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‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?


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8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

As for being taken advantage of, yes probably. But like i say it's all in line with the scripture I quoted. ( Matthew 5 v 39 to 42)

The scripture you quoted has nothing to do with allowing yourself to be taken advantage of in that kind of circumstance. It's talking about bad people taking advantage of you. Someone wicked slapping you. And if a person wants to wrong you, then you let yourself be wronged. If someone wants to rob you, don't resist because it could cost you your life. And if someone in authority (the boss) asks you to do a job, don't just do the basics, go above and beyond.

The land owner is neither wicked (or is he) nor is he your boss. He might be a robber though xD


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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

John Butler:

Very interesting take on life.

I would be interested in knowing how it all works out over time.

I believe you are being taken advantage of  ... but that is not mine to call.

Giving freely to Millionaires is a double edged sword.

My philosophy is like the Motto on U.S. Money.

"In God We Trust"

..all others pay cash.

Just another day in The Divided States of America. You'd be amazed of how many want another civil war - it is wild.

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

I’m sorry John, even to be a house sitter, and using all the facilities or whatever, the decent thing for the owner of the house is to pay some kind of compensation for your services. I donÂ’t know the details of what kind of an agreement you have but it sounds odd.  I think having you taking care of the property ensures that there are no squatters. So you are doing the owner a BIG favour. As for wild parties, I mean, even if you had one every week, what damage would that do to an already dilapidated house?  

I assume your profile pic is of your son and his wife, or your daughter and her husband? So are they working on the property too, as the young lady is driving the digger.

You are right, money is not a means to happiness and giving is better than receiving, but I think when Jesus said those words he didnÂ’t have in mind free labour for someone with more money than you.

The only thing that does make sense is that you are retired and so earning extra money would be a problem, and so you are treating this as a hobby, and I understand that. What I don’t understand is the owner.  Hopefully he will be decent enough to reward you with some kind of compensation at a later date....

Anna you made me laugh. My profile photo is my wife and i, though from a few years back. The lady on the digger is my wife. She is twenty years younger than me, and is my third wife. Wife one and two committed adultery. Yes, I'm probably a hard person to live with. 

Doing the owner a favour, yes. We are on call for if inspectors of official bodies wish to visit the house too. Part of the agreement was that we could take anything that was in the house, except of course the owners belongings which came down from London. We have had a few bits and pieces but nothing of value, just items of interest. 

When we first visited the house the new owner had had security fencing put up all round. Hence locks and keys. But the actual house was not fully secure. The house is actually two houses with what is now a central courtyard, but was originally all built over, with 3 levels and a glass roof. There is a cellar which joins the two houses running under the central courtyard. So our first priority was to secure the house, which also meant blocking off one cellar entrance. The other cellar door had to be left open for the bats to fly in and out.  Oh there is so much more I could tell you but it would be like writing a book. 

Your last paragraph sums it up well about my pension etc. If he paid me, even in cash, I would have to declare it, and it would cause complications... One thing he did say, and i know this will not mean much to you, but he said he is writing a book about it all and my wife and i will be included. To this end, my wife (more so than i ), is taking hundreds of photos as a 'diary' of events. 

You mentioned my son. He has helped us on a few occasions. I will include a photo of him as he is now, age 24 and still living at home with us. He has never had any interest in the JW Org so has never been to meetings since being 'grown up'. An unusual young man for sure, he usually wears his hair in the Punk style of a Mohican.

The first photo is my wife and I this summer on a picnic, with one of her cars. It's Morris Minor 1000 that she inherited when her dad died. 

Plus a couple of photos of what we had to face when we started cleaning up the house, mess due to vandalism..

Enough for now, I'll probs get told off by someone on here. :) 


martin crane blackborough 99999.JPG



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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

And now I am suddenly thinking of eagles.

That being said, this thread went from robots and dolls, to houses, to this.

Yes, sorry SM. I know Anna and I are totally off topic. Especially my latest post. But but but, well no, I admit I'm in the wrong here. :( 

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

@BillyTheKid46 Agreed. Other than that there is a whole lot more things out there, some things that cannot be said, so I am trying to keep it on a PG-13 level.

Now as for you guys, as with all of us, when such things start to spill over on to the people, in the schools and churches, it cannot be prevented and or contained 100% for the intent of a man who does man is not as easily recognized to the general people of the community, on the other side of the spectrum, there are even more darker things going about in the world, and in my case, I can tell you, among the things I heard and witnessed, the ruler of this world is obvious, and to all of us, we have to be careful, for how this world caters to people, ill desires, some among them will find targets, victims, take advantage of the rules and regulations in institutions in order to do so,furthermore, it turns anyone who is on the side of the one who is targeted into an avenger of blood, so to speak, which was the case with several folks who took the law in their own hands.

Yes it is horrid and getting worse. Is Armageddon coming ?  How long will it be ? Do we need to be in a specific organisation ? 

Some scripture talk about being in our inner rooms, other scriptures mention two men working in the field and two women working at the grinding mill ( I think ) , one taken and one left behind.  Another scripture says something about not going back into your house to get an outer garment, I think.  Problem is, i cant keep it all in my head properly.  

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5 hours ago, Anna said:

The land owner is neither wicked (or is he) nor is he your boss. He might be a robber though xD

I forget where I read it, and it was probably talking about the card game Poker, but...

"It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money!".

It does have a certain cynical, yet pragmatic,  ring to it.


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8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I forget where I read it, and it was probably talking about the card game Poker, but...

"It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money!".

It does have a certain cynical, yet pragmatic,  ring to it.


How worldly :)  totally un-Christian attitude :) 

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5 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Yes, it’s not easy to maintain a good moral structure with an uncomfortable post. It reminds me of Mark 13:14-23. What society is becoming, and the interaction of Christians within, as though they have no choice but to accept having to be part of this world.

It must have been an impossible task for Jesus to subject his followers to accomplish. Not being part of. The curious thing comes with activism. In one hand, it can have blind rage, hate, harsh, and belligerent and in the other hand, the same values change just because its built with plastic.

I wonder if Mark cannot be applied. Mark 7:6. What makes sense is written in Galatians 6:3. Now I do find this humorous when interacting with confused souls. The effort, it must take and excuses to continue their untethered hatred while being supported by an unsavory character.

  1. the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.
    "growing activism on the abortion issue"
    1. 1.
      a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.
      "the British team lodged an official protest"
    I much prefer protest to activism myself. To express disapproval in a calm manner is much better than vigorous campaigning. 
    As to the point of "and the interaction of Christians within, as though they have no choice but to accept having to be part of this world"
    I would suggest that most JW's seem to accept having to live with Pedophiles within the JW Org. 
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46 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:
8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I forget where I read it, and it was probably talking about the card game Poker, but...

"It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money!".

It does have a certain cynical, yet pragmatic,  ring to it.


How worldly :)  totally un-Christian attitude :) 

Yeah, I know .... I guess I am a "work in progress"

One night in Downtown Charlotte,  some brothers and I were doing midnight "Hotel to Hotel" Witnessing, talking to bored Night Clerks at the front desk, and when it was the other Brother's turn to do the talking, I would, to cover some expenses,  go outside and roll some drunks.

I am 6'-6" tall, and they are de-ruuunk, so no one gets hurt, and I get a lot of loose change.

.... never had any complaints.

I like to think of it as an impromptu Alcoholics Anonymous encounter.

.... after subtracting for expenses, and a small surcharge, I do contribute half to the Worldwide Work.



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14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Yes it is horrid and getting worse. Is Armageddon coming ?  How long will it be ? Do we need to be in a specific organisation ? 

Some scripture talk about being in our inner rooms, other scriptures mention two men working in the field and two women working at the grinding mill ( I think ) , one taken and one left behind.  Another scripture says something about not going back into your house to get an outer garment, I think.  Problem is, i cant keep it all in my head properly.  

Jesus has said the end is near, so we should be ready, vigilant and enduring, knowing that God's Day will be upon us soon. One interesting thing that has been going on lately is the marriage between the political powers and religion, something of which was in full swing since 2015, but spoken of time and time again since the early 2000s, furthermore, this push for interfaith while the other seeks security, but in doing so destroying and or siphoning countries.

What you need is to apply the actual biblical truth from the Bible and abide by them, this goes for all men, and regarding JWs, their community knows that, as with all Restorationism for they hold to how the church of the 1st century did things in an organized fashion, hence God's Order, professed by Paul. One Christian who I have posted about before, someone I also make a reference to in my own topics, as with others, stated that if one is a JW or not/former JW, they still have to apply the bible teachings as the early church have done it, but some are often hindered by the actions of others resulting in Christian infighting and or something similar as with a spark of disdain and hatred, and this point shows of what went down mid-2015 and what took place in your country regarding the true gospel vs. the false one. One of the reasons as to why when we speak of men of other countries and or faiths, we understand their views and not adhere to falsehood or conspiracies of which some people point to the masses as truth, when it is really untruth.

As for the Scriptures. Are you referring to Matthew 6:6 or 2 Chronicles 3:8-14? What should matter the most in the End Times is not of your belongings, but, your life. For life is more valuable than gold, and we hold to that Scripturally and Spiritually.

Now this is why meditation is vital, in doing so, you can profess a verse and or passage from memory and from the heart. For example, I am a strong believer in commandment and or Law Shema Yisrael, and as to what it means and what it points to in the Bible, as with knowing that Jesus affirms Shema, as with Paul, who also affirmed it. We have to read and meditate the word daily, just as Jesus and others have done, in all our days we do something for God our Father.

As my father had always told me, always do something for God, even if it is for an hour, even a minute, be it singing, giving praise and or reading, etc. Because in doing so, you show you take the Scriptures seriously, but shows you take the time in your day for God, for you have this day because God gave you life.

That being said, always be vigilant and enduring because you do not know when the Master comes, for it will be unexpected like a thief in the night.

14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Yes, sorry SM. I know Anna and I are totally off topic. Especially my latest post. But but but, well no, I admit I'm in the wrong here. :( 

No worries. When ideas come into discussion other things are talked about. For we can discuss apples and sudden moments later we speak of oranges.

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20 hours ago, Anna said:

The librarian must be away. I am surprised he hasn't already created a post with "John Buttler and the derelict mansion"

He tends to focus on the religious clubs. This was a post in the secular part of the website.... I have noticed but don't really care as much as he does if people go off on crazy topics completely unrelated to anything. :D

I blame this on our infrastructure not allowing threaded replies. 

Maybe someday forums will grow up and learn from social media.  .... oh wait I'm sure there is already a thread about this in here somewhere. Ooops

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