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OUR EARTH - A video you NEED to see.... BEAUTIFUL ❤

Queen Esther

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OUR  EARTH  -  A  video  you  NEED  to  see....  BEAUTIFUL ! Landscapes,  flowers,  animals  and  more  -  All  created  by  Jehovah ❤

Awesome, awesome awesome!!!???

In the last frames of that video it showed a Koala...........an interesting bit of "trivia" on the Koalas I picked up the other day............Koalas usually obtain sufficient liquid from the leaves o

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In the last frames of that video it showed a Koala...........an interesting bit of "trivia" on the Koalas I picked up the other day............Koalas usually obtain sufficient liquid from the leaves of the eucalyptus trees that they feed from and never needed to drink water...........however, in many areas where Koalas are found researchers have set up water drinking "stations," because due to climate change, with its increase in heatwaves and average temperatures, and drier conditions it was found that Koalas need this extra water "if they are going to survive"


...........BUT, there is no such thing as anthropogenic climate change.......ask Donald "Duck" and rasPutin.........its all a hoax!!!!

PS I forgot to say thank you for the video, I really enjoyed it.

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@John Lindsay Barltrop  I  thank  you  too !!  For  all  your  informations  from  other  side  of  our  EARTH❤   Yes,  I  read  that  of  the  Koala's....    by  your  big  heat - wave  they  now  needed  extra  water  to  survive :(   Normal they  ONLY  eating  these  special  leaves !  But  I  am  wondering  its  never  boring,  every  day  the  same,  hahaha   ---   YES,  for  "Duck  &  Putin"  its  all  hoax...  the  Climate - change,  I  know !  But  ONE  day,  they  must  realize  it  too, right ?

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