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Mark McCumber a Jehovah's Witness who's known to most people as a professional golfer who won the 1988 Players Championship

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Mark McCumber

Mark McCumber (born September 7, 1951) is an American professional golfer who has played on the PGA Tour and Champions Tour.

McCumber was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, where he attended Robert E. Lee High School. He turned professional in 1974 and joined the PGA Tour in 1978. McCumber won ten times on the PGA Tour between 1979 and 1994 including the prestigious Players Championship (1988) and Tour Championship (1994). He also won the World Cup for the United States in partnership with Ben Crenshaw in 1988. He played on the 1989 Ryder Cup team.

McCumber worked as an on-course reporter for NBC Sports in 1991 and for ABC Sports part-time in 1998 and full-time in 1999.

After turning 50 in 2001, McCumber played on the Champions Tour from 2001 to 2008,[2] but did not win an event in this venue. He also works as a golf course architect and was occasionally featured as a golf analyst on Fox Sports. McCumber is a member of the American Society of Golf Course Architects.

McCumber and his wife, Paddy, have two daughters and a son. One of his sons, Tyler, is also a professional golfer. McCumber is a devout Jehovah's Witnesses who preaches in his spare time.


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Jehovah's Witnesses walk the walk, inviting guests to 3-day convention in Jacksonville   Posted: May 24, 2012 - 8:33pm | Updated: May 25, 2012 - 5:35amJView this story on the All-Access Memb

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Jehovah's Witnesses walk the walk, inviting guests to 3-day convention in Jacksonville

Posted: May 24, 2012 - 8:33pm | Updated: May 25, 2012 - 5:35amJView this story on the All-Access Members site
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BOB SELF/The Times-UnionThea Johnson holds a copy of the invitation she and her husband, Ralph, were handing out to residents of the Ortega Bluff neighborhood off Collins Road Wednesday afternoon. The public is invited to attend any session of the JehovahÂ’s Witness convention today through Sunday.
About the conference
From mid-May through mid-September, Jehovah's Witnesses will hold 385 conventions in 103 cities throughout the United States. The convention theme "Safeguard Your Heart" focuses on the Bible's references to the figurative heart. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the figurative heart needs protection if one is to have a good relationship with God and lasting happiness in life.
The public is invited to attend any session or the entire program today through Sunday at Veterans Memorial Arena. The morning sessions will begin at 9:20 each day. Today, the afternoon session will begin at 1:50. On Saturday, the afternoon session will begin at 1:35, and on Sunday the afternoon session begins at 1:25.
About the religion
Jehovah's Witness is a religious denomination founded in the United States during the late 19th century in which active evangelism is practiced, the imminent approach of the millennium is preached, and war and organized governmental authority in matters of conscience are strongly opposed. Christmas is not celebrated because Christmas and its observances are not mentioned in the Bible, and members will not say the Pledge of Allegiance or donate blood.

By Larry Hannan
No one was home at the first door Ralph and Teah Johnson knocked at on Broadgate Court in the Ortega Bluff neighborhood.
The second door produced a barking dog, but no people. The third door finally produced a man who looked like he'd just woken up from a long nap.
"He was nice and we told him about the convention this weekend," said Teah Johnson after walking down the street. "We said we hoped to see him there."
The Johnsons were spreading the word about the 2012 Jehovah's Witness "Safeguard Your Heart" district convention that is starting today at Veterans Memorial Arena. The three-day event will be attended by about 11,000 people of the Jehovah's Witness faith, and people who don't practice the religion are also welcome to attend.
There is no admission fee. People from Savannah to Palm Coast will be attending the event, with about 70 congregations coming.
There are about 6,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Jacksonville area, said spokesman Frank Woodcock.
Like most members of the Jehovah's Witness Faith, walking door-to-door is nothing new to the Johnsons. Talking about their faith to strangers is an essential part of what they do.
And the Johnsons say on most days people are very polite.
"If someone says something mean, it does hurt," Ralph Johnson said. "But that doesn't happen very often."
And when it does happen he reminds himself that he's a messenger of God, and it's not his responsibility to please the person receiving the message, Johnson said.
"If someone doesn't want to here what we have to say we move on," he said.

But Mark McCumber, a local Jehovah's Witness who's known to most people as a professional golfer who won the 1988 Players Championship, said the biggest challenge isn't unfriendly people so much as it's people being too busy to talk.
"We're here to help people build better families and a better relationship with God," he said. "But nowadays it's a challenge to find the time to talk."
Jehovah's Witnesses, who have been around since the 19th century, are probably most well known for their door-to-door evangelism, refusing military service, not celebrating Christmas and declining to say the pledge of allegiance.
But McCumber said their religion is more than that.
"We're all loyal citizens," he said. "Except when it conflicts with our beliefs."

Julie Ingersoll, professor of religious studies at the University of North Florida, said evangelizing is a much higher priority to Jehovah's Witnesses compared to other religions.
"You have to remember that the word 'witness' is right in their name," Ingersoll said.
While other religions like Mormonism and Scientology have fought for acceptance, and pushed hard against suggestions they are weird, or a cult, Jehovah's Witnesses have never really sought acceptance.


Mark McCumber is a professional golfer. He is an active, baptized Jehovah's Witness who attends congregational meetings and engages in field service.

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