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11 hours ago, AlanF said:

facts is as the sin of witchcraft?

A fool says there is no God...... yet you know well enough that witchcraft truly exists.  So you are aware that Satan exists but refuse to acknowledge jehovah? How stubborn is that. 

There is one thing you cannot deny is that "information" is everywhere in the universe.  The very mathematics you use is a language which conveys information, the DNA -  is the organization of information and the organized  sequence of how the information is used to build  proteins etc. ..... the operating system of humans....and animals...... information is in everything! 

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I'm making a catch-all place for the discussions on these topics that were currently under different topics/subjects. As I move old posts into this new topic, the oldest ones will appear to identify t

On Whether Noah's Flood Is Physically Possible Consider the amount of water needed to flood the entire earth to a depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains. What depth would that be? T

This helped me to see the source of Alan’s enmity towards me. It is pure envy.

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12 hours ago, AlanF said:

Simpleminded ad hominems are your only responses.

No. They are not simpleminded. You keep asking for “proofs.” Your adhominem is the best proof anyone could ask for that whatever you have does terrible things to a person.

14 hours ago, AlanF said:

As I said, I've helped well over a hundred people quit the JW cult.

Paul calls this “shipwreck of the faith.” So be it. It is a battle for hearts being waged today. Anyone not repulsed by your adhominem is probably bound to go in your direction anyway. That is why I keep coming back to it. It is the best safeguard possible, in the spirt of “by their fruits you will recognize them.”

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19 hours ago, AlanF said:

JWs are afraid to read any material not coming from the Watchtower Society

what a lie! We do not find good advice or good ideas in any of these other publications.... it is watered down to our tastes.  I read science, philosophy, history and much about current events .....and much more but I still enjoy our bible studies the most!.  It is not a matter of fear  ut a matter of choice!

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19 hours ago, AlanF said:

Orwellian dystopia", t

I am in the world - so I know what is going on.  I am a witness by choice .... living in the real world.  I am no part of the world but this does not mean that I am not on planet earth and conscious...of what is going on..... . lol

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As regards reading other material, I have to admit that when I read apologetic works which otherwise seem reasonable and then conclude that all this indicates that Jehovah-Jesus-Holy Spirit are part of a trinity and blah, blah, blah ... It's like nails on a chalkboard. If there's one doctrine that I detest even more than evolution, it's the trinity doctrine.

Reading a book like this is like walking down the road with what appears to be a normal human, sound in mind, and then they strip naked and start barking at cars and chasing cats.

If you're reading something where you KNOW the goal of the writer - namely simply to trash you and your faith as a whole w/o admitting that there are positive elements and results from your beliefs, well it's like picking up a book, opening it up and seeing what looks like a countdown timer and trip wires, you might pitch it fast.

The way I've dealt w/this issue is to always have a pen (never a pencil) and write down my remarks to the author as I read it. We're having a conversation, as it were and I'll have a few things to say along the way.

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

A fool says there is no God...... yet you know well enough that witchcraft truly exists.  So you are aware that Satan exists but refuse to acknowledge jehovah? How stubborn is that. 

There is one thing you cannot deny is that "information" is everywhere in the universe.  The very mathematics you use is a language which conveys information, the DNA -  is the organization of information and the organized  sequence of how the information is used to build  proteins etc. ..... the operating system of humans....and animals...... information is in everything! 

Prove that my disproof of the Bible God is wrong. Then you might have other than complete nonsense to spout.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No. They are not simpleminded. You keep asking for “proofs.” Your adhominem is the best proof anyone could ask for that whatever you have does terrible things to a person.

Paul calls this “shipwreck of the faith.” So be it. It is a battle for hearts being waged today. Anyone not repulsed by your adhominem is probably bound to go in your direction anyway. That is why I keep coming back to it. It is the best safeguard possible, in the spirt of “by their fruits you will recognize them.”

Prove that my disproof of your Bible God is wrong. Then you might have something besides simple-minded ad hominems.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

what a lie! We do not find good advice or good ideas in any of these other publications.... it is watered down to our tastes.  I read science, philosophy, history and much about current events .....and much more but I still enjoy our bible studies the most!.  It is not a matter of fear  ut a matter of choice!

Whatever you read is filtered by your first seeing if it contradicts Mommy Watchtower's traditions. Example:

I suggested you read one of Richard Dawkins' books. Your response: "I won't read it because he believes in aliens seeding life on earth". Which is a lie.

Any and all excuses to refuse to look at facts.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

I am in the world - so I know what is going on.  I am a witness by choice .... living in the real world.  I am no part of the world but this does not mean that I am not on planet earth and conscious...of what is going on..... . lol

Your world is one of conspiracy theories and other sorts of nonsense. Your brain has trained itself to ignore everything outside that nonsensical little world. Much like the way Flat Earthers and your fellow Young-Earth Creationists do.

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3 hours ago, xero said:

As regards reading other material, I have to admit that when I read apologetic works which otherwise seem reasonable and then conclude that all this indicates that Jehovah-Jesus-Holy Spirit are part of a trinity and blah, blah, blah ... It's like nails on a chalkboard. If there's one doctrine that I detest even more than evolution, it's the trinity doctrine.

Reading a book like this is like walking down the road with what appears to be a normal human, sound in mind, and then they strip naked and start barking at cars and chasing cats.

If you're reading something where you KNOW the goal of the writer - namely simply to trash you and your faith as a whole w/o admitting that there are positive elements and results from your beliefs, well it's like picking up a book, opening it up and seeing what looks like a countdown timer and trip wires, you might pitch it fast.

The way I've dealt w/this issue is to always have a pen (never a pencil) and write down my remarks to the author as I read it. We're having a conversation, as it were and I'll have a few things to say along the way.

I agree that the Trinity doctrine is nonsensical. But no more so than much else in the Bible. I mean, really:

The world of humans is messed up because a talking snake convinced a naked woman to eat a piece of fruit?

The earth is a flat, circular disk shaped like a pizza pie and swimming in giant blob of primeval water?

Birds come in the fossil record before any land animals?

Etc. etc. etc.?

Once again: your take on evolution goes like this: "I can't believe everything got here by chance. Therefore the Bible God exists."

But why the Bible God? Why not Brahma? Why not Zeus? Why not the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

I'll tell you why: you were trained to believe in the Bible God from infancy by your culture.

You fail to realize, along with most other god-botherers, that your emotional condition is irrelevant to the truth of the universe. Facts don't care if you're uncomfortable with them. Facts don't care if your faith is trashed by them.

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33 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Prove that my disproof of your Bible God is wrong. Then you might have something besides simple-minded ad hominems.

Prove that my proof of your disproof of my disproof of your disproof of my proof of your horrendous adhominem is wrong. Then you might have something besides the “heads I win/tails you lose” rules of your mommy world.

That’s what I’M talking about.

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22 minutes ago, AlanF said:

conspiracy theories

Brutus conspired to kill Caesar;  Lenin conspired to bring about a revolution; CIA has conspired to arrange the fall of several other governments; MKULTRA covered up their tracks regarding the torturous secret psychological experiments on unknowing American citizens, Operation Paperclip arranged for Nazi criminals to come to USA secretly, acquire research positions under new names......and perpetuated their crimes on US soil.

All of these 'secret goings on and other conspiracies" in your mind do not exist because people are not sinful and wicked. Conspiracies are not possible - especially if one puts your trust in a human government with censoring capabilities........ Now I wonder who of us (me or you)  is living in "Alice in Wonderland " with "Goldilocks weather conditions" where life springs from nothing and people never sin or do bad things such as "conspiring"?

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