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Shaming children from the stage...

Jack Ryan

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Recently, a 16ish year old was announced as no-longer-an-unbaptized-publisher from the stage. It's completely icky to me that adults would shame a child publicly like this. It's straight-up child abuse. I've seen it done to a 13 year old too. These kids didn't even get baptized and they'll still be shunned as "bad association".

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Recently, a 16ish year old was announced as no-longer-an-unbaptized-publisher from the stage. It's completely icky to me that adults would shame a child publicly like this. It's straight-up child abus

16 years of age is age enough to know that if you cannot play  by the rules, get out of the game.    

I think Judith Sweeney meant not getting involved with Jehovah's Witnesses .... not leaving home at that early age.

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On 12/16/2018 at 11:29 PM, Judith Sweeney said:

16 years of age is age enough to know that if you cannot play  by the rules, get out of the game.    

How does a 13-16 year old "get out of the game" ? 

Start a business to support themselves while obtaining a car and home once kicked out of the house for not drinking the koolaid ? 

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I think Judith Sweeney meant not getting involved with Jehovah's Witnesses .... not leaving home at that early age.

I understand,


looking at this from the angle I did, isn't this exactly what 13-16 year old's need to look forward to if they choose not to be a jw? many many cases have been this way. Child decides not to be a jw and gets thrown out of the home. 

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12 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

@James Thomas Rook Jr.  It is about keeping the Congregations clean...according to Scripture.     

    What I meant exactly is that a 16 year young person is old enough to know that if that person is living a double life....then there is the risk of "reaping what is sowed".    

so you are saying its ok for them to be shamed on the stage to keep the congregation clean?  I'm not picking this apart, just trying to see your point.

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     Let's just say that this person/kid is going out in service, and is leading a double life.  Then they are subject to being reproved.    That is all.   It would be different if that person messed up and then went to the congregation elders for help.   That would show a repentant attitude.  


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17 hours ago, Judith Sweeney said:


     Let's just say that this person/kid is going out in service, and is leading a double life.  Then they are subject to being reproved.    That is all.   It would be different if that person messed up and then went to the congregation elders for help.   That would show a repentant attitude.  


So in a sense you are ok with shaming kids from the stage.

Got it. 


So next question, What if that kid doesn't want to go out in service? but is forced to? 

Then it is still ok to shame them for not wanting a part of "the game" ? 

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I am not into "Combative" speech.     If the kid....who is 16 yrs. of age does not WANT to go out in service....then eh,  let said kid stay home and clean the place where they live.   I am not going to overthink this one.     I can smell Spoiled Children a mile off.... so to speak.    Jesus did not FORCE the Truth on anyone.   Are You....the kid who is angry?   Of course, Anger is a Secondary Emotion many times....stemming from Hurt. 

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I don't quite get your comment on "combative speech", unless you are meaning my query into your position on the matter. If that is the case, then please let me explain. It is very easy for folks to side step or use words sort of like a double innuendo to slip out of their position when presented with a logical scenario in which they would find themselves at odds with their previous position. I just wanted to be clear on where you stand. You have made it clear to me that you do accept public shaming of children. I was only offering/questioning another possibility of where you may not agree with shaming children. I see now that there is not. 


 I agree with you on the cleaning the house or some other thing to do if they choose not to participate in the family function, however the kid didn't choose to be born into this family. So I guess its either suck it up and go through the motions until of age to care for ones self, or pay the consequences. Either situation is a far cry from a loving family or "what would Jesus do". You're right Jesus didn't force anyone to do anything, but many jw parents do. Many jw parents force their children to go out in service or be a jw and if they choose not to, throw them out of the house. Happens all the time. I was just playing devil's advocate.


Nope, I'm not the angry kid. In fact I have never been a jw nor had jw parents. does this discredit my observation of jw parents kicking their children out of the house? you could say that, but you would be wrong. 

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