of a Leftist. To quote Mr. Kel, he made claim that most former Jehovah's Witnesses who fall into apostasy are often to ones heavily misguided, and Kel himself is quite neutral with JWs. I believe you hit that narrative.
    No one said anything about loving a group, it was pointed out JWs have a CSA problem and they're not immune. Yet you become a church mouse by the mention of Facebook.
    Typical Big Tech Solider, for good reason you can be called that and another Piker.
    A man of God uses discernment to look for what is true, you, do not do such a thing.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Matthew9969 in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    I didn't want to hijack another thread that was already going way off the topic so I'll start this one. 
    In Jesus time, what was the political environment at the time? The Romans socialist, jews capitalist?
  10. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yet you mentioned Capitalism when Communism is more attuned with Marxism, something of which is an opposition to Capitalism. There is a reason why Taxation was brought up, and the fact you mention this now spins a contradiction on your original response - so were you just talking out of ignorance or lying at this point?
    Also a source from a quick first item search on Google, doesn't really help, granted what else is contained in the article in question which does not help your case.
    This is where you got your info by the way - https://onlinebusiness.northeastern.edu/blog/a-brief-history-of-taxation/
    That said, if you speak of Taxation now, does that make your original response false?
    Which still does not help your case with your original response.
    The focus was on Communism from the start, in which Marxism is connected to it to some degree, hence why I mentioned CCP, for a reason, for Communism  is the same all around in regards to governments. You were even told this when you tried to equate the latter with Capitalism
    Perhaps next time do not confuse these things that put you in this position to begin with.
    That being said, I suggest you learn what Capitalism is, and the very reason as to why taxation was brought up. On the other side of the spectrum, because of Capitalism, a danger chain of events that has taken place that can effect the common man, with an event in China, making it even worse. Moreover, intergraded Social Justice narratives that are problematic.
    Don't be a Neeko or Hasan Piker, in this regard because what you are stating from before mirrors like that of their followers who I corrected.
  11. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Sadly some who still watch them without trying to find truth themselves. I am literally at war with Leftist right now because they themselves have been watching MSM, reading the NYT times and never once think to look into the facts, the truth itself. This is why as of right now, their misguidedness and them eating and professing misinformation spawned the riots taking place after a trial.
    When it comes to anything, even various things, even discussed here, the MSM will speak in good terms of those that commit ill action, but should someone else does it, they are ready to run people into the mud.
    The biggest absurdity in all of MSM is CNN, of which we Truthers call it the Communism News Network. 
    That being said, MSN is among the few who seek a cultural and a race war among the people.
  12. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Because he speaks without knowing. He Glasglow'd himself with that one.
    I had good reason to compared @Patiently waiting for Truthto Piker, and that comparison is with merit. Aside from that, Hasan Piker is a legitimate Leftist who is a glorified Capitalist. As of last year, him and another person, Neeko the Boomer Girl, were called out for their favoritism and allegiance to Capitalisms. Hasan is also a Socialist, mainly due to the biggest capital move he made back in early 2021.
    Such people are not only rival to the Right, but they, indirectly are somewhat of an enemy to independent Journalist and Truthers. And a chuck of their revenue comes from lost men and small children, at the same time, these people plague the youth with nonsense and false ideas on money and the like.
    The irony is I have been debating some of their followers for the past 2 weeks, mainly Hasan's followers.

    Essentially @Isabella's reaction would be obvious because some people do not know how such governments work, mainly the nefarious things they do. In regards to that Article she linked, some events over a few years fit the same M.O. of patterns, infiltrators do not attempt to hold religious office, and if they did, it would be last resort. Essentially if that were true, if the push to execute an Agenda took place, JWs in that country would have ceased a long time ago around that time.
    Communism is a direct opposition to one's faith, mainly if that faith maintains a neutral state to the paradigm, the agendas, and political goals, this is why some will even lie in order to get the unaware to side with them should the move be successful. Your faith group has an example, a few actually, Germany and as of recently, Russia, perhaps China since we are talking about communism.
    That being said, Gov't agendas, I have hatred for, as is with those who are like Neeko and Hasan.
    As pointed out before, there is a ticking timer for everyone, even you and others on this forum in regards to the targeted places, concerning them.
  13. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    MSN.... Don't be a sheep to the MSM, Big Tech Solider. If they get you in your feelings, than you already lost.
  14. Haha
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    He can't see the forests for it's trees. Someone who is aware of CSA being earth wide would not pretend as if CSA does not exist in social media, and his own statements is the reason I recalled the racisms thread and the thread with Anna coining a few points. It is fare worse compared to the schools, churches and homes, mainly due to the fact predators can use the platforms to manipulate, i.e. learn a child out with Minecraft, be it game or community. As of recent, one community in question had reinstated one of their members after he got rehab. Although he did not take action on a child, his communications were suspect. Then there was a situation where he nearly took his life, and the like.
    That being said, it was a cross examination of his own statement. See a simple question results in total deviation and defense mode, not to mention a few appeal to motives and ad hominems, which proves the case of specific former JWs.
    Didn't compare them both, if you looked at all my comments I stated both have CSA. You tried to equate Facebook to a religion.
    Religion was not compared, it was only stated CSA exist in institutions and social media. Can you show me where I stated otherwise here and in regards to all statements on CSA?
    Which is irrelevant. The point is in regards to your remark to Anna, for if you can leave JWs for CSA, if the institution of platform was different, would you do the same, yet here we see you whining up a storm.
    Which can see seen from the start, but going with the question itself, which you avoided to answer, would you do the same. You were asked this 4 times, then you constantly shoehorned GB or whatever into the mix for no reason and tried to attest to the idea Facebook is compared to a Religion.
    Such delusion.

    Something I proclaim for months on here, why would I say anything different? from what I see, you, a Facebook user is trying to absolve them as if the situation of CSA is not as serious.
    He does see it, that is why he, and others would point out the same thing.
    Next time when you say something, especially in your discussion with Anna, say something you live by, not drop at the slight of hand.
    That being said, already debating with Leftists, I don't need the appeals and ads from a Big Tech Solider.
    The Unaware do not know the meaning of Awareness, for if you recall last time, a specific person stated what you conveyed was a form of Activism, which is not. AS to why he made the comparison? Pure ignorance. VR will be both a blessing and a curse, and as with all curses, imperfections plant the seeds in order for it to grow. Anyone who takes pleasure in CSA or Animal Abuse will exploits any new Technologies and Resources to their benefit. Mainly due to the fact that even those who favor sexual immorality has been utilizing VR for immoral practices, and sadly enough, such ill use of Technology has teenagers and children using them with friends and or strangers.
    If you are familiar with the movie Ready Player One, the body suits in relation with VR are legitimate and real, although not like that of the movie, but it is similar.
    Example below:

    It will com to a point where, the usual child abuser will exploits such Tech for their own benefit, even to the point of voice manipulation to trick some people.
    That being said, granted Tech is my expertise, the majority of us, mainly us millennials when it comes to Tech kind of saw this coming. The foreshadowing of all this began with the PlayStation 4 whereas many people, even kids were receiving content from adult brazen conduct.
    Essentially Facebook's love letter to hide their misdeeds.
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Mic Drop in Square's TBD (Jack Dorsey) Released a WhitePaper for a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)   
    Those in Big Tech know what is to come.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The thing is some of us saw the writing on the wall. In my case, I was called a lair and a conspiracy theorist, likewise with those in the community I am in, excluding CSE, who is strictly Bible talk.
    Australia has fallen, therefore as protesting is on the rise, the media attempts to hide it, moreover, because of the situation, this gives the green light to Opportunists who can commit crimes, rape, violence, etc. It is bad to the point that even Truthers in Australia are overwhelmed, likewise with Independent Journalists.
    That being said, the situation with them is slowly infecting other countries with Germany, UK, Italy being slowly engulfed. In China, the Evergrande Group situation made this even worse.
    I mentioned before, in regards to the United States, although the situation is slowly building up, the only thing preventing a major and or instant shift is the US Constitution, ironically, many people and groups, even the UN, is attempting to stamp down, specifically the first and second amendment.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Equivocation in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    That has nothing to do with Capitalisms, this is in regards to Marxism. Marxism is the direct opposite of Capitalism, and it is aligned with Communism. Shoehorning Capitalisms makes no sense in regards to the definition of what Marxism equates to, hence the quotations, so I do not see what you are attempting to convey here. There are views of Capitalisms in regards to religion and faith, but there is no such thing as an ideology in this regard that solidifies it entirely.
    And no that isn't the definition. You clearly do not know what Capitalisms is, which makes you both unaware, and can easily succumb to a potential danger should those in that camp confront you to influence, i.e. Hasan Piker.
    That being said, if you never dealt with those of Capitalism, debate them or confronted them, even in person, it is unwise to make assumptions. It is also safe to note that some of these folks are willing to throw punches, this I know from experience.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Equivocation in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Look at what is being told, and be the middle ground when it comes to media.
    Separate truths from falsehood and misconceptions.
    Power and Agenda.
    It can also be used to weaponize against someone or support of something, and should there be star power behind it, it can push the narrative, i.e. a pansexual man can bash Christianity because his parents does not support him and or bash a bakery because the man who not make a cake related to the LGBTQ community.
    Sleepy Joe is nothing more than a puppet. Hence the meme, Let's go Brandon.
    It is, Fear of Trump, Orange Man bad, or Trumpism. January 6th, as Kosenen and I pointed out was a problem and it was weaponized. I knew it was coming, when news came out in the Truther community people were being let in, several Truthers were there, granted, a few were independent journalists.
    The irony is some on the Left did way worse, namely Maxine Waters, who, in full context, wanted people to fight vs that of which used as an expression not command. No one goes for her because she is a black woman in politics, BLM favor her, as is the big banks, Big tech, etc.
    That being said, they thrive in hate speech too. Regarding the paradigm, an unfortunate truth in our current reality is that a lie will make its way around the world twice before the truth has time to get its pants on, for truth will always be the first casualty in any war and or conflict and in these days truth is the new hate speech, and a victim in the eyes of the MSM.
  19. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    That has nothing to do with Capitalisms, this is in regards to Marxism. Marxism is the direct opposite of Capitalism, and it is aligned with Communism. Shoehorning Capitalisms makes no sense in regards to the definition of what Marxism equates to, hence the quotations, so I do not see what you are attempting to convey here. There are views of Capitalisms in regards to religion and faith, but there is no such thing as an ideology in this regard that solidifies it entirely.
    And no that isn't the definition. You clearly do not know what Capitalisms is, which makes you both unaware, and can easily succumb to a potential danger should those in that camp confront you to influence, i.e. Hasan Piker.
    That being said, if you never dealt with those of Capitalism, debate them or confronted them, even in person, it is unwise to make assumptions. It is also safe to note that some of these folks are willing to throw punches, this I know from experience.
  20. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    If “appointed by holy spirit“ is supposed to be some sort of “foolproof” process, how could Paul have said (Acts 20:30) to first-century elders, “from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves?”
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Yes. Exactly as was done in the first century.
    Moreover, they [Paul and Barnabas] appointed elders for them in each congregation, offering prayer with fasting, and they entrusted them to Jehovah, in whom they had become believers. (Acts 14:23)
    They are “appointed by holy spirit” in that (1) the qualifications are laid out in scripture, (2) they are judged to have met those qualifications by experienced overseers who have measured up to those qualifications themselves, after (3) prayerful consideration and consultation. That’s all the expression means. That’s all it has ever meant. 
    It doesn’t mean God takes away their free will and right to choose. It doesn’t mean he makes them automatons. It doesn’t mean that what is within the human realm cannot be tainted by the human.
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Melinda Mills in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Judas was appointed by Jesus also, and he was of the heavenly calling.  And I agree with the last sentence above by Bro Tom Harley. 
    By the way Adam was made by God, and appointed to take care of all the earth and the animals. But he used his free will in the wrong way.
  23. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from xero in How present and communicative was Jehovah during the time prior to the flood?   
    At some point that was no longer required, granted, we are under the New Law now. However, it does not stop the Anti-Pauline debates I often see going on, mainly when context of the situation is literally a tossing of the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The push for false information is to keep the masses calm while they put into action the satanic agenda…it appears that Satan now has everyone one he wants in strategic positions WORLDWIDE..that is in every country to do his bidding…the virus and vaccination is just a Trojan horse to his next big move….thus the need to calm and stupidify the people….so they do not rise up and make things messy and harder for them…..here in Australia this false information or propaganda has been used by a master craftsman who is a professional  at it…..just as he relayed false information to Eve and created the first major doubt in truth…and as he has done thru out mankind’s history.
    the exception now is that he has accomplished it worldwide…which would indicate Jehovah’s appointed time may be on the cusp of action….for as Russell pointed out that the governments of the world will at some time become so oppressive that the people would rise up and rebel…and this would eventually lead to anarchy….at which point if left unchecked no flesh would be left…
    Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda  during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide.
    False information is how Satan works…the father of the lie gets so much of his work done thru that one thing….indeed…..May God help us all !
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    They'll have to be careful, even now, granted the resurgence of some groups, and those effected by inflation, mandates, etc believed to have joined said groups. I was in the crosshairs of specific protests, mainly a UC Berkeley teacher who isn't shy to throw pushes if your race and sex fit the description. As for the YouTube Platform, after the Facebook whistle blower situation, nd Loudoun County, a lot of people are getting shut down, terminated, having some of their content removed from the platform, even if you have no videos, any comments made, gone. This also connects to the YouTube Algorithm that is known to effect things, as is, the YouTube police, if someone, even some kid, does not like your content or what you say in the comments, he or she is going to send an army your way to somehow get you or something you said removed.
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