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Displaying Good Manners as Ministers of God “Become imitators of God.”—EPH. 5:1. – ?????

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Displaying Good Manners as Ministers of God

“Become imitators of God.”—EPH. 5:1.


CONCERNING respectful conduct, author Sue Fox writes: “There’s no such thing as a vacation from good manners. Politeness works everywhere, all the time.” When people make a habit of being courteous, problems with others are minimized and often disappear. But the opposite is also true. Treating others in an ill-mannered fashion leads to conflict, resentment, and sadness. Good manners generally flourish in the true Christian congregation. 


Still, we must guard against adopting the bad manners that are common in the world today. In the fast-paced life that is common in many places today, two people often pass each other without saying “hello” or “how are you?” 


Of course, no one is expected to speak to everyone passing by on a crowded sidewalk. In many other situations, however, it is appropriate and desirable to greet others. Is it your custom to greet people? Or do you often walk by without a smile or a pleasant word? With no bad intention, a person could develop a habit that is in reality ill-mannered. 


Godly parents in Bible times made sure that their children learned basic points of courtesy in the home. Consider the polite way in which Abraham and his son Isaac addressed each other at Genesis 22:7. The good training from his parents was evident also in the case of Joseph. When imprisoned, he was courteous even to his fellow prisoners. (Gen. 40:8, 14) His words to Pharaoh show that he had learned the proper way to address a person of high office.  


The value of training our children to be well-mannered cannot be overestimated. To get along well as adults, young ones need to learn the proper way to greet visitors, to answer the telephone, and to eat a meal with others. They should be helped to understand why they ought to hold doors for people, show kindness to the elderly and sick, and offer to help those carrying heavy packages. They need to understand the importance of sincerely saying “please,” “thank you,” “you are welcome,” “may I help you?,” and “I am sorry.” 


In the last days of his evil rule, Satan is bent on wiping out the standards of respectful conduct that Jehovah has established. But the Devil will fail to eradicate the good manners of true Christians. May each of us be determined to follow the examples of our gracious God and his Son. 


Then our speech and conduct will always be in contrast with the actions of those who choose to be ill-mannered. We will bring praise to the name of our well-mannered God, Jehovah, and will attract sincere people to his true worship. 

Lesson for today. (Titus 2:7, 8)




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Displaying Good Manners as Ministers of God “Become imitators of God.”—EPH. 5:1. ????? CONCERNING respectful conduct, author Sue Fox writes: “ThereÂ’s no such thing as a vacation fro

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