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You’re Invited to a Sacred Event!


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You’re Invited to a Sacred Event!

The Memorial of Christ is not the Last Supper that the world continues to celebrate. The Last Supper is the Last Passover Meal that was first established in Egypt. The Jewish Day began at Sunset. Since the Sun sets at various times, the Passover Supper would begin and be consumed as the Sun was beginning to sink into the Horizon while there is still Sunlight. The meal needed to be eaten in hast in its entirety during twilight or between the two evenings of the sun setting. (Exodus 12:6) The Last Passover Meal was Nisan 14th, 33 CE with the fulfillment of the Mosaic Law.

Today as Christians, we invite others to simply observe the Memorial of Jesus Christ that was instituted moments later after the Last Supper was concluded and brought to its end. As the Last Supper was concluding, Jesus was reclining at the table with all 12 disciples.  While they were eating, he said: “Truly I say to you, one of you will betray me.” (Matthew 26:20-21) Therefore, the event that concluded the Last Passover Meal was the dismissal of an unfaithful apostle. Jesus answered: “It is the one to whom I will give the piece of bread that I dip.” So after dipping the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.  After Judas took the piece of bread, then Satan entered into him. So Jesus said to him: “What you are doing, do it more quickly.” (John 13:26-28) “So after he received the piece of bread, he went out immediately. And it was night.” (John 13:30)

After dismissing the betrayer from the midst of the Faithful Disciples, Jesus instituted a new teaching for His Faithful Followers. Notice, the whole world wasn’t invited, but those who proved to be faithful and trustworthy up to this point. Since the founding of the Christian Congregation on Pentecost 33 CE, Christians have been commemorating the death of Jesus Christ every Nisan 14th. With one simple command, his faithful sheep “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Share this Post on your social media and Save a Life.

Please join us for the annual observance of the death of Jesus Christ. This year it will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. More information @ JW.org

Don’t give up, You have a reason to keep on living…

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You’re Invited to a Sacred Event! The Memorial of Christ is not the Last Supper that the world continues to celebrate. The Last Supper is the Last Passover Meal that was first establ

No thanks, I refuse to participate in the satanic like black mass that is a jw memorial.

Dear @BroRando -   Thank you for being so gracious and hospitable. Surely Jesus is aware of your love for him and your heartfelt appreciation for the ransom sacrifice that motivates you to s

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A warning, you will not hear this yet from anyone, let alone the news (which they will not cover), a group of folks, a collective, I talked about in the past will evidently become an opposition for you, and clearly some of your current opposition, they will draw in. They already have their eyes on certain states, like Washington DC as of recent. So regarding your event, keep your eyes open, as is your vigilance, Christian values and principles is the focus of the new threat.

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On 3/30/2023 at 12:00 PM, Space Merchant said:

A warning, you will not hear this yet from anyone, let alone the news (which they will not cover), a group of folks, a collective, I talked about in the past will evidently become an opposition for you, and clearly some of your current opposition, they will draw in. They already have their eyes on certain states, like Washington DC as of recent. So regarding your event, keep your eyes open, as is your vigilance, Christian values and principles is the focus of the new threat.

Are you talking about fake interested ones who will cause a disturbance during a memorial?


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Dear @BroRando -


Thank you for being so gracious and hospitable. Surely Jesus is aware of your love for him and your heartfelt appreciation for the ransom sacrifice that motivates you to share this invitation. Thank you for your love.


Dear @Space Merchant -


Thank you for your concern for the safety of other Christians. Surely Jesus is aware of your love for those purchased with his blood and your respect for life that motivates you to share this warning. Thank you for your love.


Dear @Matthew9969 -


Thank you for continuing to have faith in God even though you have seen and experienced many things in your life, things no one else but God knows about. Thank you for getting up every day and finding the beauty in God's creation. Thank you for not giving up on life and for desiring to do right by Christ, even if it means disagreeing with the crowd. Thank you for your love.


Friends, wherever you decide to celebrate the Memorial this year, may you have peace and love and joy in the undeserved kindness extended to us all. Praise Jehovah.💖

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17 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Are you talking about fake interested ones who will cause a disturbance during a memorial?

No, this situation exceeds even any disgruntled JW who has issues with the faith. What I am referring to isn't only a threat to JWs of what I have been looking into, but to myself, you, and anyone where who even reads the Bible. Just be vigilant. This goes for any JW here too, granted all of us have Communion soon. I had talked about such in the past regarding the 2016 events and prior to it, but didn't expect the slight increase in activity.

That being said, whenever Christianity is a hot topic by some in the paradigm, it also means there is a threat that is incoming of some kind. Other than that, I am still looking into the situation itself.

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On 4/1/2023 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

No, this situation exceeds even any disgruntled JW who has issues with the faith. What I am referring to isn't only a threat to JWs of what I have been looking into, but to myself, you, and anyone where who even reads the Bible. Just be vigilant. This goes for any JW here too, granted all of us have Communion soon. I had talked about such in the past regarding the 2016 events and prior to it, but didn't expect the slight increase in activity.

That being said, whenever Christianity is a hot topic by some in the paradigm, it also means there is a threat that is incoming of some kind. Other than that, I am still looking into the situation itself.

Well please share..that would be the Christian thing to do, unless it is just conjecture in which to publish conjecture would assume conspiracy. And don't just tell us to research your conspiracy theories on our own, give us hard indisputable facts. If our lives, way of living, way of believing and congregating was in such peril, if you have concrete information that can help you and us, then why not share it with us, esp. if effects your non religion as well! 


BTW I've noticed your avatar is a storm trooper, infamous for having very poor targeting and being massed produced as clones. And being programmed to serving the dark side and being programmed to have really bad aiming skills. As a universalist unitarian, what do you identify as?

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On 4/3/2023 at 9:06 PM, Matthew9969 said:

Well please share..that would be the Christian thing to do, unless it is just conjecture in which to publish conjecture would assume conspiracy. And don't just tell us to research your conspiracy theories on our own, give us hard indisputable facts.

I always share the information, only a few pay attention, especially regarding institutions, which, in this case, connects with what I had learned over the days elsewhere. For the record, I am 100% conspiracy theories and falsehoods, Truthers in general are against such things, hence why I am very critical of misconceptions, even misconceptions spoken here. I stick to truth and facts. Nor have I ever told anyone to do the research unless they ask for something specific directly and or if it is warranted in a debate.

On 4/3/2023 at 9:06 PM, Matthew9969 said:

If our lives, way of living, way of believing and congregating was in such peril, if you have concrete information that can help you and us, then why not share it with us, esp. if effects your non religion as well! 

Apparently there has been rounds of religious folks (Christians being on the forefront) and the morally upright being targeted regarding various things they are moralistically are against, which originated long before the Nashville shooting for there has been a new emboldened build up for some time now, but as of recent has become more and more concerning. I had share similar notions in the past before concerning what the Beast/Babylon is doing. Unfortunately some do not listen, for instance, what I told @ApostaBabe Linda James or Butler.

As for those in Catholicism, one of my debate rivals talked about threats being sent to Catholic churches and schools, which has gone unchecked by the paradigm, and apparently he wasn't the only one to bring this up. Only recently the media somehow is picking up on this in Penn. state.

  • Pennsylvania State Police are investigating a series of hoax phone calls made to 911 centers on Wednesday that prompted numerous schools across the state to enter lockdowns or go into evacuation mode.... The calls are believed to be "computer-generated swatting calls," state police said. They are hoax calls made to emergency officials which aim to cause large police responses.


  • Safe2Tell noted - Resurrection Christian School and Loveland Classical Schools both closed school Friday, citing rumors of violence against Christian organizations and general threats

SWATTING threats usually involve falsehoods about murder, threats of murder/assassination, bomb threats, etc. The sadistic goal is to it to lead to a few deaths. This also goes for rumored threats.

Those 2 examples are two of several, outside of Nashville and the other ones, one recent mass shooting stopped by a janitor.

As for Jehovah's Witnesses, are in this too, concerning security measures, for, both Ezekiel and Kathgar who are JWs, cited there were talks of security, even before the Germany shooting, however, it is more serious talks in that regard, adding for their communion, this was the case, in Kathgar's case, he was already a victim of a terror group in the past. It will be a little harder for them because, not all JWs are aware of things, in a sense, a few of them easily gullible in some instances.

I am not non-religious, but it does affect us too, granted, some of us are out and about proclaiming the gospel, I already had my share of experiences with folks that do not like the Bible's message, especially out of the crazed political paradigm, one person in particular, who, I mentioned by name, is out of jail and still works at a school, hence my disdain for the current, and broken educational institution. Although I do not give into threats, even regarding some folks in other places, even here.

Not only there is a physical threat, in that regard, but a mental one too, something, Butler posted a while back, what I told him, became true, which is predictable because of the various things taking place in the background.

On 4/3/2023 at 9:06 PM, Matthew9969 said:

BTW I've noticed your avatar is a storm trooper, infamous for having very poor targeting and being massed produced as clones. And being programmed to serving the dark side and being programmed to have really bad aiming skills.

The reason I use the avatar was because of a child, a good friend to me, who passed away in his sleep, a few months shy away from age 11, I had mention this many times. Star Wars, specifically, The Storm Trooper was one of his favorite character (First Order so they're not clones), although they miss, he, was, and I myself later, was aware that they only miss because the plot demands it.

That being said, he was an only child of two genuine parents. Although he has been a sleep in death for a long time now, he is not forgotten, and soon God, along with his Christ, will bring him back. This goes for the other lost souls who were close to me, one of whom, suffered greatly.

On 4/3/2023 at 9:06 PM, Matthew9969 said:

As a universalist unitarian, what do you identify as?

I am not a Universalist Unitarian, especially when I am not in support of the Oneness view, which isn't core, among several things. We had this conversation before, and I recall some people attesting to the same thing only to be corrected. The only person who thought differently was @Jack Ryan, he assumed I was Muslim.

That being said, I am simply a man of God who understands that how a Christian should operate should be like that of the early apostolic church, who defends what is true, as well as speak truth to falsehoods misconceptions and other conspiracies that people proclaim as a truth, as is being 100% against agendas, in turn, knowing very well who is really friend or foe, as is the real enemy.

With all that said, there is some ongoing noise in the Truther community, a bit more direct towards religious folks though, so should I post anything this time, it would be wise to pay attention. This goes for you, or anyone here, any JW, etc.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, he was an only child of two genuine parents. Although he has been a sleep in death for a long time now, he is not forgotten, and soon God, along with his Christ, will bring him back. This goes for the other lost souls who were close to me, one of whom, suffered greatly.


@Space Merchant, I am so sorry for your losses, and for what they suffered, the family of the young boy and the others. It will be such a good day when all the suffering is over and the loved ones are all together again in peace. Jesus ransom blood is such a precious gift. Thank you for sharing your strong faith in the ransom and for loving truth. It is an encouragement to me and refreshing, as I am sure it is to many others here as well. 💖


"By iron, iron itself is sharpened. 

So one man sharpens the face of another."


"Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised.  And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near."

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