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Hades is one of the first doctrines of the Apostasy.  Today in it's current form (Matthew 28:19) is also an insertion of Catholic dogma.  Why?  The Apostles only baptized followers in the Name of Jesus Christ. "Peter said to them: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit." (Acts 2:38)

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12 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

I am not sure I understand you here. Are you saying that the use of the word Hades was a post-apostolic insertion into the Greek Scriptures? Or do you mean that the false religious concepts associated with the word are what were later introduced by apostates.

It must be the latter view because the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures pre-dates the establishment of the Christian congregation, and itself uses Hades for the Hebrew word Sheol. Perhaps outstandingly so at Ps.16:10, because of the recording by Luke of Peter's application of this text to Jesus. (Acts 2:27, 31).

Please clarify.

Judaism was being swayed by foreign gods before the coming of the Messiah.  You're correct the Greek translation of the Old testament began 300 years before the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.  And the Greek Septuagint contained the Hebrew tetragram of God's Name in it. So when Apostates state that God's Name is not in the Greek Scriptures, they are LYING.  

"Without a doubt, there is a clear basis for restoring the divine name, Jehovah, in the Christian Greek Scriptures. That is exactly what the translators of the New World Translation have done. They have a deep respect for the divine name and a healthy fear of removing anything that appeared in the original text.—Revelation 22:18, 19."

God's Name in Greek.jpg

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12 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:

Hades is one of the first doctrines of the Apostasy.  Today in it's current form (Matthew 28:19) is also an insertion of Catholic dogma.  Why?  The Apostles only baptized followers in the Name of Jesus Christ. "Peter said to them: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit." (Acts 2:38)

Then why does the earliest manuscripts state "Father , Son and Holy Spirit" ? Do you happen to have a manuscript that predates all others which supports your claim? 


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2 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:

So when Apostates state that God's Name is not in the Greek Scriptures, they are LYING.  

You do realize that the Septuagint is just the OT right? It is NEVER found in the Greek New Testament manuscripts. 

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Just now, Brother Rando said:

I do but I will address that in another question about it.  Meanwhile, do your own research how the Apostles baptized followers.

If you do then you have somehow managed to keep this from the rest of the world which would carry with it plenty of skepticism. 

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3 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:

The Septuagint is in Greek.  Right??   

but what you are doing is creating a strawman argument. The Tetragrammaton is NEVER found in the ancient Greek New Testament manuscripts. 

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Just now, Brother Rando said:

Yes, there is.  The Dead Sea scrolls... prove that.  I already provided a copy of a fragment.  Magnify it if you must...

God's Name in Greek.jpg

Sir, I believe that what Shwii is saying, is the manuscript for the Christian Greek Scriptures, the oldest available, do not actually contain the TETRAGRAMMATON. The Greek Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, not the Christian Greek Scriptures. The argument, that we can insert God's name into the Christian Greek Scriptures, because it quotes the Hebrew Scriptures where the name appears, is not called translation. Thus, at the most a translator can only make a note where Kyrios [lord] may refer to "Jehovah" in the Hebrew Scriptures. They can't say "Jehovah" translates from "Kyrios". They can only say that in later times, Jews wrote documents, we call them J documents, in which they inserted Jehovah's name when they thought Kyrios meant Jehovah. But to date, no actual manuscripts of the Christian Greek Scriptures containing Jehovah's name have been found. In his book, Truth in Translation, a scholar whom we are happy to quote, Jason Beduhn, specifically states that the "insertion" of Jehovah into the Christian Greek Scriptures is simply not translation. It is theological bias. 

However, out of all the Bibles he analysed, we came out on top as the "Least" biased, though not absolutely.



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