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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    They called you this when trying to remember your name, and they cited Pearl. You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me.
    Of course you are only one, noe one mention any other person but you, hence why it was raised in the first place, only one person cites Pearl to the T constantly, with the same mannerisms - that is you, in which you confirmed.
    Look at the orignal remark, in an attemt to remember you name they made a small err, however, what they showed as a source was 100% from you.
    Likewise, people call me Baptise, they know how I operate, they're not mentioning anyone else be it they say SM or Baptise, granted this is me.
    Because the facts in this regard matters.
    According to the debate and the use of Pearl sources, this woman is you. If they haven't used Pearl as a source when pretending to be JWs, they the connection to you would not have been obvious. Although they say Christ discple or Discple of Christ, they are specifcally speaking of one person who is the owner of that reddit profile, of you you yourself confirmed it to be you.
    Prior to posting here, I even mention that this reddit user is someone on this forum, granted the reddit user, you, professs Pearl, even using the same topics here and on reddit, it was obvious it is you, therefore, I made the conclusion that the reddit user, and you, are one in the same. Nowhere else have I mention mutiple person, just a single soul, a woman who proclaims another as if it was a Godsend.
    What transpired was they lure people in, and used sources that are not associated with Jehovah's Witnesses, in a sense, more like Anti-JW message, all the while, using Pearl as a source derived from your reddit account. You use many verses and citations from Pearl, and that was being profess by these two.
    I was not interested at all prior to debating them, however, the moment that mentioned Pearl, showed me their source, I was able to make the connection, you post exactly the same here, i.e. Spiritual House. We talked about this a while back, among the posts you made on reddit, I was able to recognize exactly whatw e debated about, namely on the focus of The Book of Zechiaraich and Living Stones, and from there more and more Pearl related topics was used from your reddit account in an attempt to sway the debate.
    Possibly Former Jehovah's Witnesses and or those who are associated with anything pretaining to avoidJW movement. Granted they used Reddit heavily, your account in the debate, it can be noted they may have been users on reddit. Granted they focus on your sources related to Pearl, they act as though they are followers of Pearl; which is not uncommon because I pointed this out to you a while back in relation to Rick Fearon Listeners.
    However, what they did is not good. Why pretend to be a JW, lure people in with a Publication, once they close in, begin to speak another message. What killed it for them was when they transitioned to omitted Bible verses, something of which the reddit exjw community spoke about a lot, in addition, used a KJV bible app. This led to them losing the debate of which they roped me into to, as for the politics and Same-Sex marriage, they were refuted on that, and afterwards, Conservatives went after them on their poltics. As a sidenote, in relation to polotics, you, several times before, attempted to equate JWs to the Democratic party and or have some polotical connection which was proven false. The only reason Conversatives went after them was because Conversatives are not much of a fan to Democrats.
    Never said you did, the proof is connecting you to the reddit user, of which you confirmed for me without hesitation.
    That is the proof.
    I don't care about your real name, the focus was the reddit profile.
    That being said, thank you for showing me you are more on the complicance side instead of freedom. A Christain is not compliant, even in the playgriound of Big Tech. You should know of what they'll do to followers of the Christ and his God once all the chosen are gathered.
    Then again, not too many people are as vigilant.
    But you do realize how much a problem that causes? There was already an incident in 2019 in which even JWs were as confused as a deer in headlights because of something quite grim that was done that became a story, and became a tool used in the exjw reddit community, in a sense, framing someone.
    You or Pearl has never called into the community to build up and remedy said community, for nearly the majority of what is said by you and her is Watchtower based only.
    Even here, never, ever have you addressed a grounded disccusion, everything you said revovles around the Watchtower, even in our last bibical only debate, you roped them in.
    It is stuff like this, that results in such ones roaming about. The last time I had somewhat of a similar situation was dealing with The Hebrew Black Isrealites, however, even they themsevles who are misgudied would never do such a luring type tactic and switch up once the person is now speaking with them. These followers of Pearl, essentally were entrapping people.
    Unfortunaley, in the debating world, such people do not go away, I gave examples, Hyde Park is a big one, mainly in regards to those who are associated with indivduals like David Wood and Jay Smith. I recall there was a situation in which their followers debated JWs on what a Mediator is, and since the JWs were fed up, they were confronted by others, who, like the JWs, know exactly what a Mediator is.
    Once a fire of this magnatude has been started, which is something thatw ent on for years, probably before you were even alive, it can't be stopped, therefore, people come to refute and correct.
    They were no sincere. Bad intent, even willfully is a means always show negativity. I do not think you ever had expirence of that nature compared to me. This is why I am very expressive on the notation of and application of 1 John 4:1; even in confrontations, which is not my first rodeo.
    They were not using false information of Pearl, they were using 100% of what she as professed by means of your reddit account. They clicked on your account, and focused on all of your main topics/posts in relation to what they tried to convey to me. It is as though of what they pulled from Pearl was a Mainstream-sque.
    The sad reality is, before I was in that area, it is unknown of how many people they fooled with Pearl's information, how many people they fooled into thinking that they were JWs.
    Possibly the end goal for them was to make people in that area assume JWs to be crazy and radical, or as the Mainstream refers to them, Zealots. At the same time, they put a bad light on you as is Pearl also.
    This falls in line with what I stated in the past of one's Ailenation from God our Father because of people like this - a form of weaponization, if not child abuse, if not violence, if not war, it is this, in order to damage and confuse.
    Perhaps next time use your reddit to profess a grounded message outside of your exgesis.
    Witness, this has been going on even before you were born. The only difference now is that people are aware of primitive Christainity, even our Muslim counterparts. People are aware of Bible tampering, people are aware that God, be it you call him Yehovah, Jehovah or Yahweh is not the same person as Yeshua/Jesus/Ieosus, as is having a better understanding once they learn more about the core teachings. Because of that, a lot of us, such as myself, speak to refute the major mainstream idea by professing the Core Teachings, even at a grounded and based level, then you have the MSC who want to assume their position in history when all of us know what transpired in the 4th century, and what was orginately believed prior.
    That being said, the Dam has been broken, on your part, and Pearl's. If one can spot people like this, then it is something that cannot be remedied 100%. Once the Jehovah's Witnesses are out of the equation, stuff like this tends to happen faster, this mirrors what I said about the events of Russia and Ukraine concerning Christainity, and now years later to present day, it was as predicted.
    Anyways, the botom line is that you are the owner of that reddit account, they follow Pearl and the subreddit and they used said information to lure people for the bait and switch. No one, but these Pearl followers, did this stunt.
    I read the report by the way, some of what is read does not match up with the Youtube video you posted. I asked you if you read it yourself, therefore, should you bring up these YouTubers again concerning the case that is taking place in my county... You will be refuted.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Already been in several battles, but this is essentially among the most random during the Endemic era of COVID-19 and The Unrest of divided souls.
    Been out for sometime because of going to various locations such as Michigan, Kentucky and recently Washington specifically I only wanted to go to Michigan to visit a grieving family. While traveling I confronted some people, among them 3 JWs. 1 of the 3 people were legitimate JWs, this one was in the Kentucky area whereas some people volunteered to help clean up the area/recover things along with the locals; had a friend down there who was gathering people to help out. However, the other 2 were not JWs, but pretended to be JWs while luring people in with one of your publications as shown here:

    When speaking with one of them, it was clear that this person was no JW at all because after briefly speaking the person started to speak on EXJW points and showing me sources from reddit as is with speaking on said sources (ironically the sources to some of their points led back to Pearl Doxsey; lined with DoC), and this brief interaction transitioned into a debate on Scripture, as is politics and Same-Sex Marriage.
    What made them look bad was a misuse and misapplication of Scripture, even attempting to use the KJV in app form when the mention of omitted verses popped up from the NWT translation of the Bible. Trying to utilize politic points and Same-Sex narratives as a weapon against not just JWs, but Christians who are neither neutral when it comes to the political theater that is out there, as is the view we, and the majority hold on Same-Sex marriage.
    But as far as any Bible related discussion, they kept going back to the Watchtower when the focus was on whatever Bible related topic they brought up, essentially a JW this/that or they said this and or that type of talk. The second alleged JW with him clearly saw his friend was not doing too well when speaking to me and he chimed in, making statements about the publication in question for he spoke like a crazed person about it even though he had no idea what was in the very publication he carried - essentially the debate was me against the both of them at this point, I myself haven't been in an in person debate in a long while, so I just went with it to correct them.
    Although this encountered lasted for about 10-15 mins, there were others around who heard some things, specifically in regards to politics and Same-Sex marriage. After I was done, these people confronted these two people who look defeated, it was obvious these people who confronted them were Conservative, so some of which these 2 individuals were saying did not sit well with these people as I could hear them speak on political issues. One thing to note is that this was some days prior to the event in Washington on the 23rd, so some people were traveling at the time, on their way there from various parts of the states.
    It was clear these 2 people were not mentally sound and from what I see, them using said publications, it seems as though they were luring people in pretending to be JWs, and from there, they speak on anything negative using their sources. Mainly on their stance for Gay marriage, possibly to egg people on to attack for them. The way I look at it was what some alleged in regards to a cemetery incident a while back involving one of your publications, and or that of a fake police officer/security guard.
    That being said, I thought I should mention it here because it was something unexpected and random. Although I take issue with Mainstream Christians to a very high degree, they're smart enough to not do something so absurd, a stunt such as this...
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Mic Drop in Chinese Coronavirus could be a bioweapon that escaped containment   
    It only took 2 years to find out Fauci was behind the funding of the virus....
    check out these damning details: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/hidden-military-documents-reveal-nih-intent-create-sars-cov-2-using-gain-function-research
  4. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    @Kosonen is one. Like Witness, he claims to be chosen, but he is quite neutral even though he has some  disagreements. Reasonable even as is concerning, as is a grounded person who even if speaking JWs or the non religious, he does not jump like a crazed animal. He to a degree, does not see Witness as a fellow chosen one of Christ, even feels discouraged by her in some instances. If he does not see what Witness sees, somehow he is a threat, which makes no sense. People can agree/disagree on things, but wise persons do not go on a warpath like your friend you are Yes Manning too. Both Kosonen and I were also correct on specific events years prior to them taking place, for he is familiar with the Truther community, however, some of his sources had since been wiped, for we were correct on the censorship issue along with the riots, transpiring to the events of January 6th of which the media claims to be an Insurrection.
    @Dmitar He is misguided, that is all, as is with adopting ill influence. He does not have to 100% agree with JWs, but he adopted some narratives from disgruntled folks. However, time is short. What was said 2018 and onward, is reaching a tipping point. It would not be a surprise either, granted of how some view the Bible nowadays.
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Srecko Sostar in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I am curious to find out who they are. Please for revelation.
  6. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    He never used to be. But then he got COVID-19, took the drugs that are officially worthless, and promptly got better. It changed his was of looking at things.
    You needn’t worry though. I’m told a few weeks ago he interviewed Sanjay Gupta, the doc from CNN, who would be the left-wing counterpart, or at least represents the official view on COVID.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    I am not an anti-vaxxer. I believe that almost all the current vaccine types intended for Covid-19 have been proven, at least in the short term, to do more good than harm for a select group of individuals who have not previously had the virus itself, and/or who have the typically identified comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, advanced age, cancer, prior respiratory issues, etc.
    However, because these vaccines really can produce better outcomes for some, many people apparently do not understand why there should be any limitations on its use. The NYT has finally included some dissenting opinions about the efficacy of the vaccines (without ridiculing them) in a recent discussion among Israeli doctors and an ex-health minister. 
    It admits that several scientists have claimed that boosters may make it more difficult to fight the virus.
    But that's not the news I refer to here. It's the 3-hour interview (below) that Joe Rogan had with Dr. Malone, who was the man who invented (got several patents for) the mrna technology on which many of the vaccines are based. If anyone has spent any time at all discussing the virus or the vaccines, or spent any time listening to news reports about them, then this could easily be the most important information ever presented about these topics.
    It's here:
    Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan
      I think everyone ought to at least give it an hour, especially considering the many hours that other news sources that we will be exposed to.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to SuziQ1513 in This is so sad.   
    Words can't express how sorry I am for your loss and tragedy.    People fail us but Jehovah and Jesus never do.  I pray you have the comfort only they can give.   
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Amidstheroses in This is so sad.   
    In the Revelation, which God gave to the then glorified and now King Jesus, we are notified/warned concerning this King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Both Rev 1:14 and 2:18 tell that “his eyes are like a fiery flame”,  as he examines the “7 congregations”  representative of God’s Organization on earth during the ‘last days’.
    In Rev. 19:12, when King Jesus arrives on a white horse to judge and carry on war in righteousness, “his eyes ARE a fiery flame”!!
    Are you saying that YOUR eyes, YOUR insight, and YOUR ability to judge God’s people exceeds that of this most Mighty Judge and King?
    Does he really need YOUR help to accurately see and direct the totality of congregations representing Jehovah today? Recall, that King Jesus candidly spoke disfavorably of, at least something, in most of the 7 stars (totality of congregations earthwide) which he examines closely, as he holds them in his right hand and walks among the 7 golden lamp stands (Rev. 1:20).
    Remember Dathan, Korah, Abiram and their 250 cohorts... (Numbers 16) 
    Moses was disciplined by Jehovah, and not allowed to complete his 4-decade trek to the Promised Land by entering into it.
    However, those OPPOSERS, of God’s chosen representatives, were OBLITERATED by Him!!
  10. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in FALSE CLAIMS   
    Didn't we go over this back in 2020 and 2021? I think there was discussion from back in 2018 also. Better to rely on factual information then a reddit thread, don't you think, DoC?
    Anyways, instead of reddit or Blue Check Mark Twitter, use this instead - https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17099295/caekaert-v-watchtower-bible-and-tract-society-of-new-york-inc/
    That being said, speaking of false claims, to this day I haven't see any information on JW churches, Kingdom Halls, having assault rifles and other firearms hidden in and or beneath their place of worship which are fronts for alleged bunkers. You and Fearon got a lot of explaining to do. True or false - DoC?
  11. Haha
    Space Merchant reacted to Pudgy in Do I need to have a Bitcoin wallet before using an ATM to purchase Bitcoin?   
    All that can be avoided if you invest exclusively in “Pudgycoin” (tm), No bothersome paperwork, and no anxious anxiety, as we trust all depositors, and do not even give out receipts.
  12. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Time to ban dimtar.   
    I don't think you have ever made any and or started a logical discussion, ever. This can be seen from your history alone. I am not aware of who @Dmitar is, but if he really errs you this much, this exposed how frivolous you can be.
    That being said, a man of God you speak time and time again to be, yet....
    Christians need be careful of slang and vulgar speech, yet here we see, even the Holy Good Book you ignore on this matter, learn to apply Scripture the next time, and think prior a response. Cherry picking isn't the Scripture way, for whatever The Durbin guy is teaching you, shift away.
    Ecclesiastes 10:12 - The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him. Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth. Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Matthew 15:11 - it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” James 3:10 - From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
  13. Sad
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    You always use reddit in most cases, so you are savvy in that regard to where you draw some of your information. Both you and DoC have the same mannerism, and I only know of this because of an ExJW acting up in one of the states I went to during my absence on here.
    Yet facts are everything, best to respect that regard.
    Did you or did you not read the report fully, this is what you've been asked, and now a second time. Or as the actually question itself -
    You already know how serious I am about CSA, so in respects to that, do not teeter that tower into something that is indeed serious.
    You were the one to give us the link, so it should not be a difficult task to point out various information from the report
  14. Thanks
    Space Merchant reacted to Amidstheroses in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Very serious and shocking subject and accusations. It took me some reading to learn that CSA stands for ‘Child Sexual Abuse’. As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story.
    I preferred reading the 34 pages of charges presented to the Kings County Supreme Court over the verbal summary of the upset woman.
    This egregious series of sins has, understandably, caused long-lasting and severe damage to the ‘child’ now responding by means of the Court. I pray that the negligent and severely abusive adults involved get their legal and just reprisal. I am very interested in seeing how King Jesus, who holds the congregations in his hands and views them with eyes of fiery flames (Revelation 1:14-16), chooses to handle this.
  15. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Out of curiosity, Witness, or should I say, DoC of reddit, did you fully read into the reports or did you let the video speak for you? You knowing this already, as someone who has dealt with people in the realm of CSA, even aiding in some efforts, surely important information you could have address instead of an opinion piece from a video who does not encourage to look into the reported details.
    That being said, as I alluded to in the past, one of your friends in the community was exposed by Truther's for defending a child groomer because she was "attractive" and once exposed, deleted himself. Let that sink in.
    Child Sex Abuse and or Violence against children is very serious, and not giving all facts and information can cause more unwanted damage that can effect and negativity influence people, even jumping to conclusions; as stated in the past, Weaponized any form of abuse, is very bad.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Practically the biggest thing being talked about outside of the MSM, that is, if the censor parade does not get to you.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Yep. Something I said a while back is that what is holding back and or slowing the process is because of the Constitution of the United States. As for other countries, namely some EU, even the UK, and the like, they will slowly crumble, which is happening now, to a system of which will cause a not so happy reaction among the people who are not among those who accept compliance.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?   
    It does not matter if one is a Jehovah's Witnesses or not a Jehovah's Witnesses, especially when one is able to know and identify which branch of Christianity they stem from, example, they are Restorationist because they take the bible in total seriousness, everything they teach and address comes from the bible, even their publications. Their Christology is Non-Trinitarian, that speaks for itself, and any man who has studied not just the bible, but Christianity's history, the very root they originate from, the Apostolic Age, sola scriptura, etc.
    According to their Theology and practice, they believe all men, women and children can be saved, which is in fact true, hence what the bible speaks of, for God want all kinds of people to be saved and he knows who is for him, those who make the attempt and because of his justice, those who do not, they perish. What JW opponents fail to realize is that those who have JW parents if not a JW anymore and speak ill of the bible and ill of the faith, then that puts you in line for what is to come, on the other side of the spectrum, those who are no longer JW, however still maintain a total respect to the parents who follow the faith, at the same time, such ones still believe that God is indeed true and what his Son had taught is indeed true, as well as coming to a common ground with their JW parents, the irony is, both former JW groups are present, but the ones who go about attacking the faith, also attack those who, also former JWs, who still maintain a defense of what the bible says, at the same time, defend the faith of those in their former faith, and clearly, some of us, even God can see this himself, this is why I brought up before that a man who is totally neutral with JWs defended them and only those JWs deem real apostates, those who bash the faith and scriptures and act out in totally hypocrisy, attack such a man. This was the case with some punk rocker, young man, who, former JW, defended the faith even though he is no longer a JW, he even addressed that his moral code was because of his former faith, and the only reason he left was due to just wanting to do his own thing, but still maintains family ties because he, makes the effort to meet his family and he does not bash them for what they believe every second. If I still have access to the thread I had elsewhere, I can bring this up.
    So the so called, "hotdogs" that will be burning, are the ones who do not adhere to the teaches, preach against God's Law, and clearly those who are against what the bible says. You fail to see that the whole JW opponent thing is clearly one sided, because everyone who is a former JW and defenses the faith are drowned out by the likes of real apostasy.
    Understand this and know it and believe me, I have been around. I would have agreed with you if such people didn't exist, but they do. And clearly God sees the actions of such ones and they would go out like Korah and his comrades.
    Speaking of Korah, the end time tribulations when things do kick of, it may be in similar fashion, but far greater than what we have seen in Numbers 16, only this time, there is a lot of things in the way than just a field and a temple.
    At the end of the day, you do not have to like the faith group, but take into the example of what Bereans are, or that of John 4, Jesus, a Jew, to a Samaritan woman, or in another passage, the Samaritan Leper. Sometimes fir the minor things you have to be very careful of, for even minor things beget large consequence that cannot be reserved, the only reason why True Christians outside of the mainstream do not mess around with JWs, let alone run into JW churches and cause a disturbance.
    That being said, I believe the JWs made it clear, based on the bible, of who will be saved, it is safe to also mention they also believe others can be saved too, even outside of their faith, as long as those on the outside accepts what the bible says. We also cannot be ignorant of the fact that there is indeed many, many places in the world where God is not known and no one knows who or what Jesus is, hence why the preaching exist, Thailand is a fine example of what I mention of majority of people, mainly farmlands, that do not know God, the Bible, etc.
    Also just mention my name, my comments, tend to be long at times, so as long as I see my name or you use @ option below, I will see it.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world.
    For if a man knows there is a Tiger in his village, he prepares himself, but a man who is unaware of the Tiger will most likely be mauled to death because he didn't have the knowledge of a potential danger. Something of this regard can be liken to Proverbs 22:3 and all references to it.
    The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.
    Moreover, these events ties in to things globally, not just America, an example would be these court cases, which now concluded, which got people around the globe speaking, hence the world is watching. Hence, the week I was out, I was in debates, majority of them being with Leftists who do not know the justice system.
    That being said, it should be known to you even Christians of old, as is followers of the True God were knowledgeable and aware of things happening around them although they are no part of the world, an example would be the decree that took place in Joseph and Mary's time concerning the month of Ethanim. For if followers of God and his Christ know what is going on around them, granted we have several examples, what is stopping you, as a Christian, or anyone else to do the same?
    Like I said, there are people who are aware of things, and there are those who are unaware, which often times, succumb to Bystander Syndrome. Symbolically, there is a Tiger, in your neck of the woods, which was professed to you weeks ago, perhaps, maybe, you know.
    This is true, however, usually what is professed, even when it comes to pushing the narrative, the media often uses any situation where it is a black person (ironically never someone of authority, i.e. David Dorn). Also there are statistics, which is public; for black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, about 33% of that 13% is related to crime, some of which there is police involvement, which does not involve any of such persons being shot and or killed in the process (some instances, but not insanely high) because of the low percentage, however, this does not stop various pro-black groups, and Leftist, who do not know this information will proclaim their own information. So if we are to take 2 situations, a white man being shot vs a black man, the agenda wants to push a racial narrative, so the black person being shot will be the choice of media content for them. We can even see this in regards to both Wisconsin incidents - Kyle Rittenhouse vs. Darrell Brooks Jr., and in regards to Darrell Brooks Jr., this guys history, alone with how they let him out, is quite surprising to me.
    The extreme Left does not realize how damaging their actions are. It'll be worse for not just the black community, but everyone else once the reset starts; as we speak a great transfer of wealth is taking place.
    That being said, the family is a strong unit, if the system can break the family, then it can break each individual that make up the family very easily.
    @TrueTomHarley I do not believe they are both the same Srecko, one is actually aware of most things.
  20. Like
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    A while back, there has been some people who pose as others, and or somewhat pretend to be someone else, often times, it is not 100%, for instance, we know Patiently is JB/JB1, although he denies it. Likewise we had some interesting characters such as a guy named Billy, Jesus Defender, and Alex, who coined "That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. 
    In your case, I was able to discern Srecko from you ever since the Bible student discussion whereas the other Srecko has his own mannerism, often times, quite cryptic and unknowning.
    That being said, it would not be much of a surprise if another Srecko popped up at any point.
  21. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Dmitar in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    I agree friend. My thought is not just in statistics, no more than facts. These are plain to see.
    Race Relations in America_ Examining the Facts-ABC-CLIO (2021)
    Data collected on fatal police shootings reveal that African Americans are approximately 2.5 to 3 times more likely than white Americans to be killed by police. One explanation for the racial disparity frequently used to defend police killings of African Americans is that they are more likely than whites to be armed and to resist arrest, thus necessitating violent force by police. A competing explanation centers on the racial biases of police officers and maintains that the explicit and implicit biases of officers affect the snap judgments they make about African Americans—including whether or not to shoot. Research provides support to the latter perspective, though the evidence is not conclusive.
    JUNE 16, JULY 18, SEPTEMBER 19, AND NOVEMBER 28, 1983
     Robin (1963) studied 32 fatal shootings by police in Philadelphia from 1950 to 1960. Twenty-eight, or 87.5 %, of these involved blacks, in a population estimated to be about 22 % black. The proportion of those killed who were black, then, exceeded population - based expectation by 65.5%. Robin also reports that the population - based rate of deadly force for blacks in Philadelphia was about 22 times that of whites. Results of a mail survey for seven other cities indicate a range from six to nearly thirty times the white rate for blacks.
     Takagi (1974) draws upon data from the VITAL STATISTICS, and reports that 48.7 % of the decedents due to police use of deadly force nationwide were black in 1960 through 1968. He estimates that 10 % of the population at that time was black, yielding a higher-than-expected black representation among deadly force decedents of 38.7 %. He further describes these data as revealing that while deadly force rates for both blacks and whites increased over these years, the rate for blacks was always at least nine times as high for blacks as it was for whites.
     It is true, conditions have improved over the decades, but not to a noticeable extent from another race perspective.
     My observation is on why is it necessary to make any distinctions from God’s creation, here. This is one reason why “whites” in America think they are obligated to maintain their superiority over other races.  A predicament that is even vocal in this forum. Why? What is the need?
  22. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Arauna in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    I am am almost 69 - and I have been interested in many of these things throughout my life.  That is why I do not remember all the names but my understanding of how it works is still intact
    Old money goes back a long way.  The money of the catholic church goes back to the time of the crusades.  Money in Venice, money from the colonies and the beginning of the modern day banking system which is based on usury and lending of money to governments for war.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    Without peaking, didn’t capitalism get underway when people began pooling investments? With regard to European exploration of North America, expeditions were financed from pooled investors. They were not self-financed. 
    Queen Isabella of Spain is the one to watch in this instance. Expeditions to South America were not investor financed. They could not be, because Spain (and Italy) were solidly Catholic. Catholics considered any kind of investor finance was usury prohibited by scripture. The only one who with deep enough pockets to self-finance a voyage to South. America was the crown. That is why South America was exploited to a much greater degree than North. ‘Grab the gold and go’ was the motto of Catholic Spain and Italy. But investors from England and the Netherlands were not thwarted by usury scriptures that ruled out investing. They had no need for their stake to be paid back instantly.
    Does the legacy even remain to this day?
  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to TrueTomHarley in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    It’s okay to know things. It doesn’t in itself make you ‘part of this world.’
    Some firebrand bro on Twitter tweeted how JWs are NOT interested in politics. Sometimes they are, I said. What they are not is partisan, or non-neutral, but as a field of activity, sometimes they keep abreast of it. He replied once more that JWs are NOT interested in politics. When I answered again, I was blocked.
    Granted, one foolproof way to stay neutral with regard to politics is to know nothing about it. I do not criticize anyone taking that route. It’s a practical strategy.
    Some people are greatly interested in sports. Some people care not a whit. Some people are greatly interested in cars. Others wouldn’t know a Astin Martin from a Yugo. Some are interested in the human interaction that is politics. Some are not. Not a problem, any of it. It’s all personal choice. The thing that nettles is when people misrepresent their non-interest as piety.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Arauna in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    Most of them are NOT Christians but are globalists with transhumanist aspirations.  Blackrock value is 9 trillion for example.  There are people who fly under the radar such as the old money  i.e. Dutch east India Company (dutch king which owns Shell etc); English east India company (British queen who owns British Petroleum). Vanguard, Buffet and people like Ted Turner and others who hold similar atheist convictions together with the top global corporations that have more money than most countries - all the stocks of these corporations owned by the same group of billionaires (which includes the CCP military wing). And add to that all AI companies together with the digital companies (who all do secret contracts for DARPA, CIA, NASA and the other secret organizations and spy on enemies and citizens.)
    Capitalism took a turn when 'usury' became the way to make money but it also changed when gold or silver no longer backed the money system......... A central banking system, owned by a private cartel, can take control of all money.
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