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Daily text, for Wednesday, March 23. 2016 - Memorial Date After Sundown....

Queen Esther

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Memorial Date
After Sundown
Wednesday, March 23. 2016

You have an anointing from the holy one.—1 John 2:20.

Only those who have the witness of the spirit that they are God’s children should partake of the Memorial emblems. Those who have received “a spirit of adoption as sons” are God’s spirit-begotten children. His spirit bears witness with their spirit, giving them the realization that they are Jehovah’s anointed sons. (Rom. 8:16, 17) Today, there is only a remnant of the 144,000 footstep followers of Christ, who “have an anointing from the holy one,” Jehovah. It is by means of his spirit that they cry out, “Abba, Father!” (Rom. 8:15) What a blessed relationship they have with God! w15 1/15 2:16

Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 13) Mark 14:12-16; Matthew 26:17-19 (Events after sunset: Nisan 14) Mark 14:17-72



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Memorial Date After Sundown Wednesday, March 23. 2016 You have an anointing from the holy one.—1 John 2:20. Only those who have the witness of the spirit that they are God’s children sho

Thank you my sister.  I appreciate it.

Thank you Sis and I was able to attend.❤️

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