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The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???

Bible Speaks

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The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???

A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the parental authority and forced to put a blood transfusion on a baby, despite the refusal of the parents.

The girl is dead.

Who is responsible for this death now?

Is the judge willing to give himself the punishment that he would have put to the parents if he had died without a transfusion?

And what do the inept doctors say?

When in the st century a doctor says he only has blood as therapy, he's an inept one.

Who's responsible?



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The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ??? A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the pare

I am very sad because all kids in the world who died because of various reasons.   

The doctors should respect the parent wishes n not give blood to their baby because it goes against what the Bible saying. Don't eat blood.They parent are obeying what the is saying.The where wrong in

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20 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???

A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the parental authority and forced to put a blood transfusion on a baby, despite the refusal of the parents.

The girl is dead.

Who is responsible for this death now?

Is the judge willing to give himself the punishment that he would have put to the parents if he had died without a transfusion?

And what do the inept doctors say?

When in the st century a doctor says he only has blood as therapy, he's an inept one.

Who's responsible?



The doctors should respect the parent wishes n not give blood to their baby because it goes against what the Bible saying. Don't eat blood.They parent are obeying what the is saying.The where wrong in forcing the blood to their baby. Because the blood carries many disease and their are other procedures the doctor could have used. If they where trained in the field.


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