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BELARUS, another state of Russia, also joins the group of nations that ask to PROHIBIT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

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BELARUS (BELARUS), another state of Russia, also joins the group of nations that ask to PROHIBIT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

Petition to the Commissioner of Belarus for the religions and nationalities Leonid Gulyako demanding a State expert religious teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses came to the website change.org. This is reported by sekty.by. Its author pointed to someone Maxim Arsentiev.

According to the petition, the Jehovah's Witnesses in Belarus did not pass a doctrinal examination by a religious expert, which is mandatory for state registration of religious organizations or associations.

"Until the results of the examination with respect to the organization, demanding the suspension of the activities of all local religious organizations and the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belarus, so that the prohibition of illegal recruitment activities and dissemination of religious literature, "- the authors affirm.

However, they refer to the experience of Russia, where the activities of the SI were recently banned. "All of us, as citizens, can not allow the illegal propaganda work in the territory of our homeland obsessive followers of a religious organization, doctrine and ideology that has never been studied in detail are not recognized experts and scientists (not is specified - Krynica.info) for its danger to the physical and mental health of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for their social life ", says the petition.

He also reported that in the summer activists have already sent in the Office of the Commissioner for religions and letter of nationalities with the requirement to conduct the examination of the status of Jehovah's Witnesses in connection with the celebration of the Annual Congress of the territory of Belarus. Then the test was rejected, which indicates that there was no reason, since the organization of the congress of Jehovah's Witnesses was legal.

Another attempt to ban the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses was commented on by Krynica.info by one of the believers, the blogger Anton Chivchalov.

"Jehovah's Witnesses operate legally and officially in all countries of the European Union, and in the Republic of Belarus they registered in 1994. All these years they cooperate closely with the authorities of the country at all levels, for example, all literature The obligatory state censorship passes into the country The religious association of the SI in the Republic of Belarus pays all taxes and rights conscientiously Anyone can visit any event of the Jehovah's Witnesses and make sure that they are peaceful and respectful persons of the Both the Belarusian and the

Russian experts know that, unfortunately, the authorities of the Russian Federation decided to follow the path of North Korea, Afghanistan and several other countries, where freedom of religion is severely restricted.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has already been examined by the European Court of Human Rights. Belarus will not tread the same rake, but will continue to respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens, as is usual in Europe and, in general, in a civilized world, "said the source.



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BELARUS (BELARUS), another state of Russia, also joins the group of nations that ask to PROHIBIT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Petition to the Commissioner of Belarus for the religions and nationalities L

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