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The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...


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We preached for over 100 years that a New World is coming.  Ready or not, here it comes!

My observation was about you, PwfT, being unfair and slanderous to BroRando, not about what TTH said. Instead of apologizing, you made excuses.  

That reminds me of my good friends Kermit the Frog, and Fozzie Bear, sitting on a wooden fence, and Fozzie leans back and looks behind the fence, and says to Kermit “You know you have a hand up your b

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The Presence of the Son of of Man began in 1914. "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.  All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:7-8)

"For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the Presence of the Son of man will be." (Matthew 24:27) Are you gaining the understanding that these things are fulfilled in a Spiritual Manner? Ever since 1914, right-hearted ones have been witnessing the Presence of the Son of man. After 2034, the wicked will also start to gain the understanding that they are really dying and lament all the way to everlasting destruction.
As the Last Days come to their conclusion and the seperating work is completed, even the wicked will SEE but after it is too late! Yes, the Revealing of the Son of Man will soon begin for the 'ungodly' as we head into Christ Millennial Reign.
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Rambo I love your fear mongering and doom and gloom. :) 

Matthew 24:8 

New International Version
All these are the beginning of birth pains.

New Living Translation
But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.

English Standard Version
All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

Berean Study Bible
All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Berean Literal Bible
And all these are the beginning of birth pains.

New American Standard Bible
But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains.

Christian Standard Bible
All these events are the beginning of labor pains.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
All these events are the beginning of birth pains.

Now in my opinion BIRTH PAINS bring forth something good, a child. Whereas the GBs interpretation says "beginning of pangs of distress." which is negative.

And as the GB are no more inspired than anyone else, they could easily be wrong. But you keep serving those GB men whilst i will look for truth. 

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3 hours ago, BroRando said:

We preached for over 100 years that a New World is coming.  Ready or not, here it comes!

What the JWs actually preached was that Armageddon was goingto happen in the 1940's, then again in the 1970's, then again before the year 2000, and now ?????????? 

And what the JWs actually preached was that each Creative Day was 7,000 years long, and that after 6,000 years of human existance Armageddon would happen, then Christ would rule for the following 1,000 years, that would totla 49,000 years and then there would be a great millenium when all things were handed back to God.  I do wish I'd kept all those old JW books that contained all those teachings. But I remeber then well because at the time it all made good sense. 

THEN, the whole teaching changed. All those things I'd been taught as truth were now seen as lies. Now no one seems to know how long a Creative Day was. And no one seems to now when Armageddon will arrive. 

BUT I do agree, that New World is coming. It IS a promise from Almighty God. 

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53 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

In private interpretation of Prophesy, a vague, general idea that is correct is always better than specifics, which so far, have ALWAYS been wrong.

YES exactly. If only the Leaders of the Watchtower, from the very beginning of it, had thought that way. 

If only they hadn't run ahead of God and Christ. If only they had prayed for true spiritual guidance and then waited for the Holy Spirit to be given to them.  Such a shame they wasted that oppertunity of what they could have had. 

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So now, the one who was removed from the Congregeation denies the Birth Pangs of a New System of things coming in.

Once the distress pangs come to their climax, don't we celebrate what comes next as the birth pangs subside with the new delivery?

Instead of thinking of the pangs as an ending, should we not think of it as a New Beginning?

WTS quote "As we have already seen, it was in 1914 that Jehovah God conferred upon his Son authority to begin ruling in the midst of his enemies. The long-awaited “new heavens” then came into existence. What occurred was far more magnificent than the events associated with the deliverance of ancient Israel. (Psalm 110:2; Daniel 7:13, 14 The government brought to birth in 1914 actually rules from heaven itself, and God has given it authority over all the earth. The enlarging of this government occurred later with the resurrection of Christ’s spirit-anointed followers (who had already died) to be kings and priests in heaven with their Lord. As other members of that Kingdom class have finished their earthly life, they too have been added to the growing membership of the “new heavens.” (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17; Revelation 14:13) By far the great majority of Christ’s joint heirs are now active in that heavenly Kingdom. The spirit-born Christians thus joined with Christ make up the New Jerusalem, concerning which Jehovah said: “Here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation.”—Isaiah 65:18."

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WTS quote  Paragraph 12

Those who survive the great tribulation and have before them the prospect of perfect human life will actually constitute the foundation of that “new earth,” being the first members of it. It is important that the foundation be sound. So, right now they are being instructed thoroughly in Jehovah’s ways. They are being helped to gain heartfelt appreciation of the issue of universal sovereignty. They are learning how vital it is to ‘trust in Jehovah with all their heart and not to lean on their own understanding.’ (Proverbs 3:5, 6) They have opportunity to prove themselves zealous and loyal supporters of God’s Kingdom by sharing to the full in preaching “this good news of the kingdom” now. (Matthew 24:14) They are experiencing what it means to be part of a global society in which people out of all nations and languages and races work together in loving brotherhood. (John 13:35; Acts 10:34, 35) Are you personally applying yourself so as to benefit fully from this program of education? For all who do so, marvelous prospects lie ahead.


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19 hours ago, BroRando said:

"As we have already seen, it was in 1914 that Jehovah God conferred upon his Son authority to begin ruling in the midst of his enemies.

Matthew 28:18 in 33 C. E. 

Berean Study Bible
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

Now who is right Yeshua = Jesus or the GB of JW Org ? 



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I look at it this way, the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II was general Dwight David Eisenhower, and he was a five star general. He had full commander authority over all allied forces from whatever country fighting against the Nazis.

The invasion of the European continent on June 6, 1944 happened YEARS after the one who had the authority to order it “tomorrow”, so to speak.

Whatever you suppose the timing should be to execute for authority might be completely different for the one having complete authority, for reasons known only to him.

I remember thinking one time that the reason that I didn’t assume the title “Pudgy the Canine Master of Cartoon Space-Time and Dimension”, was that it would not fit on my County Dog License..


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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Matthew 28:18 in 33 C. E. 

Berean Study Bible
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

JESUS also stated in 33 CE  "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet." (Matthew 24:6)

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