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Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will...


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19 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I'd just as soon not see it play out. It is not as though Russia has nothing but pea shooters.

True, and China has already surpassed the technology of most US (non-nuclear) weapons. And a large percentage of US weapons are dismal failures in the field, continuing to disappoint some of of the major buyers who are currently allied with the US.

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Anytime. Most mainstream news media, coupled with social media cannot be trusted 100%, for not all the time they speak what is true unless it is in their favor, in addition to the recent video that ca

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Even if money and being able to make a living were completely a non-issue ... the value of a comprehensive education, ESPECIALLY history, is so that we are not being played for suckers ... and have to pay the life-long price for BEING suckers.

... pawns on a chessboard we do not even know exists.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

" Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will..."

That would be a neat trick, considering that Cruise Missiles can zig-zag, come in from an entirely different direction from that from which they were launched, and fly at tree top level, using inertial navigation systems as well as GPS. 

They can even be programmed to imitate Commercial Airline profiles.

Even RU Satellite views of the battlefield would be difficult to interpret.

The Russians are always ready and will be when things are about to go down, they have moved their warplanes ready in Syria, especially since the US Destroyers are not too far from them and they will not fall for the trick from last year, hence RU and US relations. Airline companies have re-routed themselves, should anything does happen. The Russians should not be underestimated either, they may not have a huge arsenal, but they are proficient in its use and it hits hard and gets the job done, for instance, the Iskander-M Ballistic Missile missiles. As for their infantry, they are trained to the bone and in some cases, in some crazy and cold environments too and they do not mess around either, I believe they also train their police and special forces this way also

An example:


1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

.... If it does escalate to a full scale spasm Global Thermonuclear War, I hope to have 20 minutes warning, so Susan and I can put our lawn chairs out in the street, with my picnic  cooler with beer, and watch the show.

.... as an experiment, I might take a plate of un-popped popcorn, and set it beside me.

2 Peter 3:10

Some people are already considering bunkers and or hiding from a possible draft, that some think it is best to bring back should war times escalate into something big, especially tensions in the Middle East and somewhat tension with North Korea. My neighbors said a while back to me that if Trump were to spark some sort of tension and or war with another nation, they said day 1 they will be out the country, first class/one way trip, making their way to Africa. My co-workers though were talking about bunkers and leaving the country also but think that it will not do them any good, others have stated they want to help out in the war effort, not realizing that Selective Service pretty much sets them up to have the military pay a visit to them, regardless if one is for or against going to war. Anyone, be it male or female, 18 and up is pretty much bounded by selective service the day they check that box when they sign up for financial service: https://www.sss.gov/Influencers/Students-and-FInancial-Aid-Officers. Even some military folk who are still in the force are not for the idea of war with anyone right now, especially those that came back.

But yeah, anything could happen, for the tension that is going on is like a fuse to a bomb, any minute it can blow, and it would cause damage to anything it touches, leaving visible marks.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I'd just as soon not see it play out. It is not as though Russia has nothing but pea shooters.

The Russians are always prepared, like sleep with one eye open prepared. Seeing how the Kremlin likes to showoff their military might, with the Duma and the church backing them, including allies, they will show their force of power if they have to, especially when provoked, in this case, Israel being the only opponent of theirs who jumped the gun, which didn't sit well with anyone. As for Russian firepower, they may not have as much as their counterparts, but they sure pack a huge punch, let's not forget nuclear options too.

All and all, as we speak they are ready to rumble right now. I recall last year, the RU military saying they do not trust the US, this may come into play soon.

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

I am no fan of Fox, nor Carlson, but I agree. I am equally ashamed of MSNBC and CNN and NPR among others. Trump has become the perfect distraction so that most of the major networks don't worry about asking difficult questions about foreign policy. Of course, there are times when any one of these networks will be correct on certain issues, but it must serve an existing (and very predictable) ideology.

They also treat him as a superstar. Any news pertaining to Trump is like a TV Drama show, all the while Trump and friends are making decisions that cause some damage. But outside of the US, majority of media is controlled by government and politics, an example of this is Russia, when the JWs were banned, they used the media as a source to spread misinformation JWs, as well as other targeted Russian/Ukrainian folks. Elsewhere, media is use to paint potential targets as the enemy, and speak slander of such people and or cover corrupt people of whom they support.

That is why when people speak truth on outside mainstream media, they tend to be silenced by means of their incoming getting cut-off, taken down and at times even death, which was the case with Journalist Serena Shim: https://wearechange.org/murder-never-heard-serena-shim/

1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

I assume Trump is always looking for ways to remain popular with an anti-Hillary/anti-Obama base, but with a very limited and obsolete political world-view. This will probably continue to serve him well for another few years because his opposition offers little more than "We're not Trump" in response. (And the fact that most Americans are politically gullible to the propaganda of only one of two camps.)

I dunno if he still goes for Hilary or Obama, however, he attempts to should he find someone to blame. Hilary and Obama, on the other hand, are not so clean either with what they got on their table. But yeah, majority of Americans, even those outside of the US who are glued to mainstream media will accept anything that is said to them and will consider that as a source of information.

Sometimes when you speak the truth, they will not accept it either, and they remain with what they have been told and or heard by means of the media.

It may soon come to a point where someone is going to expose the mainstream media to a great deal for the world to see, the Sinclair Script incident for the stations being just the surface.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

It may soon come to a point where someone is going to expose the mainstream media to a great deal for the world to see,

People are already suspicious of the mainstream media outlets from other countries. RT for example is considered fake news here even when (or especially when) it is being more accurate than any mainstream US outlets. And of course, it very often really is fake news, too. Here, it would take someone outside the mainstream ideologies, one who could recognize the great overlap between the supposedly divergent ideologies of, say MSNBC and FOX.

I think that Michael Parenti and Noam Chomsky already did an excellent job with their own attempts, Inventing Reality and Manufacturing Consent, respectively, but their own ideologies make their findings seem suspect to most. https://lorenzoae.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/chomsky-vs-parenti/

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

People are already suspicious of the mainstream media outlets from other countries. RT for example is considered fake news here even when (or especially when) it is being more accurate than any mainstream US outlets. And of course, it very often really is fake news, too. Here, it would take someone outside the mainstream ideologies, one who could recognize the great overlap between the supposedly divergent ideologies of, say MSNBC and FOX.

True, but I was about those who want to expose the mainstream media to the point where people will pop up in their headwaters to demand why they are being lied to, or any meeting and or town halls that they have by those exposing falsehood in big numbers, things of that nature, but I agree. RT is part of Russia: RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government. There is though a few independent Journalist who have appeared on RT to speak truth, leaving RT newsroom team unable to counter them and or change the subject, other times, independents just speak truth to get a reaction out of the mainstream newsroom team, one of the reasons you do not see independents every now and then because of how they put the RT team at the edge of their seats.

But yeah there are some people who are on the outside, but they do not get a lot attention though, for the mainstream media equals them on the level of Alex Jones and or the likes of Tomi Lauren, who pretty let the mainstream mess with her head as well as Donald Trump and friends, of whom she supports.

At the same time those who speak truth and or against the mainstream, like I said, are often silenced and or blocked somehow, but they are good, some have quite the colorful language though, but get to the point because they too have been fed up with the lies and misinformation.

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I think that Michael Parenti and Noam Chomsky already did an excellent job with their own attempts, Inventing Reality and Manufacturing Consent, respectively, but their own ideologies make their findings seem suspect to most. https://lorenzoae.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/chomsky-vs-parenti/

I'll make note of this, for this is the first time I ran across these two names.

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I had some respect for Christiane Amanpour in the past even from the time when she spoke for CNN when CNN was the voice of the US State Department. I thought that her particular perspective helped move CNN away from just a state-run propaganda tool, and that her recent absence was punishment for it. But she is back, and I realized from the way she worded things tonight across from Anderson Cooper (regarding tonight's US air strikes on Syria) that it is motivated by more than just the fact that CNN is very excited to be able to report on explosions. She went right back to her old role of restating questionable items as absolute facts, which is of course, the method that our state propaganda has needed to reinforce the military's views from a supposedly "neutral" perspective.


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I had a GREAT deal of respect for CNN during the first Gulf War ... for their on site reporting ... they catapulted in one month to a world leader in cable news, news.

I even BOUGHT the DVD movie of how that all took place ... fascinating and thrilling!

But CNN has devolved, not back into the trees ... but back into the swamp where methane burps from the rotted bog down of Clintonistas, and rises to the surface stinking.

The only reason you see CNN now in all the airports, is that they PAY the airports a fee, and supply and maintain all the huge monitors in the waiting areas.

When you have to PAY ... to have someone watch your shows ... and you are not selling Ronco Bass-O-Matics, you know you are in deep ...eh... denial.





Hillary helps two men .jpg

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Things might get a bit dicey in the coming hours/days. Team I members, the US, France and the UK, alongside the UN, has taken a shot at Syria, just days after Israel's actions, who is killing innocent unarmed civilians who are literally having a  Martin Luther King like protest as we speak, I believe dozens have already been killed.

@James Thomas Rook Jr. You may want to get your popcorn ready sooner than you think, World War III may be a real thing because things have reached a tipping point tonight, and there is a lot of peace and security talks, a lot of talk about God and Syrian Christians siding with Assad against the US and allies, historic moment for the UK PM, the United Nations, etc.


Global Mafia strikes again and this time they want Syria, for that was on the list several years ago as General Wesley Clark had openly said.



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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

@James Thomas Rook Jr. You may want to get your popcorn ready sooner than you think, World War III may be a real thing because things have reached a tipping point tonight, and there is a lot of peace and security talks, a lot of talk about God and Syrian Christians siding with Assad against the US and allies, historic moment for the UK PM, the United Nations, etc.

Since there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I can do about any of it .... absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER ... even if there is spasm Global Thermonuclear War that destroys EVERYTHING .... I will just miss twenty years wrinkled up like a prune, and living on aspirin, and four years in a wheelchair, leaning to one side and drooling, while the ward nurse, uglier than homemade sin,  decides if my diaper needs changing.

What?  Me Worry ?

I just hope the cockroaches get theirs, too.


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